Call of Duty 4: Modern combat trailer up

Bought the PS3 version last night & so far I am pleasantly surprised at how well the controller seems to work. Get the crosshair close, press to use iron site & you have instant aiming. Still would prefer KB/M but this isn't completely bad for me.

That's your first COD, isn't it?
Try clearing the whole game on Veteran. (which I did)
It'll make you want to throw your controller out the window.
which part of it are you having problems with?

Basically the problems with that level comes from the first running away and the ferris wheel.

The running away... is more of a luck thing.
Try hiding in the bushes and sniping some guys before your run for the apartment.

The second part, the ferris wheel....
Try hiding in the forest behind the bumper cars. Place the claymores along the small route to the rear of the bumper car and grab a Ak or something like that to fend off anyone that comes in that direction.
Also works in Veteran (even without the claymores).
Yeah, the Ferris wheel part. Kept tyring to help out the cripple and I'm too exposed. I'll camp out in the forest to the right behind the bumper cars and pray!
The difficulty in this game is bullshit!

I'm at One Shot, One Kill on hardened and it's so damn frustrating.

I agree. There are some parts of the game that are just too rediculously difficult, where you are basically spawned into crossfire against multiple enemies and just have to figure it out by dying a lot via trial and error. It spoils an otherwise decent game. I don't remember CoD2 being like this.

I'm almost done with the SP campaign, and I'm already bored/frustrated with it. I've yet to give MP a shot, but so far this game gets a "meh" from me.
Picked this up today (PS3) and can confirm the low rez textures...considering PC version...
The textures look fine with minimal shimmering during gameplay, but, if you walk around just homing in on them in an empty deathmatch, they're certainly not as sharp as I'd like.
I had a several hour session just at the ferris wheel on hardned.

I got in to a ticket booth stayed there until the chopper arrived, one or two guys popped in (not for a ticket).
Beat the game on hardened. "one shot, one kill" is easily the hardest level in the game so once you beat that, things get a bit manageable.

One thing I must say is that the squad help is stupidly random. There are times when they'll magically kill anything in sight and at other times, spend clip after clip on a guy right infront of them. More consistancy would go a long way. This is even worse in tight spots where they take point yet refuse to shoot or hit anything when do decide to peek out! Ofcourse, you end up exposing yourself way too long to compensate for this. Very annoying.

Rainbow Six: Vegas is the still the best squad based implementation I can recall.

Went back and did the FNG test under 20seconds to get the achievement.
I am under the impression that this game looks very similar to Killzone 2.

I will buy this next year when platinas come out. Too good to miss out.
just played the game for few hours, the action was intense and fast paced. but is it jsut me or the graphics seriously looked last gen? im not impressed at all, the game looked static, so many static lights and shadows, the grass dont wave, no HDR and facial animation is lacking greatly. the particle looked really weak, you would think they upgraded it since COD2 but it looked still the same. and the sprite rpg trail is the worst imo. the only level that really impressed me alittle was the first ocean ship level, the rest looked alright but no wow effects at all. ok, the gameplay was good and i enjoyed playing it but i jsut dont get the "super realistic" visual people were praising about.
just played the game for few hours, the action was intense and fast paced. but is it jsut me or the graphics seriously looked last gen? im not impressed at all, the game looked static, so many static lights and shadows, the grass dont wave, no HDR and facial animation is lacking greatly. the particle looked really weak, you would think they upgraded it since COD2 but it looked still the same. and the sprite rpg trail is the worst imo. the only level that really impressed me alittle was the first ocean ship level, the rest looked alright but no wow effects at all. ok, the gameplay was good and i enjoyed playing it but i jsut dont get the "super realistic" visual people were praising about.

Yeah its not good at all really in graphic + not being HD is very noticable imo.
Its way overrated in graphics.
That people like hte grapihcs is mostly just due to really good art, I'm guessing. Plus it's still 60fps, at least, which helps.
When I saw one of the online videos (a sniper one) I thought it looked amazing (prob the PC version) I have the ps3 version and it's pretty, but not as impressive as I'd hoped. Personally I think Resistance is better looking...and HS way better. The maps and backgrounds do look nice for MP, but I haven't had time yet...and I like the randomly blowing trash ;)
Yeah its not good at all really in graphic + not being HD is very noticable imo.
Its way overrated in graphics.

I agree. I can't belive that review sites actually rated the graphics for this game higher than Resistance. The only thing that COD4 have over resistance is 60fps, but you only get that when there isnt much going on the screen (ie no firefights)
I also agree that it's quite overrated. You can't say that it's bad, but there are gaping flaws all over the place.
Being at a lower resolution than 720P itself takes away a lot from the graphics department IMHO....