E3: Nintendo Conference

Goldni said:
My hope for this year is that Link (although we know he'll still be cell shaded) will be totally redrawn as an older more rough Link. Just no that puppy Link from WW. As great as WW was the puppy Link just killed me.
Yeah, because as everyone knows, it sucks to be a child, and that they are not even real human beings, only aspiring ones. The realest human, and the only ones really worth being, as everyone knows, is a caucasian male between the age of 17 - 30.
Oh yeah, and you got to be rough and callous, else your not cool (and that’s the WORST thing that can happen).
How old were most of you when they enjoyed the original Zelda, Mario etc. on the NES? Think about it.

Did he actually say this?

He doesn't need to actually say it. I mean where else is he getting his opinion from on these games? He's certainly not basing it on blind optimisim or heresay, that's just not him from what I've seen.


I don´t mean to sound like a troll, but as I grow older I begin to realize that this has always been the case with Nintendo. You have a bunch of Nintendo fans hyping their games to the stratosphere, and when you finally get the news, you find out it wasn´t anything close to what was expected.

To be honest I thinik that opinion comes from the perspective of someone who just isn't a fan of the type of games Nintendo tend to produce. Nothing wrong with that, but you need to take that into consideration. I see Sony and MS hype games all the time and in the end they usually don't interest me in the slightest (I'd have bought a PS2/XBox if they did). But I realise that doesn't mean they didn't deserve the hype for the people who were interested.

AFAICS Nintendo themselves don't hype even close to as much as they should most of the time.

Microsoft spin and hype tne smallest things at times. And Lets not get started on Sony and there super computers that wull allow games to have characters with real emotions... :)

All three companies hype products and all the fans of all companies do it too (forums are full of PS3 and XBox2 hype for instance).
Teasy said:
He doesn't need to actually say it. I mean where else is he getting his opinion from on these games? He's certainly not basing it on blind optimisim or heresay, that's just not him from what I've seen.

I guess I'm not so trusting as you. Unless he explicitly states how he came to that opinion, it is just as likely that he is just "saying those things" because he "feels" them.

I mean, I expect the next Metroid to be awesome as well based on the prior installment but at least you know HOW I came to that opinion.
Well, looks like I might be dusting off my Cube afterall. I'm definitely interested in most of the games he mentions. I think the secret game is Donkey Kong, because it's from the same era as Asteroids. I hope so.
Squeak said:
Goldni said:
My hope for this year is that Link (although we know he'll still be cell shaded) will be totally redrawn as an older more rough Link. Just no that puppy Link from WW. As great as WW was the puppy Link just killed me.
Yeah, because as everyone knows, it sucks to be a child, and that they are not even real human beings, only aspiring ones. The realest human, and the only ones really worth being, as everyone knows, is a caucasian male between the age of 17 - 30.
Oh yeah, and you got to be rough and callous, else your not cool (and that’s the WORST thing that can happen).

Heh, I don't remember gamers complaining about the midgets in Tales of Syphonia or FF:CC...

Anyway two games that were hyped to death, but bombed big time was Ghost Hunter and that game that took place in London.
The Getaway? Yeah, it bombed.. and it got mediocre reviews. (on the good side of mediocre, 7/10 average)

Too much vision, not enough execution.
Teasy said:

To be honest I thinik that opinion comes from the perspective of someone who just isn't a fan of the type of games Nintendo tend to produce. Nothing wrong with that, but you need to take that into consideration. I see Sony and MS hype games all the time and in the end they usually don't interest me in the slightest (I'd have bought a PS2/XBox if they did). But I realise that doesn't mean they didn't deserve the hype for the people who were interested.

Quite an unfair comment, don´t you think? Just because I´m a Sony fan does not mean that my opinion on Nintendo is less than yours, for example. Afterall, I do enjoy games like SMS, and the first three quarters of TWW, not to mention that I used to be the biggest fan of Nintendo that you could find.

In fact, I believe it´s even more valuable feedback than the one of a Nintendo fan, since such a person tends to see in a very positive light everything about the company, no matter what it is.

I agree that every company hypes their product, but there´s a thing about Nintendo´s way that it ends up dissapointing you, if you are not a hardcore fan, that is.
About 10 more minutes until Nintendo's conference. Also, news regarding Nintendo's next console has just been posted.

May 11, 2004 - IGNcube has learned that Nintendo is about to introduce a new code name for its next gaming console. The successor of the Gamecube will from now on be referred to as "Revolution."

Nintendo is said to at least touch upon development of the next-generation hardware in its E3 press conference, which will commence shortly.
Look for more information soon.

I'll be watching most of Nintendo's conference via Gamespot Complete so I'll post any interesting news here...
I thought that you people filled 2 pages about that Conference in 2 mins...


Can you take Screenshots Casper? That' will be much appreciated, for sure.
I just realised that Advance Wars is an action game according to Nintendo and it doesn't look very strategic at first sight.

Fire Emblem on the other hand is a turnbased strategic game.


Odama sounds really cool ,btw.