Digital Foundry Article Technical Discussion [2021]

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We just want you to cite sources for the claims you make. It's what's expected here. You can't just tell people to "google it" if someone wants to know where your information came from. How are they going to know if they agree with you if you can't provide a source for your claims?

I can just tell people to 'Google it' and expecting people in this forum to sense check their thoughts using Google before posting isn't too much to ask.

It stops them from saying nonsense like PS1 only has 3-4 true 3D games that run at 60fps.
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There's a BIG difference between a market seeing a decline in sales and it becoming 'niche' like you claimed.

Depends on what people consider niche. Considering that Physical sales represent less than 10% (9.6%) of total consumer spending on movies when not including box office sales and ~6.4% when including box office. It may be considered niche by some. And even if you don't consider it niche, it's rapidly approaching niche.

Niche, at best, is a vague term. For example, the television market for women aged 40-49 would be a niche market. A television market for all people aged 40-49 would be another niche market. Both represent similar percentages of the population as current consumer spending on physical media for movies.

“Niche” refers to a specialized segment of a market. It has nothing to do with size or relevance.

It can also refer to size. For Television and Movie markets, for example, there is the mass market and then there are a plethora of niche markets. The mass market represents any content that targets a large audience. Nice markets represent content that targets specific smaller audiences. That's the whole point of "specialized segments".

Another example, the mass market for Televisions would be considered the low price budget TV segment. While one niche market would be the TVs targetting HT enthusiasts. And another niche would be say, TVs that have a cabinet that the TV recesses into.

What is true is that there is no definition for what size constitutes niche other than being smaller than the mass (or dominant market). IE - is 30% of a market niche? 20%? 10% 1%? Depending on the situation and the market it could be all of those, just a few of them, or only 1 of them.

Sure, since you insist on denying the inevitable how about we revisit this topic in 5 years. Maybe disc sales will meet your definition of niche then.

Denying the inevitable? What nonsense are you even talking about? Please show where I've said they'll never become niche at some point.

You were talking about the here and now and in the here and now they're not 'niche' so move on and stop trying to move the goal posts until they meet your agenda.
It can also refer to size. For Television and Movie markets, for example, there is the mass market and then there are a plethora of niche markets. The mass market represents any content that targets a large audience. Nice markets represent content that targets specific smaller audiences. That's the whole point of "specialized segments".

Another example, the mass market for Televisions would be considered the low price budget TV segment. While one niche market would be the TVs targetting HT enthusiasts. And another niche would be say, TVs that have a cabinet that the TV recesses into.

What is true is that there is no definition for what size constitutes niche other than being smaller than the mass (or dominant market). IE - is 30% of a market niche? 20%? 10% 1%? Depending on the situation and the market it could be all of those, just a few of them, or only 1 of them.

Yep. Niche literally means 'position' or 'segment'. Heck, the whole videogame industry is a niche of the entertainment business, a huge one at that.
Denying the inevitable? What nonsense are you even talking about? Please show where I've said they'll never become niche at some point.

You were talking about the here and now and in the here and now they're not 'niche' so move on and stop trying to move the goal posts until they meet your agenda.

What agenda? I said Blu-ray Discs and players are a niche market and you disagreed. Is disagreeing with you “an agenda”? Lol.

It can also refer to size.

Exactly, niche is highly correlated with (small) size relative to the corresponding mainstream market. Compared to where BD players were a few years ago they are most certainly niche.

The tech isn’t there yet but there is likely a large segment of the console gaming audience that would be happy with a Microsoft/Sony cloud gaming client built into their TV just like Netflix is today. Graphics hardware is already pushing the limit of power consumption that you can dissipate from a box in your living room and one solution would be to do the heavy lifting in the data center.
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What agenda? I said Blu-ray Discs and players are a niche market and you disagreed. Is disagreeing with you “an agenda”? Lol.

"since you insist on denying the inevitable how about we revisit this topic in 5 years"

1. I never denied they wouldn't at some point become niche so what were you even talking about? Stay on topic.
2. Moving the goal posts to 5 years time to prove your agenda that they are niche.

Anyway, enough of your silliness, ignore button clicked.
On the pros/cons of MSAA in the Forza games, a con DF called out is foliage aliasing.

Do we have confirmation on whether Fable is using the Forza engine or UE?

I'd assume adding a TAA variant to the Forza engine would be fairly trivial, if they wanted to. It would suit the look of Fable well.
Do we have confirmation on whether Fable is using the Forza engine or UE?
It's using Forza tech.
I have no idea how much the renderer is changing in the new engine turn 10 is doing.
New engine could be mainly physics, ai, simulation etc.

Apart from lighting (even then more about opinion) there's probably not been many complaints about the graphics, so they may not feel the need to overhaul it greatly.
"since you insist on denying the inevitable how about we revisit this topic in 5 years"

1. I never denied they wouldn't at some point become niche so what were you even talking about? Stay on topic.
2. Moving the goal posts to 5 years time to prove your agenda that they are niche.

Anyway, enough of your silliness, ignore button clicked.

It's using Forza tech.
I have no idea how much the renderer is changing in the new engine turn 10 is doing.
New engine could be mainly physics, ai, simulation etc.

Apart from lighting (even then more about opinion) there's probably not been many complaints about the graphics, so they may not feel the need to overhaul it greatly.

I don't expect the new forza until 2023 with its updated engine. Will be intersting to see what they add into it
I don't expect the new forza until 2023 with its updated engine. Will be intersting to see what they add into it
2022 with new forza motorsport
Or you think 2023 is when it will come out?
Last motorsport was 2017, so I think next year is reasonable imo as that would make it 5 years
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