All purpose sales and sales rumors/anecdotes thread next gen+

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2:1 and 'done well' should not really be in the same sentence. Sure, at 2:1 it will have sold millions of units, but it would still be a massively shrinking business compared to the 360, and no one wants that.

2:1 would be a lot worse than the PS3 did compared to its previous generation. And the PS3 did not 'do well' if we compare it to the hype and the previous generations.

Shrinking marketshare, not shrinking sales is what I'm expecting. I'm expecting the XBO to continue to match if not improve on X360 sales. Unless as I said before, Microsoft completely mucks things up. Their marketshare, however, will be far less than last gen due to...

Which basically means that I'm expecting the PS4 to do extremely well. At least double the sales performance of the PS3 by the end of the generation. Unless the generation ends early, or Sony REALLY mucks things up.

I think any game that was included in a console bundle won't be on ps+ for a while.
I agree but Knack was a launch game and is almost 18 months old! Sony general don't put old games on PS+
PS4 summary by Mpl90 @GAF

Chronological order of the sales (sold-through) announcements

December 3rd, 2013 - 2.1 millions (as of December 1st, 2013)
January 7th, 2014 - 4.2 millions (as of December 28th, 2013)
February 18th, 2014 - 5.3 millions (as of February 8th, 2014)
March 4th, 2014 - 6 millions (as of March 2nd, 2014)
April 16th, 2014 - 7 millions (as of April 6th, 2014)
August 12th, 2014 - 10 millions (as of August 10th, 2014)
January 5th, 2015 - 18.5 millions (as of January 3rd/4th, 2015)
March 4th, 2015 - 20.2 millions (as of February 28th/ March 1st, 2015)
Selling a psplus sub and a few games is worth the price drop if it adds gamers on the fence about price. I wonder how much that would be. Sony have not been reactive to the competiton in any way since launch. I guess the price drop will happen when they shrink the SoC?
Because they practically still sold out any PS4 they're making so there isn't a need for them to react to the competition.
Edit: at least not reacting in a big way (like a price cut or forever discount like US X1).
I remember there was a blurb in November last year that A<D is working on 20nm shrinks for both APU's. If a die shrink coupled with 1 Gbit GDDR5 chips by holiday this year might allow for a $299 price point for PS4.
I remember there was a blurb in November last year that A<D is working on 20nm shrinks for both APU's. If a die shrink coupled with 1 Gbit GDDR5 chips by holiday this year might allow for a $299 price point for PS4.

I don't think Sony will change the price before a cost reduction of PS4.
I don't even know why this is being discussed.

It makes absolutely no sense whatsoever for Sony (or anyone else) to drop the price of a product which is selling way, way above any expectations. Playstation is the money maker for Sony and cutting price would simply impact their profit, for no reason whatsoever. It. Will. Not. Happen. Until they really need to, of course, and that will come some time in the future, but certainly not while they're outselling their competition 2:1 or more, and smashing sales records everywhere.

Case in point, and with totally arbitrary figures just to keep things simple, but let's assume that Sony's profit is $20, at a $300 price point. A fair 7% profit margin on every unit.

Unless they cut their production costs, even a $10 reduction would halve their profit, to $10. Which means that at a price point of $290 - not that different from $300 - they would need to sell double the amount of consoles to make the same profit they were making at $300. That's from just a $10 reduction.

Imagine what happens when you reduce price by much larger amounts, as is being asked for on here. Just play with the numbers and see for yourself. From $350 (at a massive and very un-Sony-like 14% profit of $50 per unit), decreasing the price to $299 burns the profit completely and they end up making a loss of $1 per unit.

Sure, Sony is in the position of making up hardware losses through software and subscription sales, but they have stated that they have no interest in getting into the loss-making hardware selling tactics that were the norm even until the last generation. And quite rightly so, it's just not the same economy anymore, they have all moved on and the market is better for it.

When they cut production costs, only then they will even consider lowering the price. And even then, they're in the position to enjoy higher profits for quite a while when they do cut costs, as the market is devouring PS4's at the current price without many complaints.

Last but not least. Sony is starving for profits and trying to get out of the huge black hole they put themselves in over many decades. That alone should convince most people.
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