New article up on Natal & Primesense.
PrimeSense: Beyond Natal
Great article.
Tommy McClain
Very interesting read, comfirmation of some things, and clarification on others.
Confirms my thoughts that the camera itself is the least interesting, although more interesting than I originally thought, part of Natal.
"Project Natal: the magic is totally Microsoft," says Maizels in admiration. "What they did to the performance, to the robustness of the solution... we have to salute them."
The software and algorhythms that MS is coming up with for Natal with regards to motion recognition, prediction, and integration is the more interesting bits. I'm hoping at some point DF or someone else will be able to get an in depth interview with someone at MS on the intricacies of Natal.
Looks like camera isn't time of flight as was most commonly thought, but rather an analysis of the image to determine the depth of each pixel. So in theory this should in all cases be faster than a time of flight system. Also mentioned was that this makes the system overall inherently cheaper than a custom time of flight camera/sensor.
Finally direct confirmation that MS removed the custom processor that exists in the reference design of the 3D camera.
Also interesting that the camera itself is far more capable than what MS is specing for Natal. Perhaps to reduce processing/storage requirements. Or perhaps the faster response is limited to a lower resolution as the articles speculates. And that higher resolutions (up to 1600x1200) presumably would require greater processing power, storage, and perhaps be slower to boot.
It's unfortunate that the Prime Sense guys couldn't go into more details (obviously expected since Natal still isn't officially released) about what MS is doing.
And finally, encouraging to see that even if MS doesn't provide support for the Natal unit in Windows, that Prime Sense appears to already have things in motion with other companies to bring the 3D camera system and motion controls to Windows sometime after Natal is released.