DOAOnline....Tecmo > Konami

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chaphack said:
Apart from VF, no other 3D fighters(i played) can match DOA reactive hit and go hand combat. I wouldnt put it more than eye candy strenght. ;) It is just fun with pick and play for endless hour of loudass mulitplay session. :LOL:

well then that's your opinion. just goes to show what you look for in a game....
VF might be a pain to start learning now, but it's undeniably one of the greatest fighters ever made, SC is a bit more accessible and "commercially friendlier"... and probably up there with VF in the great games olympus...
Tekken might be slow and flawy but it's still a better GAME than any DOA game...
Wooooah! Why the DOA hate?

there is no hate.

I think it sure isa damn fun fighter.

it is.

And that what be matters when you play your games. You aint need 3421 different combos/moves for a fighter to be fun, DOA has enugh even then

are you telling us what we should and shouldn't look for in a fighter?

It is just so fast, instinctive and reactive hit and play type of game. Only VF can match that level of intense hit-and-register gaming.

it's an offensive focused title, he pretty much said as much during the build up to DOA2. that's his focus.

SC and Tekkan = sloooww.. ~~zzzz

and they work (well SC does, not a big Tekken fan myself), fine in their respective systems.
chaphack said:
but im sure after lookin at DOAO, they could have done the MGS2 rain MUCH bettAr! :)

Not fair to compare Saving Private Ryan (MGS2:SoL) with Behind Enemy Lines (DoA:O).... :)
Paul said:
Sloppy port huh? Well according to Konami in the Making of Metal Gear solid 2, the reason why PS2 runs the tanker scene at twice the speed as Xbox is because PS2 has "certain hardware advantages" over Xbox. This coming straight from Konami.

But anyway, nothing has and likely never will top MGS2 tanker as far as rain. This gen anyway, I'm sure a PS3 MGS would completely run it over.

Not only does it look incredibly realistic, it acts and feels real too.

Oh and please.. the Tecmo > Konami thing is just incredibly childish.

Which DVD was that? All i can remember from the Making DVD, Konami said that calculating real time rain would make PS2 crawwwwl and thus, they had to write some hack to fake the rain....

And it aint running 2X the framerates... :? Yes there are more slowdowns in MGS-X, but that its. Hell, even MGS-P has slowdowns in itself..
are you telling us what we should and shouldn't look for in a fighter?
im not telling you guys, juz pointing out how fun the game is...juz as you are trying to "tell" me how flawed it be... :?

it's an offensive focused title, he pretty much said as much during the build up to DOA2. that's his focus.
So? DOA is still fun fun fun. ;)
im not telling you guys, juz pointing out how fun the game is...juz as you are trying to "tell" me how flawed it be...

I did no such thing.


so now were elites because we think the title has balance issues? thanks.


it's an offensive focused title, he pretty much said as much during the build up to DOA2. that's his focus.
So? DOA is still fun fun fun.

which part of my comment was a negative? I was just elabarating on the point of the gameplay focus, which he has always put emphasis on.

of course it's fun, 4-way tagteam makes for a good game. but for a fighter it leaves me unsatisfied.

edit: btw if there has been a mis-understanding I will edit, but do not put words in my mouth again.
You didnt specifically put it, by the meaning is there. And it sure was, with your followup,

no it wasn't. what I post are my thoughts, I rarely make absolutions because I often don't know enough.

but for a fighter it leaves me unsatisfied.

Hell! I would say SC(10/10 from Famitsu/IGN) leaves me even more unsatisfied. Slooow....~~

read my emphasis, the comment is fair and tells us what you think. and the kind of titles you value (and these are value judgments).
On a related note, is there a DOA in arcades somewhere? The Big 4 I can always find - VF by Sega, Tekken by Namco, SC by Namco and SF by Capcom. But I don't recall seeing a DOA for... years(I "think" I saw one several years ago - dunno what version). Not popular?
passerby said:
On a related note, is there a DOA in arcades somewhere? The Big 4 I can always find - VF by Sega, Tekken by Namco, SC by Namco and SF by Capcom. But I don't recall seeing a DOA for... years(I "think" I saw one several years ago - dunno what version). Not popular?

if you are lucky you may still be able to track down DOA1 someplaces. DOA2 was supposedly released on Naomi, never found a single instance of this tho.
DOA2 was supposedly released on Naomi, never found a single instance of this tho.
Japanese arcades. DOA2: Millenium Edition (Naomi) did pretty well for itself in arcades, also.
chaphack said:
Wooooah! Why the DOA hate?
Most of this is merely criticism, chap, not hate. And for one who champions your own right to a different perspective you should certainly appreciate that, especially since it allows you to go and do this in the same post:

SC and Tekkan = sloooww.. :? ~~zzzz
Considering that many of the posts that you just generalized as DOA "hate" were no worse than this, I guess we should be asking you, Why all the SC and Tekken hate, chap?
Lazy8s said:
DOA2 was supposedly released on Naomi, never found a single instance of this tho.
Japanese arcades. DOA2: Millenium Edition (Naomi) did pretty well for itself in arcades, also.

actually back (wayyy back) in london when Namco wonderpark was still around I tried out what might have been a beta of sorts for DOA2. I trust this isn't the same version then?
Sure it can be "fun fun fun!" but without the depth you run into a wall and go no further. 's fine for a bunch of gamers who just feel like whacking at each other for a while (though for 4-players I'd rather lean in the direction of games like SSBM instead of a tag environment), but the game in general increased visual artistry and impression over enhancing their gameplay, and in the long run it is ONLY the gameplay that fighting gamers will care about. (At the very least they toned down countering somewhat. Once I picked that up in DOA2 it almost turned me off to the game in general, and I had to specifically avoid it. -_- )

I made the comparison to Bloody Roar before because it shares similar "awesome" features--powerful hits/combos (with the ease of getting them off), hurling your opponent straight through a shattering wall--but once you try to dig under the surface you find there isn't much there.

Adrenaline wears off, and graphics eventually become commonplace. After that you'd best make sure your game has some meat to it.
kaching said:
Most of this is merely criticism, chap, not hate. And for one who champions your own right to a different perspective you should certainly appreciate that, especially since it allows you to go and do this in the same post:

Considering that many of the posts that you just generalized as DOA "hate" were no worse than this, I guess we should be asking you, Why all the SC and Tekken hate, chap?

argh~ too much are juz like notAfanB...must you like break down every lil itscy words im using? hate is juz in in you critise things that does not appeal to your ideals..
and yes i hate SC and Tekkan, especially the overated SC.

Is that fine now?
Which DVD was that? All i can remember from the Making DVD, Konami said that calculating real time rain would make PS2 crawwwwl and thus, they had to write some hack to fake the rain....

What are you talking about? MGS2's rain isn't real time?

But anyway, yes they did say the reason why PS2's tanker scene runs at 60fps and Xbox's 30. Because PS2 has certain hardware advantages over Xbox. This is coming straight from them.

And it aint running 2X the framerates... Yes there are more slowdowns in MGS-X, but that its. Hell, even MGS-P has slowdowns in itself..

MGS2-PS2 tanker never drops from 60fps, Xbox's runs at 30fps.

Well according to Konami in the Making of Metal Gear solid 2, the reason why PS2 runs the tanker scene

You need to read more carefully.
MGS2's rain isn't real time?
IIRC It is a hack to simulate the realtime rain behavior..

yes they did say the reason why PS2's tanker scene runs at 60fps and Xbox's 30. Because PS2 has certain hardware advantages over Xbox. This is coming straight from them
i do not have the dvd, but i dont recall anything on the 60/30/hardware ... I thought the DVD was release prior to the Xbox version being announced..? MGS2 longy time tho...

MGS2-PS2 tanker never drops from 60fps, Xbox's runs at 30fps
Yes it does, there are fps dips in the rain(tanker scene you saying i presume?). You can ask those MGS players, or those at GAF for more replies. And the Xbox does not feel like 30fps, it jusz has more dips...
IIRC It is a hack to simulate the realtime rain behavior..

What do you think ANYTHING is regarding video games? Yea, a hack to simulate real life.

But it still takes computing power to do said 'hacks'.

i do not have the dvd, but i dont recall anything on the 60/30/hardware ... I thought the DVD was release prior to the Xbox version being announced..? MGS2 longy time tho...

They state why MGS2 Xbox, specifically the tanker scene has it's slowdowns.

Yes it does, there are fps dips in the rain(tanker scene you saying i presume?). You can ask those MGS players, or those at GAF for more replies. And the Xbox does not feel like 30fps, it jusz has more dips...

Having played MGS2 for years now I can say that I have never seen the tanker scene in the PS2 version dip below 60fps. I have played the Xbox version, and the whole tanker feels like your underwater. It's a slow 30fps.

Although most of the rest of the Xbox version runs at 60.

Having played both the difference is just like night and day coming to the tanker scene.
chaphack said:
argh~ too much are juz like notAfanB...must you like break down every lil itscy words im using? hate is juz in in you critise things that does not appeal to your ideals..
This is not just semantics, chap. This is about consistency. You defend your right to criticize everything under the sun that suits you but as soon as people criticize something you like, you call it "hate". Criticism is not inherently hate. We can all probably criticize even our favorite games for some failing or another, that doesn't mean we suddenly hate those games.

The problem is that since you can't seem to process the criticism objectively and simply classify it as hate, your response is to then needlessly lash out at two titles.

And yes, chap, there are times when semantics ARE important, especially when someone like you takes such liberties with the language because you get "tired" trying to use the language correctly. If you can't be bothered to speak accurately and precisely, why should I be bothered to interpret what you mean? I know you're capable of better than this, chap, so there's no reason why I should let you off the hook for being lazy. And I'm certainly not going to do any work for you to help you get your point across.

Not to mention that the word "hate" is probably the most overused word in gamer vocabulary. We could all do with taking some time off from using it.
argh~ too much are juz like notAfanB...must you like break down every lil itscy words im using? hate is juz in in you critise things that does not appeal to your ideals..

...what happens when your ideals change? when you use phrases like 'hate' and critise in the same sentence to mean the same thing it can bamboozle myself.

and yes i hate SC and Tekkan, especially the overated SC.

Is that fine now?

yes that is fine, again you like everyone else are entitled to your opinion. but if you are going to try and discuss this then remember that sementics do part a part in ensuring everyone is on the same page.
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