Dark Souls 3 [PS4,XO]

Man, I see a LOT of Bloodborne aesthetic in the visuals, and get a lot of DejaVus ! GEts me all excited but I do know I am just not gonna make it in this game.

EDIT: lol, even they mention the same in the video....and oh man ! THe boss designs are priceless. I am getting that SOTC feeling of not feeling like killing them because they are so......beautiful ! So eeriliy ethereally beautiful !
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New gameplay

Looks really really good and has a major wtf moment in it (don't wanna spoil it :smile:)
just curious guys, but how does this fair gameplay/mechanics wise to DS2 for instance? Is it worthwhile to try out the remastered DS2 or just wait for DS3 and start there?
just curious guys, but how does this fair gameplay/mechanics wise to DS2 for instance? Is it worthwhile to try out the remastered DS2 or just wait for DS3 and start there?

Don't think aynone can tell for sure at this point. DS3 has definitely inherited huge patches of DNA from Bloodborne - seems fast as hell compared to DS1 and the even slower DS2. I think DS2 cannot quite reach the heights of its predecessors or its spiritual sequel, but it is a worthwhile game in its own right. It's also massive (a little bloated one might argue), probably rather affordable at this point, and it seems different enough to not come across as a mere lesser version of what's to come in the near future.

DS3 is my most anticipated game of 2016, but I'm slightly worried by Bloodborne's obvious influence on DS3's visuals and From's bafflingly quick turnaround times in general. 3 massive games with substantial DLC offerings in as many years? - that's some Ubisoft shit right there.
Don't think aynone can tell for sure at this point. DS3 has definitely inherited huge patches of DNA from Bloodborne - seems fast as hell compared to DS1 and the even slower DS2. I think DS2 cannot quite reach the heights of its predecessors or its spiritual sequel, but it is a worthwhile game in its own right. It's also massive (a little bloated one might argue), probably rather affordable at this point, and it seems different enough to not come across as a mere lesser version of what's to come in the near future.

DS3 is my most anticipated game of 2016, but I'm slightly worried by Bloodborne's obvious influence on DS3's visuals and From's bafflingly quick turnaround times in general. 3 massive games with substantial DLC offerings in as many years? - that's some Ubisoft shit right there.
Fast paced Bloodborne gameplay is one of the thing I prefer in this game (the slow and clunky combat was the thing I most hated in TW3 for instance, high input lag and incredibly random aiming completely killed any fun I had in The Division demo, responsive controls was what I liked the most in Destiny Demo, even if I don't want to invest in such a MMO grind after being burned with Wow.

So I am glad some developers still think responsive controls, definitely doable in a 30fps game, is one of the most important aspect of gameplay (in a combat based game obviously) and included in DS3 along the with detailed 3D world. With TLG it's one of my most anticipated game of 2016 too.
Slow and unresposive are two entirely different things. Neither DS1 nor DS2 were unresponsive or felt random. (okay, so it was laggy as hell in Blight Town, but that was due to performance) The combat rhythm was just completely different. It was more about patience than aggression.
Very polarizing ;) But I'll likely stick with the go straight to DS3 advice I think
If you have never played a Souls game before, I recommend to start with Bloodborne: the game is imo harder than DS2, but more importantly, it is streamlined and a bit simpler to understand.

DS2 could be quite overwhelming if you have no Souls exp...
I have DS2 SOTFS, but never played it much as the first thing that bothered me was the "binary" camera control. It felt as there were just two camera rotation speeds "slow" and "where am I looking?"....
I tried DS2 but since my only experience with these games was Bloodborne, let's just say it was like going back to a PS3 game (which technically it is) and a bit of a shock.

Bloodborne does feel like a completely new generation, the difference is striking.

Gameplay-wise DS2 also feels quite "old" and much less interesting than BB. But I'll keep going, it should only get better.
DS2 was the only souls game not made with direct control by the creative genius of Miyazaki, that might be a big reason it feels a bit generic and doesn't flow like the others.