Devil May Cry 4 Going Multi-platform! (Xbox 360/PS3/PC) *Confirmed

I haven't seen both versions running side by side, but seeing (owning) it run on GC, I'd say it was a top-10 title (visually) last gen - all platforms. Some did not take to the earth tone browns etc but I thought they did a fabulous job of recreating their target environment given their platform limitations.

IST pointed out that RE4 was ported, not multiplat from the start. With this being the case I'm sure certain corners had to be cut and from what I heard, even some levels were changed to accomodate ps2. Why could the same not be done in this instance for DMC4? Tweak the game for best performance on both machines. It was this way last gen for many multiplat games. ps2 would get more/better particle fx and they would do the best they could with xb.

I have seen both versions of Resident Evil 4 and am well aware of the differences. The technical aspect I find lacking in Resident Evil 4 isn't necessarely the graphics and the texture detail (which is certainly better on the GameCube version) - it's the level of interactivity. When I compare it to certain other similar games, it's a shame to see that Resident Evil 4 doesn't look much better (art-direction aside), given that its level of interactivity with the environment is so much more limited. It's a very good looking game indeed, no doubt and I'm sure it compares very favorably screenshot against a screenshot of another game. It just isn't all that impressive once you consider how much more interactive certain other games are (and look practically just as good, or IMO better).
I have seen both versions of Resident Evil 4 and am well aware of the differences. The technical aspect I find lacking in Resident Evil 4 isn't necessarely the graphics and the texture detail (which is certainly better on the GameCube version) - it's the level of interactivity. When I compare it to certain other similar games, it's a shame to see that Resident Evil 4 doesn't look much better (art-direction aside), given that its level of interactivity with the environment is so much more limited. It's a very good looking game indeed, no doubt and I'm sure it compares very favorably screenshot against a screenshot of another game. It just isn't all that impressive once you consider how much more interactive certain other games are (and look practically just as good, or IMO better).

Just curious, what games are you refering to which look just as good or better with better interactivity?


The question still stands: If one system has a limitation in a certain area, why would the dev not do as they did last gen and tweak the game to get the best performance/visuals out of each platform?
MGS, ICO and SoTC I believe.

But I dont think it is the number of things you can do but how the world interacts with you and how you interact with it too.

Animation and responses between the enviroment and character in Resi4 didnt seem convinving. What other games do well is hide well predetermined interactivity and animation creating a "flawless", flow and "convincing" enviroment. In Resi4 it wasnt that well hidden. You could reckognized individually every single predetermined set of animations and reactions.

The things Lion did and how it reacted with the enviroment didnt flow well and it felt limited.

For example if I did a supplex the animation and the reaction of the enemy was always the exact same thing. If other's were behind you you knew that all would have reacted the same exact way as previously with a limited set of animations.

Even the specific body part targeting became very unconvincing after some time of play.

If I shot 4 guys with the shotgun simultaneously they will all make the exact animation. Big guys small guys medium guys women men, they all responded the same. Capcom didnt add a variety of reactions to the enemies.

For example, you threw a flash grenade and they all did.....
this....Looks like a choreography doesnt it?

The blind guy with the claws had a very predictable set of reactions and animations.

Actually all enemies were predictable and apart from their looks most of them used the exact same actions and AI throughout the whole game. Monks, soldiers, pessants....

Walls, objects didnt play much of a role. If you were hit and fell behind you would fall back as if nothing was behind you and Leon will do the exact same animation he always did to recover. They usually felt only like place holders to create an enviroment. There wasnt match usage of them.

Also when leon was performing certain sets of animation, everything around him was neutral. Nothing could touch him or affect his animation. An enemy would pick you up, and others will start slashing you with knives or whatever and nothing will touch you. It was just you and that one enemy who picked you. Nothing else existed. Not even the huge guy with the claws.
All the individuals in the game responded individually. It was as if their comrades werent around. The claw guy would even start using one of the extremely limited set of "hacking and slashing", and no matter how many other Ganados were near him, his claws would go though everyone except you. Or perhaps even you if your character was performing one of the sets of animation like recovery or melee attacks

At the end every situation with each enemy was predictable and felt that the interactivity between you and him was enclosed to very limited sets.

It was you, a few objects you could use and enemies you could kill. In terms of interactivity and convincing worlds it didnt change much compared to old Resis. Atleast to me
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I beg to differ...;)

Those look better with better interactivity?

I didn't state the game for obvious reasons in my posts (didn't want things to go that much off-topic)... but MGS3 for one has a lot more interactivity with the enviroment, more sophisticated AI, better animation and just as many characters on screen when things heat up. If you differ, you obviously haven't played the game. Again, RE4 has absolutely gorgeous visuals no doubt. It just isn't all that impressive [technically] once you consider the simple game mechanics and very limited environment interactivity.

EDIT: If a mod feels this is too far off topic, can we ask to have the topic split? I feel there are some good points being made and a lot of effort going into posts. It would be a shame to just delete them. Thanks.