Call of Duty 4: Modern combat trailer up

I don't get it, With all thoose textures in lower res on ps3 would make up for more than 50mb o ram right ?.

it's got to be a lod thing.
I don't get it, With all thoose textures in lower res on ps3 would make up for more than 50mb o ram right ?.

it's got to be a lod thing.

The programmer on Neogaf mentions filtering as one of the differences on the 2 platforms.
I don't get it, With all thoose textures in lower res on ps3 would make up for more than 50mb o ram right ?.

Yes, of course. It's not like textures take up the entire 480 MB available on Xbox 360 so that you scale them by 10% to fit in the ~440 MB available on PS3. If textures take up e.g. 200 MB on Xbox 360, you probably have to fit them in whatever's left of the 256 MB of the RSX after you take out the OS reservation and the framebuffers - remember, on Xbox360 you don't need to have a multisampled framebuffer in main memory, while on RSX you have to - so it's more like 120-150 MB, which is a more serious reduction.
So a guy that actually worked on the game and wrote actual code for the SPU as well dimisses the pictures.

Not that it matters of course, the story is out, the PS3 version is inferrior and it´s all based on top notch quality photos taken by "someone" of his tv with top grade photo gear.
No need to be sarcastic. ;) We all know the limitations. What we are capable of ourselves is, given the source material, examining what's in effect and forming our own opinions. One can question the validity of the guy who posted the source material, but we can also question the honesty of the IW guy. The only 'fact' we have is an actually screenshot that is comparable between images and shows a clear difference in shadowing.

If we look back at the 65nm 40GB PS3 debate, we were all convinced it was 65nm, and then a Sony spokesperson said it wasn't. Yet they were wrong, and our own reasoning based on the facts was a better source of understanding than relying on a single comment. The person talking about the shadows cannot be accepted as a 100% accurate source without some validation, and when what they say doesn't tally with the evidence at hand (which of course may be the PC version taken with low quality shadow maps on?) we shouldn't necessarily take their comments at face value, just as we should also question the source images.
No need to be sarcastic. ;) We all know the limitations. What we are capable of ourselves is, given the source material, examining what's in effect and forming our own opinions. One can question the validity of the guy who posted the source material, but we can also question the honesty of the IW guy. The only 'fact' we have is an actually screenshot that is comparable between images and shows a clear difference in shadowing.

If we look back at the 65nm 40GB PS3 debate, we were all convinced it was 65nm, and then a Sony spokesperson said it wasn't. Yet they were wrong, and our own reasoning based on the facts was a better source of understanding than relying on a single comment. The person talking about the shadows cannot be accepted as a 100% accurate source without some validation, and when what they say doesn't tally with the evidence at hand (which of course may be the PC version taken with low quality shadow maps on?) we shouldn't necessarily take their comments at face value, just as we should also question the source images.

I dunno what his motive should be, in one of the first posts he says that the PS3 doesn not have better rain effects :)

It´s not like it would be weird if the 360 version had higher detail textures, but why are the textures sharper (when not up close) on the PS3? And where are the pictures of that :)
It´s not like it would be weird if the 360 version had higher detail textures, but why are the textures sharper (when not up close) on the PS3?

Because anisotropic filtering is less expensive on PS3, as evidenced by many titles?
Resum… an other time, the wisdom speached

I think we really need a impartial and reprodiusble method (and site) for making shot and video comparaison and quality analys for games…
Internet is a great source for infomation… but unfortunately a more great for disinformation.
I don't have the materiel for making this and more important don't have the knownledge, but if someone want to create this, I can give my help .

And for COD4, a this time COD4 seem to confirm some of the advantage of both consoles…
360 "betters textures", PS3 better AF…
It's not something we already known?
But the differences are they really marked? I don't think that in action the majority of the gamers see the differences?
For me it's seem to be a great job on both consoles, so respect for IW to make this ;)
edit2: here's a more direct comparison of the shadows I mentioned. Click to see full size.

Could be compression, but textures are different there as well.

I was going to give my gameplay feedback here (SP is intense, MP is insane) but this should be relabled CoD4 Tech Thread and a new thread devoted to the GAME created :p

I am digging it a lot. Kind of ugly IMO in some places, but in other places pretty. The story is nice, AC-130 missions are very "TV" like (although to be more realistic they need to give you a splitting headache from 4 engines roaring relentlessly with minimal insulation... I hate military aircraft!), and the gameplay is intense. Scripting is good, but still has the typical problems.

MP is absolute GOLD. I have only played domination and a half dozen maps, but so far it is GREAT. And I didn't dig CoD1 or CoD2--good games, not my cup of tea. 16 maps... a lot of replay here.

One nice thing: you upgrade FAST. I am on level 14 after 4 hours -- and I haven't really played a game in 18 months outside of 2 weekends of TF2 and a beta of another game in development. I am REALLY rusty.

Perks rock, Challenges rock, and the balance/map design is outstanding.
So what's the word on the PS3 version? I have the demo on the PC but my system isn't so great anymore. Unless the game is supposed to run at 30fps or shortly under it. & that is just at 1280x1024. My new Gateway HD220 monitor can do 1680x1050 but my tower would go into nuclear meltdown at that resolution.
So what's the word on the PS3 version? I have the demo on the PC but my system isn't so great anymore. Unless the game is supposed to run at 30fps or shortly under it. & that is just at 1280x1024. My new Gateway HD220 monitor can do 1680x1050 but my tower would go into nuclear meltdown at that resolution.

Well the console versions will run 30-60fps depending on scene and intensity, that goes for both from what has been shown. Although this game depens to much on the CPU for PC but you can test it at the console versions res, 1024*600 and see how it runs and looks with AA on (unless it still is to much for your PC).
No 1024x600 option however 1024x768 will hit 60fps sometimes but still mainly 30ish. Seems pretty smooth though at 1280x1024 & 30fps.

Anyway. I am considering this for the PS3, but then again Assassins Creed & Uncharted Drakes Fortune are both next week.
No 1024x600 option however 1024x768 will hit 60fps sometimes but still mainly 30ish. Seems pretty smooth though at 1280x1024 & 30fps.

Anyway. I am considering this for the PS3, but then again Assassins Creed & Uncharted Drakes Fortune are both next week.

Was just wondering if you have vsync on becouse if it is enabled then you need to force tripple buffering on. Otherwise teh framerate will be 60/30-->20fps if it cant maintain respective speed. D3Doverrider bundled with RivaTuner solves this.
Vsync was off. only 2xAA. My system is aging

Opteron 165 @ 2.16
7900 GT @ Default.
2gigs mem.
X-Fi sound.

The CPU may be the one thing holding it back, I found this game to be CPU intensive or rather waste CPU cycles for what it does IMO. I got an Opteron 185 @ 2.6GHz and dont forget to install the AMD CPU optimizer if you are running in WindowsXP (perfomance boost). Also EAX may be a killer (dont remember if it had support for that though). :smile:
huh? to me the wall looks bumped on the 360 and flat on the ps3
in the comparison shot above showing the back of the seat from GT, the brick on the 360 version is flat, so i don't see why or how it would look bump mapped. the PS3 version, the bricks do seem to be bump mapped to me too, at least the artists intention was to make it look that way.
If you look at the wall behind the closest wall there is definitely "bumping" on that with the 360 version but not ps3 version. The close wall doesn't look bumped on either to me.
Bought the PS3 version last night & so far I am pleasantly surprised at how well the controller seems to work. Get the crosshair close, press to use iron site & you have instant aiming. Still would prefer KB/M but this isn't completely bad for me.