All purpose sales and sales rumors/anecdotes thread next gen+

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wonder what they picked last generation as the reason since its a reversal in the resolution department
Depends if you're talking about the US or the rest of the world. From what I remember of the 2005-2006 internet war, bluray was the biggest factor for getting a PS3, and BC was perfect at launch on PS3 (in the US).

Around launch, most Americans had the wrong information about the format war, many lived in a bubble and thought HDDVD would win (or had a chance of survival), causing them to purchase 100+ HDDVDs, and later somehow blamed Sony for their sorrow (see xbox forums and avsforum circa '07). They also expected a bluray drive to quickly appear for the 360 if bluray won, so they got duped into the false "future proof" promise, and the format war fed their insecurities.

... or maybe it was just about the brand and the games.
Must be Amazon clearing stock ;)

Considering it's only available if sold by Amazon and not fulfilled by Amazon, then yes. Just like the PS4 Amazon only bundle, it's probably clearing stock.

If it was Microsoft backed, it would most likely be available at more vendors. Especially their own Microsoft Store.

Considering it's only available if sold by Amazon and not fulfilled by Amazon, then yes. Just like the PS4 Amazon only bundle, it's probably clearing stock.

If it was Microsoft backed, it would most likely be available at more vendors. Especially their own Microsoft Store.


I 100% disagree.
I think Sony will drop to $299 in there first price drop. They probably just waiting on the 20nm apu and the higher density gddr5.

Unless sales drop dramatically for PS4 compared to last year, I see no reason Sony would do that. Especially since the company is still on a very rocky financial footing.

I expect that like X360 last gen, there won't be an official price drop for quite a long time. What will happen is that it might get a bigger HDD (cheaper than a 50 USD price drop) at the same price point. They may also have targeted (like Black Friday for example) limited time price drops if they feel the need to boost sales.

This is all predicated on them maintaining sales momentum, of course. If sales start dropping like a stone (I cannot for the life of me see this happening) then there will likely be price drop.

This isn't like the PS1 days where the company's financials were still strong and they were trying to establish the brand against an entrenched Nintendo and SEGA. And this isn't like the PS3 where they were getting beaten badly by the competition until they dropped the price of the console.

Not only are they absolutely dominating all competitors, they are also in need of a big boost to their financials to get them on better footing. A lower price could drive a little more market share but may or may not drive up profits.

16/20 nm may be available this year, but is unlikely to end up in a cheaper console. While the chip will be smaller and thus more chips per wafer, manufacturing cost per wafer is also going to be significantly higher than 28 nm. It will likely be 1-2 years before 16/20 nm offers cost advantages for a pure shrink.

Most companies releasing early products (first year) on those nodes will be looking more towards either more power consumption savings (mobile SOC, for example) or using that to enable more performance (desktop GPU, for example) and not for any cost savings.

Depends if you're talking about the US or the rest of the world. From what I remember of the 2005-2006 internet war, bluray was the biggest factor for getting a PS3, and BC was perfect at launch on PS3 (in the US).

Around launch, most Americans had the wrong information about the format war, many lived in a bubble and thought HDDVD would win (or had a chance of survival), causing them to purchase 100+ HDDVDs, and later somehow blamed Sony for their sorrow (see xbox forums and avsforum circa '07). They also expected a bluray drive to quickly appear for the 360 if bluray won, so they got duped into the false "future proof" promise, and the format war fed their insecurities.

... or maybe it was just about the brand and the games.

Yes but ps3 was more expensive by $100-$300 usd , had less games , and poorer multiplatform games (resolution , frame rate) By the time the hd war was over you could get bluray players for under $200 that didn't consume the power of the ps3 and worked just fine.

But later in the generation although bluray was now cheap ($50 discs ) poorer multiplatform games and still a higher price the ps3 started to catch up to the xbox one.

So like I said , its interesting that resolution is important this generation where as it didn't seem to matter last generation at least for those purchasing sony systems
Don't forget the poll isn't about Sony vs MS only. It also includes Nintendo.

Many of the reasons can be specifically about choosing a more powerful and feature rich PS4/XB1 instead of a WiiU, we can't assume the reasons are exclusively between PS4 and XB1. It can also be a reason to upgrade from previous gen. Or even from a Wii to a PS4.
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So like I said , its interesting that resolution is important this generation where as it didn't seem to matter last generation at least for those purchasing sony systems
They are not the same people. Those who cared so much about third party games resolution/graphics as a priority probably had a 360 (specially in the US), and now they have a PS4. And they would have answered the poll in the PS4 column.

59% of US gamers who bought a PS4 had a 360.
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Early on multiplats very much worse on PS3 but the performance gap narrowed significantly (unsubstantiated claims of 2/3rds development budget aside). The growth in Sony's market share had to do with price drops, perceived value, exclusive catalogue and brand recognition largely in Europe and Asia. MS could do something similar with XB1 but to be successful they'll need to continue to invest in exclusives. The launch lineup was very good but they need to continue to make the case for gamers to invest in a platform that is perceived to be weaker.
Also, for the first time in a while. I was prompted to take a look at monthly Amazon rankings for video games due to people saying the XBO had a jump in daily rankings.

The last time I had checked which was first week of Feb? PS3 was around 8-10 and XBO was around 19th. Not exact numbers, just what I fuzzily remember from when I looked at the start of the month.

I'm a bit surprised that Feb. is turning out closer than I was expecting.

09 - PS4 - 9
11 - XBO: AC - 11
72 - Wii U Deluxe - 72
82 - PS3
86 - 3DS XL Black (NOT the New 3DS)

That's pretty darn close. I wonder if NPD will reflect how close it is for Amazon monthly. Wii U in the top 100. PS3 as well! I expected to see the New 3DS chart, but that isn't happening. Old 3DS is going through clearance pricing now, so that probably explains why it's up there.

I had expected Feb. to be a boring month with the expected PS4 in top 10 while XBO was either close to 20 or not even in the top 20. It ended up more interesting than I thought.

8 Microsoft, 9 Sony, 2 Nintendo and 1 PC title in the top 20. Again, closer than I expected between MS and Sony. Nintendo got the expected titles in with the 3DS Zelda and Monster Hunter. 8 of the top 20 titles are Digital only.

Speaking of digital only. More people would prefer to pay more money for the Digital Download code (59.99 USD) for XB Live 12 month membership than the far cheaper discounted Physical copy (46.89 USD). The discrepency is even more stark when you consider taxes have to be paid for the Digital code (sold by Amazon so taxes are collected, for my state that's another 6 USD, so the digital code would be 66 USD for me). Meanwhile the physical card is fullfilled by Amazon but sold by a 3rd party, and they rarely if ever collect taxes (which is why I almost never buy items that are "Sold by Amazon"). For many people convenience trumps saving money when it comes to having to wait for something to come in through the mail.

Which means, the tipping point for when more games are bought digitally on consoles than physically may be closer than I originally thought. Potentially as soon as next year (slight chance) versus end of current generation or beginning of next generation which is what I was originally thinking.

Also contrary to my original thoughts after reading all the posts here on B3D, PS4 may lead the way with the conversion to majority of games being bought digitally as PS4 gift cards continue to dominate the top of the monthly sales chart.

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I'm not following your working out here. Did you take into account that there are people who own current gen systems but didn't own any last gen system?

Of course, otherwise the numbers would have been a bit higher, actually. As per the survey, though, 91% of PS4 owners, 88% of XBOne owners and 93% of WiiU owners did own a last-gen system.
I'm buying a lot more digital so far this generation but that has more to do with the fact that I don't go to GameSpot these days BC there just isnt much to choose from yet. I'm sure in another 18 months my personal split will have moved back to the norm unless digital titles see similar aggressive price reductions that physical used games should be experiencing by that time.
I'm buying a lot more digitally too (I surprise myself with that) - altho it's largely due to getting a good deal (either on the game or PSN credit) or (as I've said before) if I know I will keep the game.

Interestingly, digital works out well for me and my daughter to game share which is an added incentive.
I am mostly buying digitally from US PSN store together with friends. It's much cheaper that way. Local price here for physical copy of Order 1886 is over 70€, and we don't have our own PSN store [we have to purchase from distant territories, and Sony is OK with that].

The only physical game I had was KZSF which I got in the console bundle.
There's been some pretty good US purchases for me digitally, LoU, Destiny, RE remake and RE Rev, I also have Uncharted pre-ordered...effectively spent £30 on that :)
Yes but ps3 was more expensive by $100-$300 usd , had less games , and poorer multiplatform games (resolution , frame rate) By the time the hd war was over you could get bluray players for under $200 that didn't consume the power of the ps3 and worked just fine.

But later in the generation although bluray was now cheap ($50 discs ) poorer multiplatform games and still a higher price the ps3 started to catch up to the xbox one.

So like I said , its interesting that resolution is important this generation where as it didn't seem to matter last generation at least for those purchasing sony systems

But the PS3 was bought by many because they did believe it was more powerful and it was going to show (regardless if that was eventually true). Many people bought the PS4 because they still believe the same (this time objectively true). But this time around they call it "resolution". In addition to those many of the 360 owners converted to the PS4 for similar reasons they had a 360 (i.e better multiplatform games)
Venturebeat article about Digital console games sold Worldwide in January, a SuperData study (not sure how reliable is this source, they are specialized in analyzing digital sales):

- $263 millions in January 2015, up by 14% year to year (which is the most interesting info maybe?)
- GTA5, CODAW and Destiny top 3
- 63% were bought on Playstation 3 & 4 consoles.
Digital console games made $263M in January — and most of that was from PlayStation

Digital downloads are making up a bigger piece of the market on consoles, and intelligence firm SuperData Research is shedding some light on exactly how big it is.

Digital console games generated $263 million in January, according to SuperData. That’s up 14 percent year over year. Grand Theft Auto and several Call of Duty games were the primary drivers in this growth, but SuperData chief executive and lead analyst Joost van Dreunen notes that horror games Resident Evil 4 HD Remaster and Dying Light were also big contributors. Sony’s PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3 consoles also dominated by making up 63 percent of digital sales on console. Digital games on console, PC, and mobile is now a $49 billion category, and it’s only getting bigger — and Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo are all trying to get as big a piece of that as possible.
But the PS3 was bought by many because they did believe it was more powerful and it was going to show (regardless if that was eventually true). Many people bought the PS4 because they still believe the same (this time objectively true). But this time around they call it "resolution". In addition to those many of the 360 owners converted to the PS4 for similar reasons they had a 360 (i.e better multiplatform games)
yes however sales for the ps3 did not take off until years after it was released when people already knew that it wasn't capable of the same resolution / frame rate / features of the 360.

Its just a weird reversal to me . An even split of gamers did not care about resolution last generation and now this generation its an uneven split .

I also wonder what will happen as more games reach a type of parity when resolution isn't different.
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