do you have evidence that point to the contrary?, i know for certain that you are not a developer and there are many developers out there that say so. So put yourself in my position, who would you rather believed? the many developers who suggest and shows what the PS3 is capable off ( Lair, GT5, MGS4, Drakes's Fortune, Ratchet and do i need to mention Killzone 2 and we must all remember this is the first generation PS3 titles) or an artist on a forum.
I dont know really, maybe your opinion differs from mine and those games i mentions are not technologically impressive to you and therefore you draw the conclusion that the PS3 isn't all the technologically wonder.
I have to agree with Dantruon here, I mean since when can a "licensed engine" designed to make porting games easier compare to a game that is specifically coded to a single console.
Further since when can a "3rd party licensed multi console porting engine" be any type of credible indication or proof that the Sony Playstation 3 console is somehow technologically inferior and if so where is the proof?
Im shure the Cell has quite some muscles to show but this all hype and talk reminds me of the EE hype and talk and well...
Console hype has always been used as far as I can remember, ever since NEC called their console the Turbo Graphix 16 and Sega's Genesis sported a "High Definiton 16bit Graphics" logo on the console, (I won't say anything about SNK) later Nintendo's SNES just baked it up a notch with all of the crazy claims about mode 7...
I do know that some of the Emotion Engine's hype was pretty crazy but not to change the subject...
As a console application, did the EE fail to deliver in its gaming hype?
id Tech 5 has been running on multi-core from day one, which would be at least two years ago if not more (i.e. after Doom 3's release three years ago). UE3 is a PC engine that had to be fitted onto the consoles and multi-core, whereas id Tech 5 has always been designed for cross platform and multi-core. So no, I don't think Epic has ever really been ahead as far as multi-core.
How many Id Software developed games have been released on consoles as of this year 2007 compared to Epic Games?
Although I am aware of Quake 4 being on XBox 360 we pretty much know that game was never really programed to require more than one processor (even taking the dual core patch) and staying in that platform last years Epic Games Gears of War, even though we don't have any proof other than the game devs word on multicore usage or even as to what the actual Unreal Engine 3 version being used in that game, its safe to say that Epic games has the lead over Id so far.
Id Tech 5's presentation though can be a major blow to Epic Games in the sense that as far as we know Gears of War did not actually use the same UE3 code that was sold to other game devs who bought the licensed engine, specially those who complained about it, (Silicon Knights anyone?) If Id's Tech 5 proves attractive to those game devs interested in that engine, then Epic will have a major challenger, however we can agree that both engines are fundamentaly different in that Epic has embraced Direct X and quite possibly multicore while Id is only starting to embrace multicore but their engine is based on Open GL ideologies.
Is it that hard to give id some very well deserved credit for this? Especially after all the Carmack bashing, how he's just a whining PC developer who won't survive on consoles....
Sorry to have to tell you this but it is hard to give Id and John Carmack any well deserved credit for making a 3rd party licensed game engine that is able to run in consoles.
Id/John Carmack's last hurrahs were with PC games in the 90s and late 90s with Quake II and QIII being the most successfull for PC game engines that offered barely average console ports that the console gamer will barelly care to remember.
When you mention Id/JC's name you are talking about First person shooters and as much fun as I had playing Doom III/RoE and Quake 4 on my PC, they are minor game experiences if you remove any fanboyism and realize how stiff competition got and how little Id/JC offered as far as 3d graphics, things would be different however if Doom III came out back in late 2002.
In console gaming the first person shooters that have embarrased PC FPS gaming have been the RARE developed Goldeneye 007 N64, Bungie's Halo series, to a small crowd Rare's Perfect Dark and Timesplitters, there are other console FPS games but any attempt made by Epic or Id software to make a memorable console appearance has been in weakly ported games that held equally weak sales, it wasn't until recently that Epic Games broke away with Gears of War but then again GoW is not a FPS.
And now he's just got rid of texture memory limitations as it seems, and on all platforms, once again changing something big in the industry.
Again remember his engine is just a 3rd party licensed engine that will greatly depend on a game dev willing to use it for the gaming genre application that will benefit from it most. As far as we know, RAGE may end up being a high texture/resolution Halo/Half Life 2 like game as in most likely another first person shooter or possibly a third person game. At this point its hard to imagine this game engine being used in anything else and if John Carmack is willing to break any alleged NDAs by stating memory usage limits in PS3 as a problematic issue its highly possible that the 3rd party dev using this engine will run into similar problems as well on the console and by no means did he magically get rid of texture memory limitations BTW.
The big factor this time is that because of the multi core nature of the XBox 360 and PS3 and because his company had to hire a former Naughty Dog programmer, John Carmack cannot take all the credit for making the game as he has in the past, its not expected of him either but this is a fact.
I personally think that Id Tech 5 is a great idea, for Id Software to get their games ported to consoles but thats about it, if I want any real innovation I will got after a game that is made from scratch on a single console, but thats just me and so far those devs that have taken that step on PS3 at least have a major foot in the door that will turn into leaps later, while a 3rd party engine will still stay very much the same or will need major rewritting that will take more time to make something that stands out.
I really hate to think of Id's Tech 5 as just a level editor though from what I have seen.