All purpose sales and sales rumors/anecdotes thread next gen+

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ONE 115K, very low.

Edit: Comparison

Well, you omitted the prior months where One outsold 360 by a huge amount...such that life to date it's still way way ahead.

Nov 2005 326k
Dec 2005 281k
Jan 249k
Feb 161k
March 192k
April 295k

Total after 6 months: 1504k

Nov 13 909k
Dec 13 908k
Jan 14 141k
Feb 14 258k
March 14 311k
April 14 115k

Total after 6 months: 2642k

Still, really poor number for X1. Yup, that's why they ditched Kinect...

And kudos for MS to giving out numbers even when they suck. Says a lot, wish Sony and Nintendo would follow suit. The MS numbers even are usually the foundation in allowing us to calculate many other hardware numbers from different tidbits such as percentages we get. Although TBH if worst came to worst Aquamarine would probably just leak them.
life to date it's still way way ahead.
How often does this need to be repeated, supply constraints

I had a quick look through xb360's NPD numbers for the first few years ~6 yrs or so. The lowest I can see is
155k mar 2007, the ps3 went much lower though 81k (also the same date)

Apparently Infamous was the best selling current gen title for the month
Looks like Xbone sub 100k sales will hit in May. MS certainly didn't need a man like Spencer to tell them to push the eject button on Kinect..

How often does this need to be repeated, supply constraints

Yes, it was very front loaded. Best to look at the most recent trends for comparison, which from Jan - Apr of this year it has drastically slowed.

Edit: To put things into better perspective. Xbone weekly sales

March (5 weeks) - 311,000 units sold -->62,200 units per week
April (4 weeks) - 115,000 units sold -->28,750 units per week
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How often does this need to be repeated, supply constraints

I had a quick look through xb360's NPD numbers for the first few years ~6 yrs or so. The lowest I can see is
155k mar 2007, the ps3 went much lower though 81k (also the same date)

Apparently Infamous was the best selling current gen title for the month

At some point sales are sales. Just as 360 was handicapped by supply constraints (which I doubt were that heavy by April) Xone is now "handicapped" by much more of initial demand being satiated.

360's next few months in 2006

May 221
Oct 220

I dont see those numbers as some monster hill for XOne to climb...the 277 and 260 numbers are 5 week months where sales naturally look better...remember just one month ago One posted a healthy 311k (also 5 week month) compared to 360's 192k for the same month. At any rate with over a 1 million lead currently XOne should be safely over 360 gen over gen for a good while, that's about all we can safely say.

There are some troubling signs, but I guess it's just too early to make out trends.

Sales for One/PS4 have kind of been all over the map.

Three additional things, scuttlebutt on GAF is PS4 might be under 200k, though no firm number yet. Also, Xone is 2nd, so every other hardware is under 115k. Damn, that's pretty ugly. Finally, how bad could X1's May get in theory after they announced $399?
"Little lower for both", that's not great for PS4 as it was even less supply constrained in April than March.
I'm not sure why you keep emphasizing this point about supply constraint. Assuming the manufacturer is maintaining fairly even distribution rates, reduction in demand is going to be the reason that supply constraint ends, which suggests that the end of supply constraint will occur roughly simultaneously with a drop in sales.

Unless Sony has been ramping up production to mean demand, this doesn't seem like it should be a surprise.
I'm not sure why you keep emphasizing this point about supply constraint. Assuming the manufacturer is maintaining fairly even distribution rates, reduction in demand is going to be the reason that supply constraint ends, which suggests that the end of supply constraint will occur roughly simultaneously with a drop in sales.

Unless Sony has been ramping up production to mean demand, this doesn't seem like it should be a surprise.

That doesn't follow. You could see a spike in sales as demand is able to be met.

It just depends on both supply and demand, if demand for PS4 was 500k per month, and Sony was able to meet that by now supplying 600k per month, you'd still see a sales spike with ending constraints.

It's the same as people saying 360's sales were held down by being supply constrained early. This of course implies they're going to spike up once that constraint ends.

I expected health PS4 sales in April due to even more supply as opposed to March, where constraint first began to lift. It went the opposite way.

I suppose this does give us a better picture, it wasn't so much Sony getting boatloads to the stores, as people stopped buying them allowing them to catch up.

At 200k in USA, 1m PS4 a month WW is dead and gone for now...couple that with selling I think 8k last week in Japan...
PS4 is +/- 1% 200k.

New PS4 number from a trusted gaffer. So, 198 to 202k. Basically call it 200k and it might be the best number we get.

All the GAF leakers are convinced NPD tracks leaks by giving out different specific last digits to different companies, so that's one reason why they're so big on only giving "ranges".

Personally I wouldn't be surprised if it's Urban Legend. It would seem very unprofessional to mess with data, the very product people pay you a lot of money for, that way, even in the hundreds figures.

I'm not sure whether that means anything. I'm not sure what the point would be preordering a console coming out in 25 days, or how many people would bother doing that (excluding the different animal of launches). But maybe I'm just making excuses.

I dunno, I cant see the 399 unit selling less than the 499 one in the wider world. I also think the Titanfall bundle might be drying up (I didn't see any at my local Wal Mart, Target doesn't even stock them anymore) which could be pushing it up on Amazon. Still I'd even be surprised if the TF+Kinect bundle could outsell the 399 one.

Titanfall Xbone has been staying pretty healthy on Amazon (I expected big drop after 449 ceased), with a terrible NPD. Another indication to not put too much in Amazon
First April Sales:
Wii: 360K
PS2: 326K
360: 295K
PS4: 200K
XOne 115k


US NPD Harwdare January to April

2007 WII 1,390,000
2001 PS2 1,350,000
2014 PS4 1,110,000
2006 360 900,000
2014 XBO 830,000
2007 PS3 580,000
2002 XBX 480,000
2002 NGC 330,000
2013 WIU 230,000

Rounded to nearest 10k.


US NPD Hardware Total After 6 months

PS4 3,110,000
XBO 2,640,000
WII 2,480,000
PS2 2,130,000
XBX 1,880,000
NGC 1,530,000
360 1,500,000
PS3 1,280,000
WIU 1,120,000

Rounded to nearest 10k.
People are still buying Wii and PS2 in those kinds of numbers?

He's listing the first Jan - April sales of each console in their first year on the market after launch.

And the first 6 month of sales for each console.
Latest Neogaf update

Summary so far (thanks to creamsugar):


PS4: ~199k
XB1: 115k
360: 71k
Wii U: ~49k
PSV: ~3.3k



Kirby ~41k
Mario Golf ~17k
Titanfall (standalone) ~77k
Titanfall (standalone + bundle) ~140k
Infamous ~82k
It just depends on both supply and demand, if demand for PS4 was 500k per month, and Sony was able to meet that by now supplying 600k per month, you'd still see a sales spike with ending constraints.
Right, but I'm suggesting that there's no indication that Sony has been ramping up distribution, nor any obvious reason for them to do so; they've seemingly been slightly ahead of equilibrium all this time, which is about as efficient as it gets.

I'm not denying that demand has probably fallen a bit; what I'm saying is that the fact that it's taking place as supply meets demand isn't weird at all given the circumstances.
This might be the most pathetic overall NPD hardware month I've ever seen. Surely is, in fact. It's depressing.

Part of it is just the naturalness that handhelds are pretty dead because of phones. At this point I think the only part of the market that can survive is the core console twins, the PS4 and X1. I hope that part of the market thrives.

It's odd juxtaposing overall fast-selling (because they started so fast with less supply constraints than past consoles) X1 and Ps4 with their relatively poor current numbers (by far especially X1).

wow , wonder what the ps3 numbers are ? could they be worse than vita ?

Almost certainly they will be what they always are, in range of 360 but lower. I'd guess 40-60k. Definitely not worse than Vita. I'm assuming the order of the chart made you think that.
wow , wonder what the ps3 numbers are ? could they be worse than vita ?
Highly doubt it. Probably between the Wii U and X360, or at least close to the Wii U.

Anyway, it was a pretty low month all around, but also a slow month software wise. Things should pick up in May, particularly for the PS4 with MLB The Show, Watch Dogs, Wolfenstein and other smallish titles. I don't see Wolfenstein or Watch Dogs moving many XB1s... could be sub-100k.
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why , the xbox one has all of thoese games also except MLB it also has a new titan fall map pack which should get a little more interest out there. I think we will see the same 100k numbers .
MLB The Show is bigger than you may think. It's not a monster, but it's the only baseball game, and a good one at that. Sony has recently said that the PS4 version was the fastest selling entry in the series and it usually puts up decent numbers every year. Baseball is big in the US, whether you like the sport or not.

Watch Dogs is the biggest release of the month and the PS4 is the superior version with exclusive content. With the PS4 holding marketing rights, we will start seeing PS4 Watch Dogs commercials soon.

Of much smaller importance, there was also Bound by Flame, a few indie titles and Outlast Whistleblower DLC.

I can't see Titanfall DLC doing much, if anything. Titanfall sales have dropped significantly, even below Infamous, and Titanfall outsold Infamous almost 2:1 in March. Add to that, MS announced the 399 SKU, which will probably cause some people to wait for June.

Not saying that i think it will be sub-100k, just that I see it as a possibility.
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