Devil May Cry 4 Going Multi-platform! (Xbox 360/PS3/PC) *Confirmed

Well this is a suprise to me!

But then again I can understand why they'd make such a decision in order to maximise western sales of the IP considering the potential PS3 install base on release..

I think the most interesting consequence regarding this will be in seeing exactly how this decision affect Japanese Xbox360 sales..

With big name franchises dropping onto the platform, it surely would only add weight to the brand presence in the eastern market and hopefully have a positive effect on sales, especially considering the price difference with the PS3..

Hmmm... Very interesting..
If DMC 4 is still a 2007 title,we would find a intersting thing.

They showed DMC4 first on TGS 06 for PS3 version(however,no REAL PS3 showed on there),now they say 360/PS3 version will be released at the same time?Capcom may work on 360 version for a while...
That's odd to me considering how much more people would download it and play it on low-medium settings on PC.

Thats no reason why people with high end PC's can't be pleased by this news. By the time its released even mid range G80/R600 based PC's should be pumping this out at max details and high res.

I just hope its a games for windows game so that it supports the 360 control pad and all the other associated goodies :D
If DMC 4 is still a 2007 title,we would find a intersting thing.

They showed DMC4 first on TGS 06 for PS3 version(however,no REAL PS3 showed on there),now they say 360/PS3 version will be released at the same time?Capcom may work on 360 version for a while...
not quite sure what you mean, but i believe there was an actual playable demo at TGS. so surely it was a ps3 version being played at TGS.
Capcom already have a PC version of their next-gen multiplataform engine so I think that they will handle the port themselves instead out-sourcing it and at least this time we aren't talking about a PS2's port.

I think whether or not a 360 (and PC) version of the game would appear was always strongly linked to wether or not DMC4 would be developed with their new engine. If yes, then the likelihood of the 360 and PC versions would be quite a bit higher. As soon as DMC4 was confirmed for this new engine (wasn't it?), we could see this coming, I think.
More accuratly, ouch for PS3 fanboys. Normal PS3 owners will still be able to full enjoy the game.

depends though. If they bought a PS3 mostly for DMC4 then they might think again if their purchase was as good enough.

I didnt get a PS3 yet. But if FF and MGS4 are multiplatfom released I might go for a 360 only instead and I wouldnt mind as much. But if I purchsed the PS3 and loses more exclusive games which also quarantee further lack of support by limiting userbase then my money spent might be a waste. The console might not be as exploited as it could have been if support was bigger.
Not all that surprising since the Capcom games are selling very well on the X360. Now we just neeed Square and Kojima to announce they're X360 games ;)
If they are planning for this I hope they will announce them soon. I wouldnt want to spend my money on a PS3 for certain exclusives and hear the announcement later.

This situation is so uncertain it makes it hard for me and others to make a purchase
Sony situation in US becomes tougher and tougher.
I feel like that with one or two successful games during spring and early summer, we should see a lot of titles from namco and the likes come to 360.
MS seems in better and better situation to catch durably the hd console crown in US.
:runaway: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! -jk

This move was pretty easy to see. Capcom already had games for the 360, a multi-plat engine....etc. I'm not sure how this will affect the PS3 and frankly don't care. The last DMC game was wonderful (though brutal) and it would be a shame to only have it on one console. Maybe the move says something about the current positions of the PS3/60 but it is more to do with Capcom's this-gen strategy.
Isn't Lost Planet's sequel supposedly in the works for PS3 as well?

Going forward I expect most everything Framework-based to be on both consoles (and PC I guess).
really?? Never heard of this announcment. What about dead rising?

Sorry don't take my word on this. I thought there was an announcement regarding Dead Rising 2 as mutli-platform but I do not have evidence. Just by reading Capcom's this-gen strategy which seems to imply everything as being more western gamer friendly as well as multi-platform (for those poor share-holders) I have blurted this out. Remember that Capcom's king franchise was announced as multi-platform pretty much from the get-go. Resident Evil will be multi-platform and there is no reason to think that lesser titles (which are still huge) will choose one platform unless a sea change occurs in the current market. Here is an arbitrary emoticon:eek:

I tried to wiki Capcom to see if I could link to announcements but instead found this: Did you know CapCom is short for Capsule Computers.
Not really surprising given Capcom's business strategy of late. It also fits the the recent tread for nearly all third party exclusives to end.

While people spin this as bad news for the PS3, it's actually bad news for the Wii, since it's not getting this game and likely never will.