Flappy Pannus
The quality is not that inconsistent. You find the same thing in almost every game. Cyberpunk 2077 is even better than most games because many things still look sharp up close. In third-person games the objects would usually look worse at a short distance. For example, in RDR 2 almost everything looks blurred in the first-person perspective. The character faces in particular. RDR2 looks very good. No question about that. But while I thought "thats a beautiful landcape" while playing RDR2 I think "how awesome is that. How is that possible." in Cyberpunk 2077.
RDR2 definitely shows it's age too, but it's a game that was targeted for the last gen consoles and its art assets were designed around those restrictions, even if the PC version has some significant upgrades. 2077 was a game designed for modern systems from the outset and shoehorned (badly) into the last gen. I would be comparing Cyberpunk more to modern games, such as Ratchet and Clank, Horizon Forbidden West, Metro Exodus Enhanced, Demon Souls, etc. Compared to those, Cyberpunk just doesn't blow me away when all aspects of presentation are considered.
Artistically the world of Cyberpunk 2077 is also breathtaking and dense. It's not just the technology.
Agree to disagree I guess. I'm sure part of it is I don't have a 3080+ class GPU too, it is a game that will no doubt scale better than most with the upcoming Lovelace/RDNA3 GPU's - but I feel even those won't fix a lot of the general 'wonkiness' I experience, in gameplay and presentation consistency.