How many Halo fans are on the fence with the XB1!? I can't imagine that many.
I am! My story:
Bought an OGXBo for Halo and Panzer Dragoon (Sega fanboy) and was very impressed. Loved the shit out of Halo, replay after replay. Halo 2 even got me to go Gold. Halo 3 was replay Nirvana for me. I've been Gold for just about all of my time on 360 ... until about two months ago. Now I don't feed their user hosted gaming service.
My PC is faster than PS4Bone combined, so multiplats aren't a reason to buy either console. Kinect 2 gave me big excites, but so far Kinect 2 has delivered about as much as prayer at the side of a hospital bed. Still, almost pulled the trigger on a Bone for MCC, but after 343i's performance with Halo 4 I stayed teetering on the edge to see how it would play out, aaaaaaand ..... nope. Not buying that. Two swings, two misses 343. Hale .... 'oh'.
If Halo 5 is another corridor based, sandboxless shootbang with enemies as unsatisfying as Halo 4's then it looks like MS have lost me. I'm getting bad feels about Halo 5 story too.
Will probably pick up a WiiU at some point though.
End of my story.