Dark Souls 3 [PS4,XO]

A youtube streamer that got to play it hands on with a special press event at Gamescon mentioned that they've said that everything you can see while in the game, you can go to in the game. I think he also mentioned they hope to let players enter every building.

From experience the "if you see it you can get there" philosophy works only in games with parkour & free-climbing or tools/powers that allow you to freely traverse the map (inFAMOUS, Assassin's Creed, Just Cause, Spiderman, Dishonored, Batman) but here it will be more likely "if there is a staircase/ladder/plank you can get there".
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Hope the popular trend to go bigger won't clash with the series' unparalleled sense of place. DS1's brilliantly interconnected Lodran or Bloodborne's Yharnam both feel like far more believable places than, let's say, Infamous' take on Seattle. I love the fact that these are games in which becoming intimately familiar with the levels is every bit as important as the combat. If you enter the depths in DS1, it really does feel like being trapped beneath tens of thousands of pounds of concrete as a result. Why? - Because you now precisely what's above. It's an achievement that's literally breathtaking.
Also worth mentioning that the souls games have always followed the mantra of wasting as little space as possible for the sake of window dressing. If you can see it with your eyes, chances are you'll be able to get there eventually.
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Also, Master of shrubbery, would Dark Souls 1 work on my old HD4850 card?
running on ati hd 4850, amd phenom x4 755 BE 3,2GHz, 4GB RAM, 1680x1050 (DSfix)
You need dsfix as the game was locked to 30fps and 1280x720 know why ? The devs did not know how to program multiple resolutions (absolutely true)
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A youtube streamer that got to play it hands on with a special press event at Gamescon mentioned that they've said that everything you can see while in the game, you can go to in the game. I think he also mentioned they hope to let players enter every building.

If so, it sounds far more expansive than BB and past Souls games. The person also mentioned that some area's felt pointless. They wondered whether it's because the demo was basically alpha footage. Or if by nature of the greatly expanded world, they are struggling to fill it all with compelling content.

I wouldn't say they are going open world, but it seems they might be making it more open world-ish. And if not open world, then at least significantly larger than BB. This might explain why it can't be as graphically detailed as BB. Either that or it's not being funded as well as BB (Sony) was.

That's a good point.

The more I know about it the more it sounds like a dream sequel :love:
That's a good point.

The more I know about it the more it sounds like a dream sequel :love:
But that faster enemy and character is scary too. BB was made for fast movement,no shield ballet of fun and yet mostly it were bosses or mini bosses that were fast, mob was slow like DS ! This is Dark Souls as it is and faster attacking mobs is scary :runaway: !
running on ati hd 4850, amd phenom x4 755 BE 3,2GHz, 4GB RAM, 1680x1050 (DSfix)
You need dsfix as the game was locked to 30fps and 1280x720 know why ? The devs did not know how to program multiple resolutions (absolutely true)

Good to see that cos Steam lists the min requirement as HD4870 and that had made me defer my purchase each time it went on sale.
But that faster enemy and character is scary too. BB was made for fast movement,no shield ballet of fun and yet mostly it were bosses or mini bosses that were fast, mob was slow like DS ! This is Dark Souls as it is and faster attacking mobs is scary :runaway: !
More riposte opportunities :devilish:
From experience the "if you see it you can get there" philosophy works only in games with parkour & free-climbing or tools/powers that allow you to freely traverse the map (inFAMOUS, Assassin's Creed, Just Cause, Spiderman, Dishonored, Batman) but here it will be more likely "if there is a staircase/ladder/plank you can get there".

They mean every location. So every street, every building, every neighborhood, etc. In other words, if you're in a city, you'll be able to go to anyplace in the city and not just certain areas (like Bloodborne). Not necessarily that you can climb every wall or get on every rooftop. :p


Finally some direct feed gameplay, too bad it's on yt :p

That first enemy with the lantern reminded me of the same enemy in chalice dungeons of BB! I actually like the faster pace of DkS3 a lot. It also seems like they are using BB (or very similar) assets for sounds and animations. Release date in the west is sometime in April and not March like Japan.
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