Vysez said:
marconelly! said:
Just saw direct screens of DS games posted earlier. Looks a bit meh, I think. Maybe even a bit worse than what I remember N64 games to look like
point filtering, and a few "perspective errors" (forgot the exact term in english), software rendering age striked back.
According to the press website:
3-D: With the newly developed graphics engine, DS can reproduce impressive 3-D renderings that can surpass images displayed on the Nintendo® 64. Games will run at 60 frames per second, and allow details like fog effects and cel shading.
Sound: The 16-channel sound allows for greatly expanded use of voices and music, and a richer, more immersive game experience. A plug for headphones transmits stereo sound.
I also read somewhere there's now a ARM9 CPU (besides the ARM7TDMI, 16 MHz, which was in the GBA) as well.
They used to have a dedicated hardwired 2D engine in the GBA, so it sounds to me there's now some 3D hardware in the ASIC (probably) they custom designed for the DS. In the past they used Sharp. Probably they did the same thing again.
Sounds is also improved. I think for the GBA they sticked to to four channel Gameboy sound, but added the ability to playback stereo 16-bits
sounds (even samples, added to the MIDI sound).
I agree with the things people said about the Metroids pictures. Look "cheesy" to me. Mario with its more cartoon like graphics looks ok to me.
Also saw the Zelda video... indeed amazing...