No, at a fundamental level the bluray drive and its firmware is able to detect wether the disk is an original pressed disk or not. There is no way to make a replica of an original disk that will be read as if it were genuine, this difference between original and copy (and being able to detect it) is part of the bluray protection scheme. The dumps that have been available have been useless precisely because of this protection.
The distinction between this and what was traditionally the case with flash is that replicas can be made of flash carts that are seen as by the device as genuine.
How on earth do you come to the conclusion that the DS can only be hacked by microSD? it was used for convenience, there is no need for a replica to use removeable flash storage at all. If DS used microSD sized cards then the replicas would just be reflashable versions of these, the only thing you get from going to smaller size is less potential storage so instead of storring 100 games on a card you store 10, which would then grow again when reduction in transistor sizes allow more storage for a given amount of space.
Its possible flash could be made more secure with an additional security chip, at increased cost. Im not saying that flash is out of the window, just that at the moment it is too easily replicated and work needs to be done to make it as secure againsts unauthorized replication as other media.
but your arguement works against you because the ds's carts have never been replicated either. They have to use additional hardware to trick the ds into reading a micro sd. Just like on the ps3 your using software to trick the ps3 into playing games on your hardrive and your tricking the ps3 into ripping back ups of bluray discs to the game.
I really see nothing diffrent in the way these things are aproached and I see optical media as being no safer than flash.
As for the ds , i'm talking about what fits within the standard cart size without additional hardware. i'm sure someone can make a ds cart that goes into the ds and attaches to a hardrive that has the roms on it. But its not practical from a portability side.
The fact of the matter is that optical did not make the psp un hackable infact it fell faster than the ds.