Digital Foundry Article Technical Discussion [2023]

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Did you miss the fact that Starfield does not run properly on nVidia hardware? Do you think that 60 FPS on a 4070 in 1080p is okay?!
Just do it then. Sony holds all the cards apparently.. if its that easy for them to spite players out of games and have pubs/devs drop PC. AAA is unsustainable as it is.. so good luck.
If Sony decides to be the only legitimate console player left when it comes to 3rd party games, they won't really have to worry about any competition. It'll be exactly like the older days ...
Nobody desired consoles to be made from bog standard PC components... blame consoles for not being exotic... not PC for trying to be...
Sure thing but anyone who wanted this to happen shouldn't go around complaining about the end result of exclusivity appearing in all directions rather than their preferred direction. PC users should get used to AAA games skipping their platform of choice all because they selfishly desired the industry to splinter off into their own bubbles ...

If console vendors don't have parity in the tools used between their own platforms and PC anymore, there will be even stronger incentives to further distance themselves with respect to PC in hardware design and developers will be forced to create new and more incompatible tools between the different platforms which will only perpetuate more exclusivity ...
Also devs better not blame us when publishers demand they make two very different versions. 🤷‍♂️
It's equally as likely for publishers to just drop anything else that's not their lead platform for a particular project ...
Everything else could and would be lowered in order to lock those in starting first with any effects that were distracting in motion (like shadows, AO, motion blur, DOF, reflections in certain games, etc.). Hell I would even stop playing games if their AA solution wasn't up to the task of removing edge artifacting (stair stepping, shimmering with specular, etc.) sufficiently and a driver solution couldn't be forced at acceptable frame rates.

I'm pretty demanding of what I require in games, it just happens to be different from people who prioritize graphics > everything else.

These two statements seem to be in somewhat of a conflict. I can't see myself ditching a game entirely because it had poor AA. I mean I would love if Arkham Knight for example, somehow got a DLSS mod to remove all that shitty specular flickering, but I sure as heck am not going to pass over a game entirely because it simply utilized the popular AA methods at the time. I mean that's a ton of gaming history you have to sweep under the rug, AA sucked in most games when we got specular shaders until TAA matured, and there's little you can do without massive downsampling which is performance prohibitive.

Shadows, even with RT (ray reconstruction notwithstanding) have always had accuracy issues, but I just find a mere 2-3 years ago such an aggressive cutoff for nixing them entirely - like sure, games in the 90's, but 2020?! I just find the preference to have characters and environments appear to be floating in mid-air rather that accept some limitations of accuracy odd, but different strokes I guess.
Did you miss the fact that Starfield does not run properly on nVidia hardware? Do you think that 60 FPS on a 4070 in 1080p is okay?!
I feel the Chips n Cheese article did a decent enough job disproving this myth. A game running better on AMD hardware does not mean that it's 'not running properly' on Nvidia. Nobody ever seems to suggest the opposite when Nvidia GPU's run better than AMD equivalents. :/
Mods for old PC games isn't exactly compelling content in comparison to AAA console exclusives.

Yeah, from a technical perspective it's all very interesting, but I just can't see it really becoming a selling point. Ray traced lighting on top of old models and textures only brings you so much, and the fact that Remix can only work with DX8 games further exacerbates the disparity between art assets and tech. The art assets can be updated as well, but that's still extremely time consuming, especially when left up to modders who are doing it in their spare time. There are also some gameplay conceits from the time of those games which could use some updating, which really only proper studio remasters can do.
The new 2.0 edition of Cyberpunk 2077 features the latest and most advanced DLSS ray reconstruction technology - but what is it and how does it work? Alex explains what denoising is, why we need it, and the tremendous image quality benefits it delivers. At the same time this is what you might call a '1.0' version, and there are clearly improvements it requires. Beyond that, we take a look at the 2.0 game itself, including how heavy it is on the CPU compared to the prior version. 26 minutes of Cyberpunk 2077 2.0 content? Let's do this.
I feel the Chips n Cheese article did a decent enough job disproving this myth. A game running better on AMD hardware does not mean that it's 'not running properly' on Nvidia. Nobody ever seems to suggest the opposite when Nvidia GPU's run better than AMD equivalents. :/
In case you didn't get the memo the entire tech enthusiast community is showing a clear case of playing favouritism since most of them are willing witch hunt/bully developers into supporting a certain vendor's non-standard proprietary technology ...
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Ghosting is different. But there was always ghosting with Overdrive, especially with lower FPS.

I feel the Chips n Cheese article did a decent enough job disproving this myth. A game running better on AMD hardware does not mean that it's 'not running properly' on Nvidia. Nobody ever seems to suggest the opposite when Nvidia GPU's run better than AMD equivalents. :/
So, then Pathtracing is a viable option. Just that nVidia hardware is so much more superior and console players can play just fine with 480p/60FPS (PS2 style).
I feel the Chips n Cheese article did a decent enough job disproving this myth. A game running better on AMD hardware does not mean that it's 'not running properly' on Nvidia. Nobody ever seems to suggest the opposite when Nvidia GPU's run better than AMD equivalents. :/
When NVIDIA equivalent GPUs run 30% better, yes, people do. Don't try to paint this as a double standard when there isn't one.
I wonder what the reaction is going to be like here if a certain console vendor decides to take another crack at their exotic hardware design strategy to be as different as possible just to spite the other platforms out of AAA game ports ?
Nobody cares, PC market is thriving now more than ever, and both console makers have a deep interest in porting their games to PCs. The situation won't change much. Of course this will break backward compatibility which is something you always bring to the discussion, but hey, if you don't care about it anymore, I won't.

That’s why UE5 and Starfield can run on some really old hardware. These games could be ported to mobile as well because no bespoke hardware is required.
Of course a developer has every right to ensure the playability of their game on old hardware, but they also can't escape the responsibility of carering to the majority of their target hardware. Doing one thing doesn't negate the other.
A game running better on AMD hardware does not mean that it's 'not running properly' on Nvidia.

Of course it doesn't. But poor GPU utilisation as indicated by abnormally low power draw does.

It may be the case that a game can be properly optimised for only one of the major IHV's at a time. And if a game chooses AMD to optimise to then that is absolutely fine. But let's not pretend this is a well optimised game on Nvidia GPU's when the power draw figures clearly show otherwise.

The power draw figures I've seen as standard in Starfield are not dissimilar to what I see in Ratchet & Clank when I'm VRAM limited and losing a good chunck of performance as a result. Obviously VRAM limitations aren't the issue with Starfield, but the GPU is underutilised in a similar way.
That grass shot (at about 22:10) is kinda funny as it sort of looks like RR is stabilizing so aggressively that it stops the grass from swaying. I guess the denoiser interprets the swaying motion as noise and deals with it accordingly?
If Sony decides to be the only legitimate console player left when it comes to 3rd party games, they won't really have to worry about any competition. It'll be exactly like the older days ...

Sure thing but anyone who wanted this to happen shouldn't go around complaining about the end result of exclusivity appearing in all directions rather than their preferred direction. PC users should get used to AAA games skipping their platform of choice all because they selfishly desired the industry to splinter off into their own bubbles ...

If console vendors don't have parity in the tools used between their own platforms and PC anymore, there will be even stronger incentives to further distance themselves with respect to PC in hardware design and developers will be forced to create new and more incompatible tools between the different platforms which will only perpetuate more exclusivity ...

It's equally as likely for publishers to just drop anything else that's not their lead platform for a particular project ...
And? If pubs will drop PC so easily..because let's be real, that's what you're saying.. then it's clear that PC never had this amazing power to dictate what developers were ever going to do on any grand scale to begin with and thus why even have this conversation? If Nvidia is such a big bully trying to insert their horribly limiting proprietary tech into the gaming world then why don't Sony just build that exotic dream machine and take control of the industry?

I'd love to watch them try. PS2 was sailing sky high, and PS3 quickly brought Sony back down to earth... Go ahead and get cocky again. I'll enjoy the show. 🍿
That grass shot (at about 22:10) is kinda funny as it sort of looks like RR is stabilizing so aggressively that it stops the grass from swaying. I guess the denoiser interprets the swaying motion as noise and deals with it accordingly?

I think it's just the randomness of the movement. If you look to 22:00 the RR shot is moving while the other isn't.
In case you didn't get the memo the entire tech enthusiast community is showing a clear case of playing favouritism since most of them are willing witch hunt/bully developers into supporting a certain vendor's non-standard proprietary technology ...

Why are you surprised that enthusiasts are excited about cutting edge tech? If they were happy with the lowest common denominator they wouldn’t be enthusiasts right?
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