Digital Foundry Article Technical Discussion [2023]

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There’s a snowstorm in the video with strong winds and the tree leaves and branches are barely moving. I’m also unsure if it’s because I’m on mobile but, there doesn’t seem to be any snow or terrain deformation beneath that hulking animal’s feet.
?? The snow is falling slowly downwards... what makes you think this is a "snowstorm"? Dinos leave footprints in Ark but there's no terrain deformation. I wasn't aware there was any in Avatar either, but if you say there is I believe you.

I haven’t played the game myself but watched a few videos
Alright whatever, I give up on a real discussion I guess.
?? The snow is falling slowly downwards... what makes you think this is a "snowstorm"? Dinos leave footprints in Ark but there's no terrain deformation. I wasn't aware there was any in Avatar either, but if you say there is I believe you.
I mean yeah, it's falling downwards like since it's coming from the sky but you can see the wind's influence on the snow as the player starts running. It doesn't fall straight down. The leaves are supposed to move in the same direction but they don't. Just looks to be a generic "vegetation moves because it does". The bushes also don't react to the creature running through them.
Alright whatever, I give up on a real discussion I guess.
I don't think you need to play the game to appreciate how good it looks. There are dozens upon dozens of videos for each game. No one is criticizing the gameplay. What would change if I booted up the game myself? I haven't played Avatar either but again, just watching a few clips of the game, Ark looks like an indie game compared to it. Not saying you're incorrect since you know this stuff far better than I do but as an amateur observer analyzing what's available in either game, Avatar looks a lot more true-to-life than Ark. The one place where it falls short as you've pointed out already is the shadows. I updated my post from earlier but even in Alex's videos, they sometimes appear blocky and pixelated. I think you both mentioned it would have benefitted from rt shadows?

Also, yeah, not gonna buy either game. I have the original Ark Survival Evolved and didn't like it one bit and Avatar is a Ubisoft game lol. These are just my 2c. You guys can carry on and ignore me.
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@Below2D Ark pretty much is an indie game. I think it’s hard to separate art direction from technical implementation. Watching dinosaurs plow through a forest knocking down trees does look pretty cool from the vids above. I’d guess if you compared the budgets of these games you might even find a $100 million difference, so it might be good to keep that as part of the perspective.
@Below2D Ark is made by a company that has 35 people arcording to Wikipedia. Avatar is a mega budget property and made by a mega budget developer. Of course there will be vast differences in art direction. But Ark still looks very good in the videos above.
I think it shows. It's not exactly fair to compare it to a Ubisoft game that likely cost $100M+ with a staff of over 300 employees. Regardless of that, I think there is a glaring difference in the level of polish and detail.
I think it shows. It's not exactly fair to compare it to a Ubisoft game that likely cost $100M+ with a staff of over 300 employees. Regardless of that, I think there is a glaring difference in the level of polish and detail.

I mean, I don’t think anyone would disagree.

Edit: even went back to Andrew’s original post and he says Ark lacks AAA polish. His criticism of avatar was quality of shadows, lack of AO in cases, lack of changes to lighting when picking plants(the bio luminescent ones?), some geometry faked into textures (rocks) and questioning time of day transitions. Then he compared to Ark which has virtual shadow maps (his baby), nanite, full day night transitions and GI which interacts with player building and destruction (trees etc). Wasn’t really about art. And I don’t think he even implied that anything about Avatar was bad.
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Just... play the game if you care to compare. Is it really too much to ask as a baseline for detailed tech discussion?
It is, really. ;) Buying a game and playing some hours just to chat is a bit much. most of our discussion requires observing other people play, like DF who's job it is to buy (get) lots of games and play them for hours. Better to share little videos to provide evidence as you've done, which is pretty easy these days.
I mean, I don’t think anyone would disagree.
I do like the trees destruction better in Ark though. In Frontiers of Pandora, it looks like there are only two states? Either the tree is there or it gets destroyed and fall into pieces that disappear. In Ark, it gets knocked over and remains on the ground.

They went a bit overboard though. Never seen a t-rex myself but in Andrew’s video, it knocks down an entire large tree just by touching. I doubt they were that strong lol.
but you can see the wind's influence on the snow as the player starts running. It doesn't fall straight down.
We need to have a little chat about special relativity and reference frames. The reason it doesnt fall straight down is your forward motion, now if it doesnt fall straight down when your stationary thats different
We need to have a little chat about special relativity and reference frames. The reason it doesnt fall straight down is your forward motion, now if it doesnt fall straight down when your stationary thats different
Not talking about the part where he runs and we can see him running through the flakes, obviously, the motion will make the snow rush past him. I'm talking about when he starts moving and we can see the wind blowing the snow to the right. At the end, they stop and we can once again see the snow blowing in the same direction.

@Below2D if survival games had realistic harvesting of resources no one would play them. Basically it’s easy to knock trees down so you can harvest faster and build. In Ark you can build a house and have dynamic lighting (direct + indirect) and shadows.

Oh I know, I just thought it was funny how a T-rex tipped over a whole tree just by touching it. It would take minutes to chop down a single tree if it were realistic.
Also, not DF but this harks back to the pieces Alex did for Alan Wake 2.

In scenes where the systems are stressed below 60fps, the Series X is much faster than the PS5, up to 25% which likely puts it within range of the 2080 Ti which in Alex's shot was 29% faster than the PS5.
?? The snow is falling slowly downwards... what makes you think this is a "snowstorm"?
I think the point is the wind is strong going by the vegetation motion, yet absent given the snow is falling straight down. Either the vegetation is wrong and there's an animation in effect that shouldn't be (Below2D's theory), or the snow is wrong and it's not following the wind that's moving the trees. Either way, the snow and vege-motion are telling different stories here. I don't think it points to anything about the underlying systems though. Doesn't indicate the animation systems affecting the tree.
?? The snow is falling slowly downwards... what makes you think this is a "snowstorm"? Dinos leave footprints in Ark but there's no terrain deformation. I wasn't aware there was any in Avatar either, but if you say there is I believe you.

Alright whatever, I give up on a real discussion I guess.
It might be related more towards developer decisions on the level of realism vs what the engine can do. I've time stamped your island video above where you are near the water. Looking at the water you can see there is a breeze blowing in the direction of the shore but the trees lack any synchronized animation in conjunction with the water. The snow falling has a similar lack of "environment" realism. Not sure if this is an oversight or deliberate decision by the developer.
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I bought Avatar and skipped all the scenes where they talk. I don't want to listen to that plain and bad drivel. Especially when there's so much in a row in the beginning.
The staging/cutscenes are also poor and doesn't fit into the game. They should integrate these events and interactions with the characters into tha gemaplay and not as realtime video fpv cutscenes that only allow a little head movement.
I just ran through the first hour.

Now the roughest part is over (after Intro on that mountain and after defending this base) and I'm being rewarded for that. The graphics is outstanding and I like the battles. All I really want to do is go around, look at the surroundings and clean up and destroy enemy bases. Just doing my stuff. I have deactivated all of the tools such as maps and wayfinders. I really like it that way it is now.

I bought the game soon after release and unlike the many games from the beginning of the year it doesn't have big technical issues.
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I disagree with Tom's conclusions regarding Xbox One S/X. He states it as an absolute that the 30hz cap is still the best way to play on those machines. That's just wrong. Uncapped with VRR is the best way to play on both.
I've not seen the video, but these kind of sentiments have no place in a technical review where the analysis should remain as objective as possible, because the "right" way to play any game where you have a choices like this, will entirely depend on the preferences and tolerances of the individual.

Lots of people, myself included, do not get distracted by uneven or changing frame pacing unless it's really egregious, and some people are hard wired to get distracted by variances in input. Likewise, some people with really good visual acuity, or who sit closer to their screens, can perceived differences between 1440p, 1600p, 1800p and 2160p. At the distance I sit from my TV, I can't differentiate above 1440p for most games unless there is a side effect producing nasty artefacts.

Any suggestion that one visual choice is objectively right or better is insane to me. How can you say that without understanding the individual? :???:
Lots of people, myself included, do not get distracted by uneven or changing frame pacing unless it's really egregious, and some people are hard wired to get distracted by variances in input. Likewise, some people with really good visual acuity, or who sit closer to their screens, can perceived differences between 1440p, 1600p, 1800p and 2160p. At the distance I sit from my TV, I can't differentiate above 1440p for most games unless there is a side effect producing nasty artefacts.

Any suggestion that one visual choice is objectively right or better is insane to me. How can you say that without understanding the individual? :???:

While I appreciate the work that he did making the video, I would say that his specific recommendation for this particular part was inconsiderate of the wider range of possibilities. It's possible to play the game without the erratic frame pacing at all. It can be minimized with VRR or a 120hz container, or you can play the game without the X enhancements on a One X at all (like I mentioned, he didn't test that).
So you're completely right. He shouldn't have made the claim.
Better to share little videos to provide evidence as you've done, which is pretty easy these days.
Right but you know the issue... it still takes 15 minutes to make a video and 5 seconds to move the goal posts. "The scenery is static" [video]. "But it doesn't interact with objects" [video]. "But the way the snow falls and the water moves is unrealistic and there's no footprints", etc. Before long we're so far afield that the discussion doesn't even make any sense any more (does Avatar even do any of these things?) and the person spending 10x the effort has been backed into a random corner and sounds like an apologist for a given game and no useful information related to the original topic has even been discussed.

Let me be totally clear: I have no interest in being an apologist for Ark (of all games!). Nor do I have any qualms or disagreements with the many advantages Avatar has (good performance across a broad range of machines, stable and polished experience out of the box, etc). I just wanted to talk about how the graphics tech works and compares in a few areas without it devolving into time-wasting irrelevant discussions about minutia that could be answered by anyone spending 10 minutes finding the answers themselves.

Yes it's great that we have lots of videos on the internet these days, but in a discussion around detailed technical features there really is no substitute for being able to move the camera and poke around if you have a specific question or claim. I think this thread has demonstrated that very clearly. Honestly even if people phrased things as questions and acknowledged when they are shown to be incorrect and let the discussion drift back to the original points that would go a long way. I try to hold myself to this standard when responding to DF videos as the DF crew puts in a lot of work to gather and format their results and the least I can do is put in some myself if my goal is to have a good discussion. I'm sure I don't always hit the mark there, but I think there's still value in aiming for a high standard.
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The answer isn't to expect everyone to buy a game to be able to talk about it though. ;) At that point, putting in the work to create videos, if the argument isn't coherent then agree to disagree and move on so as not to waste your time. Totally okay with that.
I just wanted to talk about how the graphics tech works and compares in a few areas without it devolving into time-wasting irrelevant discussions about minutia that could be answered by anyone spending 10 minutes finding the answers themselves.
It's not though. It's buying the game and then playing enough to see what it does and doesn't have. For every game that'll ever be talked about, if we're being fair. the price of entry to talk on B3D tech threads becomes $40-70 per title being discussed. I think that's an unreasonable ask. Rather than expect those without the game to get it, or be excluded from discussion, I think it's better to share your POV with evidence for those who have the game, or point to videos, and then move on when the talk has clearly stalled or just plain isn't satisfying.
Yeah when i read that trees are static in Ark and then it's proven that they are dynamic and destructible to see the goal shifted to "but dinosaurs were not that strong and should not destroy trees so easily" i'm like what the hell ?
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