So Q, I get it. It makes so much sence! So, BBB is a corperate entity that exists legally on paper and has yet to produce a PC game (or any game fort that matter) - Nevermind the fact that much of the talent is one in the same with Lionhead, the PC developer with close relations with Microsoft.
"big blue box studios is a games company based near guildford in the uk which specialises in original and innovative titles. founded in 1999 by simon carter, dene carter and ian lovett, we are the first of lionhead studios' satellite developers.
a lthough big blue box is an entirely autonomous entity we receive the full support of lionhead, which includes the talents of games guru peter molyneux, and role-playing legend steve jackson amongst others."
See that's the point. The talent didn't necessarily come from Lionhead, as noted they are
autonomous and recieve support from Molenuex and steve jackson. That support being design, some technology, and a deal with a publisher. Just because lionhead had close relations with MS, doesn't necessairly make everyone or anybody they are working with a PC developer. What makes a PC developer just that? When you release a bloddy PC game. correct, do you agree with that statement?
If all it takes is a PC game being released, then you might as well call DMA (GTA) a PC developer since they always made PC titles too (they developed lemmings on the PC, remember that?). Hell, they even developed amiga games.
For all we know Fable could started out as a PSX project back and 99 and then moved to PC, which then moved to xbox. What difference does that make now? You shouldn't be suprised how long it takes to make a action RPG of this nature/size. Specifically if you're a small deverloper before getting the big funding for full development. I wouldn't be suprised if it was a 4 man operation until MS picked it up. If you think what makes a company a PC developer is just having a game demo running on PC, well then that could apply to just about any developer at some point, since pc is the easiest platform to prototype on.
Of course there were 'Western' game that sold huge on the best selling console of all time. There were also many Japanese and 'Eastern' developers who has million sellers. But, there wasn't this talk of how the Japanese were being replaced and the 'Rise of the West' and so forth.
Yes there were. Western games that sold better and more copies than any japanese title release outside of japan. Western developed games that essentially sold the PS2 platform in north america and europe. If you really want to get into an argument that titles like GTA, western sports titles, and western first person shooters didn't really catch on and sell the PS2 then go ahead. I however won't be listening to that BS, neither will the publishers Rockstar, EA, Ubisoft, Vivendi, and so many others. You know, those publishing houses that aren't located in japan and have been kicking some serious ass sales wise? Not like any of their titles do well inside of japan.
Which is quite odd in light of the fact that this has arisen only recenly with the inclusion of an American corperation into the race that couldn't court said 'Eastern' developers and instead turned to PC developers. Hmm... connection?
Once again, you can't really call the majority of western developers PC developers if they never released a title on PC, can you. Not that it matters, since it's the western developers that have taken over the top sales on the PS2. Just look at the top selling titles on that platform.
Right, so the predictions concerning PS2's marketshare at at this point in it's life by people (such as yourself) were all so amazingly far off base because of... GTA3? Ahh, all makes sence now.
GTA is one of the reasons MANY people picked up a PS2. Not to forget the all the sports games and first person shooters (which are only so popular outside of japan). GTA was one example of many on the PS2.
And the massive sales within Japan are because... This is insane bud.
You're right, this is insane. I said before "outside of japan"! Almost every one of the top selling titles created outside of japan haven't sold squat inside of japan. The reason for that is Japanese gamers buy japanese made games, Period. It's always been like that and always will be like that. So the sucess of PS2 in japan can be attributed to Japanese developers, where as it's success outside of japan can be attirbuted to the western developers. Same could be said for gamecube which trails the xbox in sales in just about every region but japan. I hope you notice that trend.