
That was an awesome episode. I think the XO on the pegasus will be the sympathizer if there is any. The president, especially the civillian ships might have a role to play yet -- relatives of pegasus survivors might in the fleet.

I can't wait for the new episodes, January feels so far away.
bouy said:
Maybe they're still in post production of season 2?
Still in production, actually. Back when there was still some uncertainty as to exactly how many episodes SciFi would order for Season 2 it was decided to shoot only 10 episodes in the first production block. These were finished a long time ago, and they disn't resume shooting until August 17.
Saem said:
That was an awesome episode. I think the XO on the pegasus will be the sympathizer if there is any. The president, especially the civillian ships might have a role to play yet -- relatives of pegasus survivors might in the fleet.

I can't wait for the new episodes, January feels so far away.

digitalwanderer said:
Just watched it, woah! :oops:

there is not enough :oops: for this episode.... and man, ending and everything.... FUCK!!!!
i cant wait till January to find out what will happen.... 2 Battle Stars fighting? after everything that Cylons did?.....

ARGHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! TEH frustration...
I just wanted to add that I never did trust that Bajoran bitch...
The real question isn't what happens to the Pegasus, that's pretty obvious. The real questions are:

1. What happens to Corporeal Number Six?
2. What's the giant ship?

Theories on both:

1. Lives, maybe? Baltar kinda fixes her, except then she goes all BERSERKER, and since she's already killed 7 people, she's probably pretty damned dangerous. (The real question is, how'd they find out she was a Cylon?) But, which goes back to the idea of Cylon factions, if she's from the "Let's kill humanity! They suck!" faction, do they keep her as a prisoner or do they kill her?

2. Remember the farms from Caprica? Bingo. Farm, so they can monitor Boomer's progress, and should it prove to be successful, they start cloning ASAP. Maybe a colony ship for Earth? Base stars seemed to be the Cylon equivalent of battlestars, so I don't know why they'd have a ship larger than that. Raider factory doesn't make much sense; the jump distance is large enough that they SHOULDN'T have to have one that close.

Survivors of Caprica, maybe?
about that ship... i think Baron is right, from earlier fights we know Galactica cant fight against single Base Star, let alone 2 of them.... raider factory is prolly smoke screen by script writers or even bone to fans to discuss like this....

if they are following Galactica that close, but they decided they wont attack (which we know) untill baby is OK, then it has to do something with that...
The Baron said:
The real question isn't what happens to the Pegasus

Seeing as I really cant remember any episodes of the original series...

Is it safe to assume the Admiral gets wasted and Adama is made in overall charge and the Pegasus makes a permanent fixture.

Or does it get destroyed? :( I hope not.
demonic said:
Seeing as I really cant remember any episodes of the original series...

Is it safe to assume the Admiral gets wasted and Adama is made in overall charge and the Pegasus makes a permanent fixture.

Or does it get destroyed? :( I hope not.

i really doubt that writers would cripple the fleet by destroying second Battle Star....
more likely is that Admiral gets wasted and maybe even Adama is made Admiral or at least he commands whole fleet...

i also cant imagine civilian ships that Galactica protectd siding with Pegasus.... and one other thing, while Adama and Galactica were saving all those civilians (which prolly have relatives on Pegasus) great Admiral jumped away from battle....
demonic said:
Seeing as I really cant remember any episodes of the original series...
I can't remember how the Pegasus episode ended either, but I think it was with the Pegasus doing a suicide last stand/attack against an overwhelming force to save the fleet.

I could almost see that happening with this one too.
digitalwanderer said:
I can't remember how the Pegasus episode ended either, but I think it was with the Pegasus doing a suicide last stand/attack against an overwhelming force to save the fleet.

I could almost see that happening with this one too.

hmmmm.... thats possible.... i dont remember that much of original series cause i was kid when it aired... (/me whistles)..... and i certainly dont remember second Battle Star from original....

i would rather have them join forces under Adama's command.... after all, this new show is more "inspired" by original then remake, so everything is open .....

silence said:
i would rather have them join forces under Adama's command.... after all, this new show is more "inspired" by original then remake, so everything is open .....

agreed, I would rather have that outcome. Besides, it makes for much bigger battles in space and thats one of the reasons why I watch the show

silence said:

Damn right.

One other thing I want to point out. Anyone know in the pilot when the cyclons first attacked. They effectively turned off all the newer ships and battle galacticas remotely. Thus everyone was easy pickings.

So how come, they havent done this with the Peagasus? The fighters looked much better and the CIC looks more modern.

Im tired and arent bothered to guess lol. But can anyone guestimate what the deal is?
demonic said:
So how come, they havent done this with the Peagasus? The fighters looked much better and the CIC looks more modern.

Im tired and arent bothered to guess lol. But can anyone guestimate what the deal is?
My speculation: Cmdr Cain runs an ubertight ship and has the same fear/suspicion of networked computers as Adama does so she never let her ship fall vulnerable to it and kept everything as local computers/manual as possible.
RussSchultz said:
I think she explained it by jumping away asap and not trying to fight.
True, and she also said that 3 nukes went off so it could have been the Cylons just bombed the shipyard she was in and didn't launch a true attack per se.
digitalwanderer said:
True, and she also said that 3 nukes went off so it could have been the Cylons just bombed the shipyard she was in and didn't launch a true attack per se.

possible.... but do we know how many types of Cylons there are? ;)
we discovered another type in episode before this one....
