I doubt they could go to 299 so fast. Seems unlikely. But I suppose you never know, I always thought the strength of the X1 would be that cheap DDR3.
Might also depend on if PS4 went to $349, in which case they'd probably have to respond, but I doubt that too.
That latter would actually be a really nice scenario for mainstream adoption though, $349 PS4 and $299 X1 for holiday 15 with bundled software ($299 all around would be better)...Probably too good to be true, neither player showed any desire to be spectacularly aggressive on price last gen. Which PS3 and 360 are still arguably a bit pricey.
It all depends on what you think it costs them to make the xbox one. Sony has said they are now profitable on the ps4. I don't see why the xbox one wouldn't also be profitable esp if there is a $30 difference in ram like some of the break downs show. Its also rumored that the xbox one will move to 20nm for its apu this year. Which would allow them to drop the price from savings of the cpu / heatsink+ cooling/ weight of the console.
Sony doesn't need to drop their price and with Morpheus maybe this year I think that will give a compelling story for users to spend the extra money for the ps4. Sony as a whole needs to be in the black. If they continue to outsell the xbox one world wide I don't think we will even seem them drop to $350 . I would expect a 1TB sku this year for them , esp since they have no form of usb storage. So while we might see the 500gig ps4s hit $350 as a one time stock clear out . The 1tb edition would just remain at $400 . Only way I see it changing is if MS is able to claw back even more market share this year.
MS not having vr would likely hurt them. I expect VR to be the big story this year with vavle , oculus and sony all racing to the finish line. now if hololens is ready for this year it could change things up but MS would have to have a lot of software ready for it. VR through oculus and sony has been building up software for 3 years now
I wouldn't surprised to see Tomb Raider 1 (Def edition) & Tomb Raider 2 (Rise of the TR) XB1 bundle at $299 for next holiday.
Yes I agree , it would make a lot of sense and would be a big reason why Tomb raider went exclusive. TR1+2 and that other TR game that came out (top down diablo like clone ?) all packed in would make the most sense to me. I'm sure they would also have a cod bundle too.