
kyleb said:
I figured that would be easy enough to guess. ;)

And thanks for the links to that page, I'm not going to bother with the vids as I have my media center grab it in full quality tomorrow morning but the synopsis made for a nice read to get me hyped up to watch it.

My pleasure. :smile:

Thought you might be a Brit/SkyOne customer. Not that I know their schedule.
digitalwanderer said:
Tonight's episode, "Pegasus": :cool:

I really cant see how they can follow the last fantastic episode.

Seriously, it was the best one of the whole series by far.

Personally tho, I cant see them only having 10 episodes, it would be really cruel to have the next set, next year!

I wonder tho, is black bird going to be one of a kind.. a special kind of stealth ship? Or will all ships be like this from Galactica?

edit: Or Starbuck be the only one to fly this?
demonic said:
I really cant see how they can follow the last fantastic episode.

Seriously, it was the best one of the whole series by far.
Did you ever watch the original Galactica? I loved the episode where they found the Pegasus, this one could easily be better. :)

Good show, thanks for making me watch it all. ;)
Regarding tonights episode: Bravo, amazing episode. Was the guest star the lady who led the Mars resistance on B5? I'll check.

Spoiler/quibble point below.

Assuming BSG follows US gov't protocols the president could appoint a sec'y of defense who, through the joint chiefs, could promote Adama to a rank higher than Kane. Details aside the president could just say to Adama, "You're in charge", and if Adama was predisposed to agree they would be on firm enough legal ground. This would tie in nicely with why Kana wasn't eager to take the president's calls, she had no desire for the prez to ask a question which might awaken her to this. Yeah, I'm quibbling and I'm going against "the suspension of disbelief" which is de rigueur for popular entertainment but still, this point nags me. I realize the BSG universe need not follow the custom of USA law. The similarities in virtually all other respects makes my quibble valid imo. I guess the rules during a time of war when gov't has been nearly obliterated might be different.

Edit: grammar
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I just realized this episode bears a small similarity to the Voyager episode wherein they encountered a Federation ship that had, like the Pegasus apparently, lost its moral compass.

Is the color I'm using for the spoiler ok with everyone? Would another color work better?
I don't see the text until I highlight it, but I don't see the point in putting it in white. the "next week on bsg" preview last week was more of a spoiler than anything you wrote and I'd imagine that anyone interested in this thread would watch the finaly before reading this anyway.

Overall I enjoyed the episode but I am rather pissed that we were already told what was going to happen.
kyleb said:
I don't see the text until I highlight it, but I don't see the point in putting it in white. the "next week on bsg" preview last week was more of a spoiler than anything you wrote and I'd imagine that anyone interested in this thread would watch the finaly before reading this anyway.

Overall I enjoyed the episode but I am rather pissed that we were already told what was going to happen.

Thanks for the info.

I avoid the next episode previews of all shows like the plague. They often destroy the dramatic tension.

Regarding Admiral Cain, it was Michelle Forbes who got the role.

I was confusing her with Marjorie Monaghan.
I have generally found the previews to just be teasers but the one for this episode was downright absurd. They literally showed Adama's last communique to Kain, I mean wtf?
During my second viewing, I just notice this at the opening credits: they added to the number of survivors. In case no one noticed/mentioned this: yes, they do change the number of survivors depending on how many people get killed each episode. This is the first time I've noticed it go up.

I wonder if the Pegasus will stick around... :?:
Ho-ly CRAP. That show is amazing.

All you need to see is Angry Adama. Haven't seen Angry Adama, really pissed off, righteously indignant Adama, since last season. It's coooooool.
Great episode. Had some of the most eciting scenes. Too bad we have to wait until January until the Current Season can resume. I don't know why they call it a Season Finale.

Here's my covered thoughts to hide spoilers:

Doesn't the Pegasus kinda resemble the Battlestars from the original series (1970's). I've never seen them and doubt I will anytime.

I was really amazed they did a scene where that LT attempted what I thought was rape on Sharon during the interrogation. :oops:

They really left it off when Apollo about to go on the recon mission and Starbuck still missing with the Blackbird, so I guess that'll be where things will start off.

Did anyone count the number of Viper Mk VII's the Pegasus launched? It looked like she sent out like a couple squadrons. With the Pegasus a top of the line ship of war and had more supplies that Galactica didn't have since it was about to retire, hell, they had to go scrounge for ammo in the miniseries.

My prediction is that the situation will descalate suddenly next episode. The Pegasus XO did mention about how Cain killed her previous XO and the crew did seem hesitant about following orders, I think Cain is going to get killed by the XO or maybe even Gaius in someway with a little manipulation from the new Cylon Audry, he'll probably get enraged of how she got raped and tortured then shoot Cain.

Then they'll go off to battle the Cylon fleet and that mothership is probably a ship run by Cylon human models.

As with the Pegasus, I think it'll be around for a while, but it can't last forever and will probably be destroyed in a final act of sacrifice. But I hope it sticks around for the long run.

But I see this as a great opprotunity for the show to give the Galactica more fighters and Raptors which they're running short on.

getting it soon.... now i know its worthy :)
thanks for osting spoilers in a way i couldnt read them.... seems like this will be great episode ...

cant wait...:smile:
Babel-17 said:
I avoid the next episode previews of all shows like the plague. They often destroy the dramatic tension.
I actually hate those fast cut previews that follow the title sequence of BSG. They're only quick bursts of what's to come, but they spoil too much of the surprises for my tastes. I always try to skip them or close my eyes. To be blunt: they suck.

Other than that - awesome show, looking forward to see yesterday's episode soon! :cool:
Actually, I think most of their 'next week on BSG' clips are purposefully misleading and taken out of context.

They showed, for example, a certain character betraying the group in two different ways for two separate episodes. Both turned out to be untrue.
Man that was a great episode. The wait for the next one will be intolerable. I'm glad that Lost started with a great episode too, so I'll get my fix of superb tv.
I think that's why BSG is taking a big break, there's so much coming out on TV that's not on Cable, Lost, new Desparate Housewives (anyone watch this?), Invasion (first episode sucked, but I hope it gets better), Commander in Chief (new West Wing kind of show?), as well as West Wing, Alias (Don't watch it either). Perhaps they're stopping while it's good and come back when the competition for ratings is less intense. But I can't think of any show in the same time slot that is hard to compete with. Maybe they're still in post production of season 2?

But the return of BSG I think will have some hefty competition too, like new Season of 24 and The Shield, any other shows I'm missing?

BSG I say again has to be the best sci fi I've seen since B5. No all they need is a PC game space sim. Haven't played the Xbox/PS2 one, was that any good?