london-boy said:
Akumajou said:
I feel that N allowed themselves to be type cast as an "Evil Empire" and that cost them the N64.
Funny how many people seem to believe that "the people" (Not us, i mean the other 5 or so billion people out there who don't know what a texel is) buy things out of long periods of thought.
That's not how it works.
The people watch TV, see the good adverts, look at what's cool and interesting for them according to what the advert tells them, then go out and buy the thing.
That's the whole point of Marketing, not being targetted at the people "in-the-know" but at the people who have no clue.
The people actually spending time looking at reviews and thinking about what to buy (further than listening to what marketing tells them i mean) before they do are actully a very small percentage, in the sea of ignorance we are bathed every day.
Which is why Dreamcast failed, why XBox if launched in 1999 or 2000 would have also failed and why it took so long for our reality's 2001 launched XBox to make a statement in the last 2 months of 2004.
WOW, you got it!!! I mean, WOW!!! Why are you not working for Nintendo?! I mean you have the solution to their problems right there!!! :?
And you would say otherwise??, really just think about it, the GC's specs are obviously far superior to PS2 and having a DVD drive and normal media would have brought in more 3rd parties to Nintendo than XBox.
Of course the only reason N did what they did in reality was based on avoiding piracy that technically is still being violated with the console and mod happy modding pirates.
That and "probably" that N wanted to avoid little Jimmy from getting a copy of Jenna Jameson's Aventures in the A or Private Films world class erotic entertainment DVDs causing Lil's Jimmy's parents to go sue happy.
People bitch about MS buying devs then turn around saying they should have bought more?? Buying devs out is not the only way to secure games to one's console you know, or every dev out there would be a first party studio to whoever bought them first...
Well, do you think that MS could have secured exclusive agreements with Konami (MGS 2 and 3), Eidos (Tomb Raider), Square (FFX), etc??
Or they could have gone shopping for Japan devs, just 2 or 3 really that would work on RPGs, Dating sims, and then some standard action adventure games as well as court Bandai so that Mobile Suit Gundam (major Japanese anime franchise) first person shooter would show up on XBox with system link to help sell consoles.
I agree, somewhat. They should have made the Xbox a more Japanese friendly platform. They only pushed on the tech capabilities of the hardware on every front, on their marketing, on their games, on everything, when people (the same people i was talking about at the beginning of my post) don't really care about how many bumps your average normal mapped pixel shaded character has.
I agree, but not only that, I feel that people back then really did not know just how important transform & lighting, enviroment bump mapping and pixel and vertex shaders were because they were really looking forward to MGS 2, any game with Square as a publisher slapped on it, FFX, and other stuff.
Not sure what cars have to do with it, but i think buying out Sega could have helped MS if Sega also started to release interesting titles, which they have failed to do for the last 3 years or so. Other than that, it's just the name, a very expensive name, with average games, apart from the very very few exceptions.
Are you saying that Panzer Dragoon Orta, Virtua Fighter 4/Evo, Sonic Adventure series ports, both Shenmues, SEGA arcade ports, etc would not have been interesting games even if they were exclusive to XBox??
For a second there I could have sworn you were talking about Rare
In terms of size, Rare cannot be confused, nor compared to SEGA as a dev, just look at the number of SEGA ports and exclusives spread out on all 3 consoles compared to Rare just being purchased, scrapping NGC SDKs and having to learn MS XBox SDKs to make ports of original games intended for another console.
Now lets say MS would have bought SEGA and all of those SEGA prototype Dreamcast games became exclusive XBox titles, then add to that SEGA's library of Arcade games to port as exclusives to XBox and pretty much the XBox would have been swamped with so many SEGA titles, many a fan would have just slapped a SEGA sticker on their XBox consoles.