There's nothing amazing about this. Sony's console sells better, and it gets more love and care from developers. Not to say devs don't love and care the Xbox versions, but at the end of the day, they make their games around the Playstation.
The REAL failure comes from Microsoft's own studios supporting the device with AAA games which push production values. Yes, MS has games which look awesome.. Forza Motorsport/Horizon, Gears, MS Flight Sim, and there's some upcoming ones like Hellblade 2.. but they don't have a ton of studios making cinematic action adventure open world games that Sony does. If Microsoft had games really raising the bar for production values, then at least they could point to their own games and say, look how amazing our hardware is.. instead of relying on 3rd parties to push out somewhat higher resolutions and framerates to underscore the power.
Playstation 5 could lose every single 3rd party head to head, and yet they could still point to games like Horizon FW, or Ratchet and Clank, to show how capable their hardware is.
It's not easy for MS to get the edge over Sony now, considering how ingrained both of the main platforms (Xbox and PC) they support are when it comes to APIs and tools. They've got to make the lives of developers easier in any ways possible.. but they've got to start showing everyone what their most powerful console is capable of on their own. Redfall and Starfield aren't going to do it... I'm hoping Hellblade 2 is a lot deeper and more fleshed out gameplay-wise and that they really stick the landing with the visuals. I hope the next Gears looks amazing, and I'm sure the next DOOM game will probably be very technically proficient.
They gotta lead the way before things will get better for them. I think if they started selling more and doing better in other parts of the world, quality of ports would increase as well.