When people don't act like whining children droaning on and on about the smallest thing then I'll be serious with them (I've been serious and civil so far with you haven't I?, despite you insulting me a little bit). Frankly with some people here if I don't laugh I'll cry. That's why I make jokes, because if I don't I'll lose it with some people.
Once again of course a

doesn't make something a joke. It merely indicates that something is meant as a joke. What certainly doesn't make something a joke or not is your perception of it, if you think it does then I'd call that a perception problem. Just because you take something I say as not a joke that doesn't mean its not a joke. People have different senses of humour and I admit mine can be very close to the edge.
I don't want to fight with you. I think you'll find that if someone is civil to me I will be civil to them. But its difficult when I post a civil message to you and you overeact to it. Like you did when I explained I was only joking in my first reply to you and you just assumed I was patronising you. Or in your last post when I again was civil to you and you come back and call me a sulking child and tell me a grow up. Read the posts where I've replied to you without assuming any bad intention on my part and you'll see that they are normal none inflamatory posts. Yet each time you react as if I've insulted you. So maybe you need to look at your own attitude before protesting about mine?