Ok, Johnny. Way to do a half-assed job - but hey, atleast we know you can add the numbers together.
I've composed a list of the games on the Sony PlayStation2 platform that has surpassed sales of
1 Million and that can be verified. Due to non-existent NPD data and/or verifiable numbers to a degree of accuracy beyond the Million's place - all number that have been verified at the Million (of titles sold positions) when companies release statements. Thus, all non-integer sales between
n and
n+1 have been rounded to
n where they are verifiable and follow in a conservative manner that best suits provability and reliability of data.
As with any compilation, errors will occur - if you see them, please either state it or PM me. I have these composed in Excel, if you'd like to have it - send a PM, it's no problem at all. If you have verifiable data that conflicts with that stated here - obviously, send the link (proof) and correct numbers... lets make this accurate.
I have several structural problems with the way Johnny is conducting this basically racist argument, which in theory is the
Eastern developers (the Japanese in practice) against the
Western developers (Everyone else in practice). Thus, as I will later show, this is fallicious due to many factors and I, for one, don't believe that the sudden influx of 'Western" developers into the Console market from other Arena's equals a revolution and/or revelation against the
Eastern developers.
Thus, counting the number of sheer titles is fallicious IMHO as there is a "slight" population disadvantage for the
Eastern/Japanese developers to extract talent and resources from. Thus, the concept of "Shovelware" and other forms of "Hype" and "Flooding" of the maketplace can skew the absolute title count.
I thus propose that we utilize Adam Smith's infamous
Invisable Handand allow the free-market and the allmighty dollar to be the judge of Developers and where they stand. Thus, we'll base it off of titles sold. This is freer of Publishers influences, Shovelware, and other problem concering absolute title number that I will explain after I go threw the numbers (it'll be clearer).
Thus, without further adu:
Million(+) Sellers on the Playstation2 platform said:
1 Ace Combat 4 - One
2 ATV Offroad Fury - One
3 ATV Offroad Fury 2 - One
4 Bond: Agent Under Fire - One
5 Crash Bandicoot: Cortex - One
6 Devil May Cry - One
7 Dragon Ball Z: Budokai - One
8 Dynasty Warrior 2 - One
9 Dynasty Warrior 3 - One
10 Dynasty Warrior 4 - One
11 Final Fantasy X - Five
12 Final Fantasy X-2 - Two (Jp only)
13 Gran Turismo 3 - Eleven
14 Grand Theft Auto 3 - Eight
15 Grand Theft Auto Vice City - Eight
16 Hitman 2: Assassin - One
17 Hot Shots Golf 3 - One
18 Jak and Daxter - One
19 Kingdom Hearts - Two
20 LOTR: TTT - Two
21 Madden 2001 - One
22 Madden 2002 - Two
23 Madden 2003 - Four
24 Max Payne - One
25 Medal of Honor Frontline - Two
26 Metal Gear Solid 2 - Five
27 Midnight Club - One
28 Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance - One
29 NBA Live 2003 - Two
30 NBA Street - One
31 NCAA 2003 - Two
32 Onimusha - Two
33 Onimusha 2 - One
34 Ratchet and Clank - One
35 Resident Evil Code Veronica - One
36 Ridge Racer? - One
37 Silent Hill 2 - One
38 Simpsons Road Rage - One
39 SOCOM - One
40 Spiderman The Movie - Two
41 Spy Hunter - One
42 SSX - One
43 Tekken Tag Tournament - One
44 The Getaway - Two
45 The Sims - Two
46 THPS3 - One
47 THPS4 One
48 Twisted Metal: Black - One
49 Virtua Fighter 4 - Two
50 Winning Eleven - Two
* This is all nicely spaced and done seperate in the Excel sheet, but due to margins and spacing problems on here you'll need to: (a) PM me for the Excel sheet, (b) Seperate them yourselves.
Relative Title Sales Estimate (in Millions) said:
Western Total - 54.5
Eastern Total - 41
Relative Sales % said:
Western % - 57.06806283
Eastern % - 42.93193717
So, although he's [Johnny] proven that he can find a percentage by adding a bunch of simplistic number together all derived from sheer number of titles on the market - but the question is,
What does this proven in light of the fact that "Eastern" developers are in practice only those that hail from Japan? A small country as it is...
Obviously, Sheer title numbers are against the Japanese as they're isolated in this basically racist potulate Johnny's stating. Thus, the very weight of the "Western" population will allow for many more developers based in that region and they can obviously produce more sheer titles.
Although, we can find a
Population Equivalency where we base titles sold against Japan's population and concurrently against the "Western" world as outlined by Johnny (which is everyone else). The results are as shown (formula is endnote):
Population Equivalency (1) said:
Western - 9.08333E-09
Eastern - 3.25397E-07
We can further clearify the discrepency between
Eastern and
Western Developers and why sheer numbers won't work by Normalizing to base 100 (Bigger is better):
Norm said:
Western Normalization - 100
Eastern Normalization - 3582.350371
The Next problem with Utilizing Sheer number is finacing.
Eastern/Japan against the rest of the
Western World is improper due to the sheer market economics and the inability to raise the necessary funds domestically for an
Eastern based studio. The difference can be seen here:
GNP Equivalency (2) said:
Western - 2.874927467
Eastern - 11.54929577
To make this discrepency clearer, we'll again normalize the data to Base 100 (Bigger = Better):
Norm said:
Western Normalization - 100
Eastern Normalization - 401.7247706
So, we can safely say that the
Eastern developers from Japan have just under half the present marketshare (42%) of titles that sold over 1M copies on the PS2 Platform. Thus, we can state that their absolute marketshare is very strong at just under half - and hardly shows a deminishing trend in their design ability and/or sales potential.
We've shown that they're absolutly killing the much larger
Western companies/developers in terms of (titles sold)/(Develop pool) and (titles sold)/(Domestic based capital available).
If anything, this is showing that the
Eastern developers are doing more with less (high effeciency) and have a much higher sucess rate concidering the racist bounds people here are imposing on them. If anything, the Western Developers have a long way to do to equal the Japanese achievements - to say anything else is wrong. Yet, this shows that theit is much more expansion room left in the
Western Community.
(1) This is the number of titles sold / aggreate population (possible labor pool) and also (possible cultural sales pool).
(2) This is the number of titles sold / aggregate GNPs in Trillion USDs ['G7' = G8 - Japan]
I chose to do [titles sold] per person rather than people per title because it's easier to just say "Bigger is better" than explain why the effecieny is higher and 'East' is presently doing better with a smaller number.
(1) & (2) - Numbers from CIA Worldbook
PS. Other Sales numbers found using