Finally, someone else who understands. Nintendo is not all about marketing like Sony and Microsoft. Nintendo is a company that is about ideals. The ideals come first then they trying to adapt things to them. Sony and Microsoft on the other hand are generic big business. They are all about money.
Nintendo = Goals' first
Sony and Microsoft = Money first.
Oh please
They are all three corporations, and concerned about profit first. However if one appears "greedier" to me than the others, it would have to be Nintendo and it's practice of putting terrible, cheap hardware out at a very high price (Wii, 3DS, even DS).
Wii was literally an overclocked Gamecube internally. Gamecube was selling for 99 dollars and I'm sure it was profitable at the end of last gen. At $250 Nintendo must have made about $200 per system, while Sony and MS where putting high end hardware and losing money in theirs. For that matter the Wii U is looking like basically an X360, and even with an expensive controller they're probably going to sell it for a highly profitable $350 or something. Hell, I wished back in the day Nintendo had just put some nice, cheap, decent hardware in Wii. An X1600XT GPU was what I wished for at the time, would not have challenged PS360, but would have put out some competent visuls. If they had, you might even argue they might not be in this position of dead to the hardcore today. Instead they cheaped out.
Then you could argue Nintendo systematically almost created a hostile environment on it's platforms for third parties, in order to monopolize more with it's own high profit software. Many devs have spoken on this. Of course now Nintendo is signing a different tune with Wii U, but a cynic might question their motives to say the least.
Also, from what I know the Japanese software industry, where Nintendo first party is mostly, is known for almost slave labor conditions and low pay. I imagine lets say, Mario Kart Wii, being simple in gameplay, art etc, and likely built on the GC title base, cost Nintendo almost nothing to develop, but went on to create insane profits for them. The same would seem to apply to most of their Wii titles.
I disagree, to me Sony & Microsoft are listening to their existing customer base and trying to appeal to them, whereas Nintendo is trying to appeal to everyone.
? All I hear after E3 is, Microsoft only cares about casual gamers now, abandoned the hardcore only focusing on Kinect. And you're criticizing them for the opposite?
Too me they're even here. Sony and MS had the hardcore, then made a play for the casual with Move and Kinect. Nintendo was the reverse, had the casual, now making a play for the hardcore with Wii U. All 3 companies are basically doing the same thing, arguably the obvious thing.