More speculation about the controller. I'm still not impressed by the idea of a gamepad with a touch screen. Even if it has hepatic technology and it works amazingly well, all you get is a lot of buttons with pretty pictures on them. How is that supposed to be the next step in gaming?
If Nintendo wants to build on the success of the Wii, the next step would be hand gesture control. Imagine a device you wear on a forearm with cameras directed at your hand. With the help of tilt and motion sensors, the setup should allow you to reconstruct an accurate model of your entire arm in 3D space--down to the finger tips. That opens up tons of possibilities. To cast a spell in a RPG game, you just do a casting motion. To employ telekinesis, just cup your hand and direct it at the object you want to grab. To throw a split-finger fastball instead of a two-seamer in a baseball game, just change your grip. Such a controller would probably have a touch screen for things like play-calling. The sci-fi cool factor along warrant its inclusion.
Kinect already does 95% of the things you describe. It wouldn't be new....