I'm going back on my earlier opinion. For most gamers, the price difference in the case of Sony was justified by the inclusion of Wifi, HDMI, bigger and replaceable HDD, much lower noise, integrated Bluray and not having to pay for the complete online experience. All of that feature set was considered a bargain by anyone with a calculator. Later on, many those advantages disappeared, but certainly not the most important ones. I don't think there will be any difference of that kind between PS4 and 720, unless MS is stupid enough to disable Bluray playback (doubtful), or if Sony still gives online for free (doubtful), while MS continues to charge for it. The edge of features set would be lost next gen, so the ability to charge a higher price will also be lost. The only advantage Sony has left is their lower production cost compared to MS.
What do you mean by most gamers? the early adopters that bough the system at its launch price?
I don't see how they qualify as "most gamers'. I won't discuss the value the ps3 offered for the price that is so 2006 lol. Still Sony has been doing way better as soon as they got their system price competitively and not in absolute term (the + you spoke about) but in comparison to MSFT offering. they are now even or above.
Wrt to free online, I think that it would be pretty bold to believe that Sony can match MSFT policies that easily. They have a different user base as MSFT, MSFT managed to attract 20 millions people with significant buying power and willing to pay for a good online service. It is not straight forward to assume that Sony can to do same without a possibly unwanted impact on its user base at large.
I would not be surprised if those 20 millions people make msft more money that 40 other millions (through live but I suspect they buy more games).
It is clearly a marketing thing, but costumers are not equal. Plenty of brand (cars sorry...) have tried to get into the high end and failed for example and not because the models sucked.
I don't think anyone owning a PS3/360 is actually staying with or leaving their favorite console for next gen because of any technical metric. Only PC gamers are fanatic enough, and they have a PC anyway because they want the best, whatever the price. And it's fun to tweak and overclock.
Well that is an odd view of the PC market, most of the PC gamers I would say don;t spend much on hardware and sadly not a dime on software...
Anyway people have intensive to stick to a brand, but that if whatever you bough last gen still works on the new system. personally I don't give a fuck about brand royalty, I've always sold the system I owned 6months to 1 year ahead of a new system launch ( so while it had still some value) and choose between what is available but on average people have some brand loyalty.
There was a big poll from IGN about next gen and brand loyalty, the large majority don't expect to switch brand, without even knowing what the next one will be (all three were about equal at 70%). Trying to make a console significantly more powerful than the competition while absorbing billions in losses is suicide, both for Sony and MS.
Well polls are polls, plenty of people who vote can't buy a +400$ system for example they wait a few years. I think that when it comes down to the decision price is the determining factor.
Well thing is I believe that MSFT and SOny are no longer equal when it comes to subsidizing hardware so whereas losing billions is stupid I would not put both companies on an equal footing.
By the way I think that for MSft the design failure cost them lot of money not subsidizing (or not that much), they paid the rrod, then had to rely on solid cooling solution, all of that because the system was rushed and they refuse to delay it passing the problem to the costumers in a pretty inelegant manner (even though they reacted "well" if that is possible in those circumstances...).
Anyway I believe that Sony has a lot of thing going for them, I hope that the exec won't have come to the conclusion that they have to provide costumers with a power house ala PSV with all the good it made to them.