Who's Blocking the Xbox? Sony and Its Games

If it is a joke then it's not very funny. And are you saying if I flame you and attack you, all I have to do is add a smile and it automatically becomes a 'joke' and goes away?

I dont' think so.
And are you saying if I flame you and attack you, all I have to do is add a smile and it automatically becomes a 'joke' and goes away?

No of course not. I couldn't, for instance, say:

"I think your a total f***ing moron and I hope you die"

Add a smillie and expect that to make it into a joke. Obviously the comment has to be written in a humorous way to. Because a smillie doesn't make something into a joke, it just indicates that something is meant as a joke.

Frankly if I hadn't meant it as a joke I would say so. Its not as if it would be a bannable offence anyway. I've seen people say far worse many times and not even get a warning. So what reason have I got to say it was a joke if it wasn't?

BTW I wonder why you failed to see other attacks much earlier on in this thread?, ones that most deffinately weren't jokes? Any reason for that then?

Oh and P.S not everything you quoted was a joke. I meant the part when I said I must have annoyed him because he was sulking.
"Frankly if I hadn't meant it as a joke I would say so."

That is so funny Teasy. So by defualt everything you say IS a joke, unless stated otherwise. The last time I checked, things are read at face value, UNLESS a 'j/k' is added. You one one weirld guy. ;)

You mis-understood what I said there.

I said "if I hadn't meant it as a joke I would say so". Meaning if I hadn't meant the original comment as a joke I would tell you now that it wasn't meant as a joke instead of saying that it was. I did not mean I would have said it wasn't a joke at the time of posting it.

The last time I checked, things are read at face value, UNLESS a 'j/k' is added.

Ah so then the problem is that I am using a smillie to denote a joke when I should be using a "j/k"? Well now I get it, because of course using "j/k" instead of a smillie will make all the difference.

So really you don't actually have any problem with what I said then. Only the desire to eradicate the evil smillie face from this planet and replace it exclusively with the"j/k" symbol?

Wait, that was a joke wasn't it. Hold on I've got it. No don't help me......... j/l. Am I right eh.. eh? Or is it j/f? HELP ME!!!! :)

You one one weirld guy.

That's a nasty stutter you have there. Also your bold use of words that don't actually excist intrigues me. Are you the reincarnation of Robert Burns perhaps? :LOL:
Well, to be honest I don't think it's fair to leave the Japanese numbers out of this. I am sure everybody on this board knows that GCN is second world wide, but I also pretty confident that the majority of this article's readers do not know. That's the problem I have with it. It is misleading.

Teasy said:
You one one weirld guy.

That's a nasty stutter you have there. Also your bold use of words that don't actually excist intrigues me. Are you the reincarnation of Robert Burns perhaps? :LOL:

That's low. Making fun of typos is always the last resort, if you haven't anything sensible to say.
The second worldwide thing again... *sigh*

MS claims they're in 2nd, Nintendo claims they're in 2nd. It depends whose numbers you believe.

In reality, they're tied. In reality, MS is outselling them each month now in terms of combined total. Look at the North American gap between the two, add that to the European gap, and then add on the (tiny) Aussie gap, and it is larger than the Japanese sales gap.

Nintendo may be 2nd right now (I think they're probably tied), but come next month it won't be disputed that they'd be in third...

What you've said in your last response to Quincy is just simply unnesssary. Not a word with relating to consoles or having any technical merit - a whole bloody post of rehtoric.

Granted, Quincy posted a useless one liner as well, but harldy on the same level of deconstruction as your follow ups.

I agree with him that you do nothing here accept defending the Gamecube. That's really all you do. At the 3D Forum, it's the same thing with PowerVR. Dont' you have anything better to do? It gets very tiring.

Read JR's new post, that pretty much sums up how I'd rather the forums be.

Once again, it was a joke. Just incase you don't know Robert Burns was a 18th century scottish poet who used to make up words in his poems and songs (the guy that wrote Auld Lang Syne). Now calm down and stop overeacting.


My first post to Quincy was both very civil, serious and on topic. What did I get in return from him? "wah wah wah... quit crying about it. :rolleyes:". Is that neccesary or on topic? As I said he was obviously in no mood to discuss anything with me.

As for the claim that all I do is defend Nintendo in this forum, that's rubbish. I participate in this forum on many subjects. I've even done what apparently you would consider unthinkable for me. Yes I've defending PS2 and XBox in this forum :oops: I'd be suprised if more then 30% of the threads I post in are me defending Nintendo. The same sort of thing goes for the 3d forum.

JR's post sounds fine to me BTW. I hope it calms the place down a bit.


These are the U.K and Japanese combined numbers for GC and XBox so far in 2003:

GC = 244,000
XBox = 202,000

So we need to see European numbers to see wether XBox or GC are selling the most so far in 2003. What are the U.K numbers in 2003 for GC and XBox BTW?
Teasy said:
Once again, it was a joke. Just incase you don't know Robert Burns was a 18th century scottish poet who used to make up words in his poems and songs (the guy that wrote Auld Lang Syne). Now calm down and stop overeacting.

Quit acting like a teacher. You're not the only one who posses that knowledge. So better change your attitude or otherwise do as Götz v. Berlichengen said (those who have read Goethe know what I am talking about). :rolleyes:

Am I in a paralles universe here? Touchy overeaction world maybe?

I make a joke and for the second time someone overeacts to it. I mention what my joke was about (I assumed you didn't know as you seemed not to find it funny) and wow.. what a suprise suddenly I'm patronising you and you overeact yet again. Am I starting to see a patern here? Take everyting I say and make it into some sort of attack, hmm, nice game but one I'm a little bored of now.
Glonk said:
The second worldwide thing again... *sigh*

MS claims they're in 2nd, Nintendo claims they're in 2nd. It depends whose numbers you believe.

In reality, they're tied. In reality, MS is outselling them each month now in terms of combined total. Look at the North American gap between the two, add that to the European gap, and then add on the (tiny) Aussie gap, and it is larger than the Japanese sales gap.

Nintendo may be 2nd right now (I think they're probably tied), but come next month it won't be disputed that they'd be in third...

I agree that the japanese gap is not relevant if you are a western dev considering you have no chance to sell anything to japanese, BUT the gap between GC and Xbox is more like 2M units in Japan (a bit less). I do ont think the lead of the xbox over the GC in in western countries is that large, is it ??

According to this, AUS+EUro\UK should be at +800K for the Xbox to reach GC sales.

I'm not absolutely sure of the exact numbers but I think the gap in Japan is just slightly over 2.6 million (340,000 vs 3 million).
Teasy said:

Am I in a paralles universe here? Touchy overeaction world maybe?

I make a joke and for the second time someone overeacts to it. I mention what my joke was about (I assumed you didn't know as you seemed not to find it funny) and wow.. what a suprise suddenly I'm patronising you and you overeact yet again. Am I starting to see a patern here? Take everyting I say and make it into some sort of attack, hmm, nice game but one I'm a little bored of now.

Do you have a problem of perception, maybe? All over this thread you have been acting like spoilt sulking child. Maybe if you'd grown up, you would see that a lot of people tried a sensible approach with you (hell, I even agried with you on that article to most part). But you were insulting people (a :LOL: doesn't make a joke, just like a :devilish: doesn't make an insult). You know a joke is directly linked to the situation of a discussion, so your remark were nothing else than insults.
I know the trenches are dug with Qroach and you. However, I think a lot of people would appreciate it, if threads involving you two would'nt turn into flame wars.

Now back to topic:
I don't think that 3 million is accurate. This is however just an estimate: average weekly sales about 12500*(52+26)=975.000
+ initial shipment (500.000)
=1,475 million units

My estimate maybe off a bit, however I don't think that it can be off by 100 % (or 1,5 million units).

Even increasing the weekly sales to 20.000 units, which they're not in the average would only yield 2,06 million units and thus still be off by 1 million.

When people don't act like whining children droaning on and on about the smallest thing then I'll be serious with them (I've been serious and civil so far with you haven't I?, despite you insulting me a little bit). Frankly with some people here if I don't laugh I'll cry. That's why I make jokes, because if I don't I'll lose it with some people.

Once again of course a :) doesn't make something a joke. It merely indicates that something is meant as a joke. What certainly doesn't make something a joke or not is your perception of it, if you think it does then I'd call that a perception problem. Just because you take something I say as not a joke that doesn't mean its not a joke. People have different senses of humour and I admit mine can be very close to the edge.

I don't want to fight with you. I think you'll find that if someone is civil to me I will be civil to them. But its difficult when I post a civil message to you and you overeact to it. Like you did when I explained I was only joking in my first reply to you and you just assumed I was patronising you. Or in your last post when I again was civil to you and you come back and call me a sulking child and tell me a grow up. Read the posts where I've replied to you without assuming any bad intention on my part and you'll see that they are normal none inflamatory posts. Yet each time you react as if I've insulted you. So maybe you need to look at your own attitude before protesting about mine?

Also just because you agree with me on the article in this thread that doesn't mean I'm going to lay back and agree with anything you say. Especially when your telling me that I wasn't joking about something, when I know for a fact that I was.

Now on topic.

1.5 million is barely more then GC sold in Japan in 2001 alone. My 3 million estimate is based on independent sales reports. End of year 2001 report + end of year 2002 + total for 2003 so far. I think 2001 was around 1.3 million, 2002 was 1.4 million and so far in 2003 its about 240,000 for GC. So that's around 3 million. They're just how I remember them of course. I could try to find the sales numbers if you want me to? But it may be difficult. Although they've probably been posted in this forum so it might not be to hard.
Teasy said:

When people don't act like whining children droaning on and on about the smallest thing then I'll be serious with them (I've been serious and civil so far with you haven't I?, despite you insulting me a little bit). Frankly with some people here if I don't laugh I'll cry. That's why I make jokes, because if I don't I'll lose it with some people.

Once again of course a :) doesn't make something a joke. It merely indicates that something is meant as a joke. What certainly doesn't make something a joke or not is your perception of it, if you think it does then I'd call that a perception problem. Just because you take something I say as not a joke that doesn't mean its not a joke. People have different senses of humour and I admit mine can be very close to the edge.

I don't want to fight with you. I think you'll find that if someone is civil to me I will be civil to them. But its difficult when I post a civil message to you and you overeact to it. Like you did when I explained I was only joking in my first reply to you and you just assumed I was patronising you. Or in your last post when I again was civil to you and you come back and call me a sulking child and tell me a grow up. Read the posts where I've replied to you without assuming any bad intention on my part and you'll see that they are normal none inflamatory posts. Yet each time you react as if I've insulted you. So maybe you need to look at your own attitude before protesting about mine?

Well, maybe you should have a look at the posts again. I just said that "making fun" of typos is in fact a very bad style of discussion, nothing more. Then you made quite a partronizing and arrogant remark. So I responded in the way you did nothing more. An Austrian proverb says: "Wie man in den Wald reinschreit, so kommt's auch heraus" (basically: "you get what you give"). Granted my last response wasn't not justified any more. However, I felt that at least some things were and are valid (last paragraph).

Also just because you agree with me on the article in this thread that doesn't mean I'm going to lay back and agree with anything you say. Especially when your telling me that I wasn't joking about something, when I know for a fact that I was.

Now on topic.

1.5 million is barely more then GC sold in Japan in 2001 alone. My 3 million estimate is based on independent sales reports. End of year 2001 report + end of year 2002 + total for 2003 so far. I think 2001 was around 1.3 million, 2002 was 1.4 million and so far in 2003 its about 240,000 for GC. So that's around 3 million. They're just how I remember them of course. I could try to find the sales numbers if you want me to? But it may be difficult. Although they've probably been posted in this forum so it might not be to hard.

EDIT: I tried to find those sales numbers again, but unfortunately www.the-magicbox.com deleted their archives. So if you can find them, it'd be good.

The comment in my first reply to you was not written to be arrogant of patronising. In the end this is down to the difference in how I wrote the comment and how you read it, that's all. Its easy to read an arrogant and patronising tone into a comment. I've done it plenty of times myself and arguments have occured/escilated because of it. I only made the comment to make my joke clear (not everyone knows who Robert Burns is and why should they). I thought that maybe you didn't know and so you weren't seeing the funny side of it. If you read the comment again, this time as if I'm saying it in a calm way without any patronising tone (which was how it was written) then I'm sure you'll see that its just an ordinary comment.

The joke itself was there simply because I thought it was funny, not to ridecule someone. It just sprung to mind as I was reading, as I said I thought it was funny and I thought it wouldn't be taken badely so I posted it. I intended the comment to be a funny bit of banter that's all. However I certainly can see how it might be easy to read it as a nasty comment, which I didn't see at the time of posting it. Still I did say it wasn't intended that way, so I hope it can just be left at that.

I tried to find those sales numbers again, but unfortunately www.the-magicbox.com deleted their archives. So if you can find them, it'd be good.

Ok, no problem. At the moment I'm enjoying my first import GC game with Freeloader. The wonderful, awesome Winning Eleven 6: Final Evolution (what a game!.. pitty everythings in japanese though :(). So I'll probably take a look for them later and post them tommorow providing I find them at all.
I agree that the japanese gap is not relevant if you are a western dev considering you have no chance to sell anything to japanese,

Depends on your market goals... Naughty Dog and Insomniac have both had great success in Japan. It really comes down to whether or not the dev is going to put out serious effort at global appeal...
Teasy said:
The joke itself was there simply because I thought it was funny, not to ridecule someone. It just sprung to mind as I was reading, as I said I thought it was funny and I thought it wouldn't be taken badely so I posted it. I intended the comment to be a funny bit of banter that's all. However I certainly can see how it might be easy to read it as a nasty comment, which I didn't see at the time of posting it. Still I did say it wasn't intended that way, so I hope it can just be left at that.

The funny thing (to me anyhow) is that your spelling is one of the worst on this board.
The funny thing (to me anyhow) is that your spelling is one of the worst on this board.

Really?, my spelling of what is one of the worst on this board? ;)

BTW I have to say I'm impressed with your spelling skills. You haven't made one mistake in the whole of the 2 sentences you've written in this thread. I suppose that's what puts you in a position to judge other people on this subject? You must be very proud because that's some achievement. :LOL:

In all seriousness though lets just try to stay within the realms of reality shall we? My spelling abilities are far from some of the worst seen on this board. Not that it matters of course considering I would never try to ridicule anyone for bad spelling.