digitalwanderer said:
But what IS "Baltar's Six"? Is she a Cylon/human consciousness projected into his head? We know he ain't got a chip, so that's questionable...
My theory is that Baltar is a Cylon/human, and she is his sub-conscious way of staying on his unknown-to-him Cylon mission....part of the grander unknown Cylon plot for humanity. (Which is NOT to wipe them out, I'm pretty sure)
Bold added by me.
Assuming good ol' Doc isn't a Cylon himself ..... and his equipment is reliable.

Speaking in general terms, the shows creative talent have a lot of leeway when it comes to pulling rabbits out of the hat. But one of the reasons I admire the show is that they show a lot of restraint in that area. They maintain consistency and don't leave too many loose (inconsistent) threads dangling.
I'm of the inclination that some portion of Baltar's brain has been hacked. Either through insertion of a device or through depositing an "image" of another personality onto his brains cells.
Mmmm, Robert Silverburg in his novel
To Live Again was one of the first to broach that theme, people who have extra personalities grafted on. In his case it was a way to achieve a form of quasi-immortality. Naturally Herbert with his Dune novels has his own unique spin on that.
Huh, I just now had a thought ...... the Cylons take surviving the death of their physical form pretty seriously. Might not grafting ones conciousness onto a human be a backup method in case they can't broadcast it back to a Cylon ship?
If so ........ just who was nearest the Cylon who got spaced? He sure did seem to enjoy getting into Starbuck's head during the interrogation, lol.
Edit: To Live Again was first published in 1969, the Amazon link suggests a much later date.
Edit 2: Grrrr. I inadvertently pasted within digi's quote. Sorry!