First quote new AMD card is roughly 1000 points behind in Vantage X performance to the GTX295, similarly game performance is at about that level. "Preparing to try the water" is i guess a euphemism for releasing. Next bit is a bit harder. "Old king releasing gunmen" is a bit hard to explain...i think he is trying to clarify meaning in the later quote so will leave it to then. Huang has erred seems fairly straightforward, though no idea what the actual mistake was.
Second quote is also reasonably straightforward, a large number of GTX275s are about to come on the market. Used a military metaphor of planting their flag behind this card.
Finally the third quote: Dismay, there is no current way of knowing the final release performance of the GT300. Have sent "gunmen to go to every big forum" (does that include this forum??...if not guess that means B3D is not considered big) and ensure they are perceived in a positive light. Nvidia recently failed to make usual payments to journalists for positive coverage, something in brackets i don't understand. They are also having problems with "the way its meant to be played" program. The final part might have something to do with the last quarters results where nvidia managed to save 10% is SG&A without explicitly saying what was cut back.
Haha this is fun. If he's referring to the same gunmen in both references then the "Old King" is presumably Nvidia having lost the throne these past few years. "To err is the old Huang" seems to indicate that the "new Huang" won't make the same mistake. "Gunmen" trolling the forums extolling the virtues of G300 is just....
Wonder what trouble they're having with TWIMTBP? Developer engagement is part of their long term strategy so if they did cut anything it should have mostly been fluff. Also, what are the usual payments that Nvidia makes for positive coverage, you would think they would be increasing those payments given how things have been going.