Let's not lose sight of the issue here though, which is selling the Wuu to core gamers. "Your game may not have working chat," isn't a good sell to a lot of Nintendo's intended market.
I'll be surprised if Joe Gamer buys into Wuu full of enthusiasm for developers no longer hampered by a set of requirements like "common friends list, party formation, clear chat, stable network structure" dictated by the console company. Whereas "we'll provide a clear network structure that ensures every game has access to a common friends list, easy party formation, stable network structure and voice chat" would be received very well.
Well, they're certainly not going to capture Call of Duty gamers without some sort of decent online structure. It may only be 20% at most, but these are the gamers who are known to be active throughout the years. These are the gamers who switch up the top 10 XBL played games list every now and then - they sustain the presence of mind that the platform is healthy and going strong instead of just being a hardware statistic for a platform that is stale and that is known to get shoved into a closet for months. If the online is going healthy, it becomes another revenue stream for developers selling DLC - a robust online ties into the social aspect.
Or unrelated to gaming, one might hear about the other online services offered by the console making it attractive to non-gamers of all sorts i.e. Netflix *shrug*
I question just who exactly Nintendo is trying to target. If the above negative comments on the online social aspect is to be believed, then it sounds like Nintendo is going to capture just the people who were already going to buy into Nintendo IP. Mission Accomplished /Bush
The market is fragmented enough when it comes to exclusive control schema, so that's a lot of faith to put into third party for focusing on the controller's unique devices that won't seem like gimmicks, particularly when the WiiU is touted as an easy system to port to/from. Did people rave about the Gameboy Advance connectivity in Splinter Cell GCN It seems rather dubious to me considering it rivals the original Duke controller in size and is even less ergonomic than dual shock, (IME @E3).
And now I'm done rambling. >_>