Are you ready

OT: I don't if it's just me, but I've grown a bit allergic to the term ferocious, reading NV PR stuff :LOL:
MiNdVelocity said:
Hey, did Nvidia do anything similar to the "Are you ready" thing with any of their past chipsets? I was just curious.

I think for every chipset after the TNT2 line.
A tease from Ben from nvnews:

Are You Ready? Updated - 10/26/02 3:44 pm - By: Ben - Source:
The page that NVIDIA put up saying "Are you Ready?" has been updated. Click the link to see what's new
A little birdy told me to keep checking the site every couple of days :).
I hope for a fix in the next update.
The italian for 'are you ready' is 'Siete pronti', and not 'Sieti pronti'
However, since my english is far worse than their italian I may forgive them :)

that search link comes up with "search expired" ...

alexsok said:
BTW, u guys will be suprised to know the name of the new cards based on NV30... ;)

GigaDude? Wavebay? ::snicker::

MiNdVelocity said:
Hey, did Nvidia do anything similar to the "Are you ready" thing with any of their past chipsets? I was just curious.

Yes, but not this long before launch. I think nVidia having a really hard time handling such a long product delay...they've never had to before...
RussSchultz said:
Hmm? I think the Geforce product launch had a countdown that was weeks/months long.

I didn't think so. I thought it was just a few days. Could be wrong, though, I suppose.
Randell said:
and if you go into TESS and type in ZForce you will see it is a nVidia trademark for a GPU :)

Registered May 22, 2001. Probably just a name they were thinking of using for something last year (Alternate name for the GeForce4 Ti or MX?).

I really, really hope that the new name is not reminiscent of the current GeForce name at all.