All purpose sales and sales rumors/anecdotes thread next gen+

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Ooh, I guess BruceLeeRoy (some guy with longstanding industry connections of some type I suppose) on GAF has a couple posts hinting at an awful X1 April NPD...

Bruceleeroy reply

He also said

I dunno though, I have never ever heard of anybody having some sort of pre-NPD access to NPD. Like, never. Certainly not on a message board anyway. The other reason I doubt sub 100k is the X1 $449 sale went ~2 weeks into April IIRC. About as much time as it had in the March NPD reporting period for that matter. Now granted, I'd expected those sales to be frontloaded and i could see X1 declining a lot from March, but sub 100k sounds pretty crazy, even given the drop from 5 weeks to 4.

We will see.

His info. and sources could have come direct from MS perhaps?
Could be. MS will know the real numbers that NPD will estimate, and it's the real numbers they'll be basing their decisions on.
Could be. MS will know the real numbers that NPD will estimate, and it's the real numbers they'll be basing their decisions on.

AFAIK it doesn't work this way. The reason MS and Sony and Nintendo rely on, and pay (an NPD sub is in the $tens of thousand per month if I recall? Once GAF posters floated the idea of pooling together to buy one, but they wouldn't have been allowed to publish the numbers anyway), NPD is because they dont have that direct access. Imagine trying to pull together disparate sales numbers from countless retailers, if they would even let you.

Of course they do know how many they shipped out and exactly where, for a good start...and I'm sure they have relationships with retailers.

Now I'm sure they have a pretty solid idea, as when Sony announces it's sell numbers. But those are estimates too. I imagine if you can get roughly, the top 10 chains numbers or something, you've mostly got it. GfK and Chart Track do weekly numbers I think, they'll have those I assume, again for a cost.

When the MS guys tweet NPD #'s, it seems like it's new info to them.
Of course they do know how many they shipped out and exactly where, for a good start...
That's what I mean. MS may not know how many boxes were sold on to customers, but they know how many boxes were ordered by retailers, which'll be down if the units aren't shifting. So MS could well have seen much reduced interest (over a couple of months most likely) from retail and know they need to act.
I wouldn't be surprised if all three had extensive internal tracking.

Also $399 Xbone is #97 on / PS4 is #6.
AFAIK it doesn't work this way. The reason MS and Sony and Nintendo rely on, and pay (an NPD sub is in the $tens of thousand per month if I recall? Once GAF posters floated the idea of pooling together to buy one, but they wouldn't have been allowed to publish the numbers anyway), NPD is because they dont have that direct access. Imagine trying to pull together disparate sales numbers from countless retailers, if they would even let you.

Of course they do know how many they shipped out and exactly where, for a good start...and I'm sure they have relationships with retailers.

Now I'm sure they have a pretty solid idea, as when Sony announces it's sell numbers. But those are estimates too. I imagine if you can get roughly, the top 10 chains numbers or something, you've mostly got it. GfK and Chart Track do weekly numbers I think, they'll have those I assume, again for a cost.

When the MS guys tweet NPD #'s, it seems like it's new info to them.

I am sure it is, I would not think that he (Nelson) would get the kind of reports that Phil gets. Mix in the usually PR positive spin.

I wouldn't be surprised if all three had extensive internal tracking.

Also $399 Xbone is #97 on / PS4 is #6.

TF bundle was much higher yesterday, and the new sku was not yet tracking. Be interesting to see how it changes, it is at 99 now. Edit: Standard edition is at 90.
AFAIK it doesn't work this way. The reason MS and Sony and Nintendo rely on, and pay (an NPD sub is in the $tens of thousand per month if I recall? Once GAF posters floated the idea of pooling together to buy one, but they wouldn't have been allowed to publish the numbers anyway), NPD is because they dont have that direct access. Imagine trying to pull together disparate sales numbers from countless retailers, if they would even let you.

Of course they do know how many they shipped out and exactly where, for a good start...and I'm sure they have relationships with retailers.

Now I'm sure they have a pretty solid idea, as when Sony announces it's sell numbers. But those are estimates too. I imagine if you can get roughly, the top 10 chains numbers or something, you've mostly got it. GfK and Chart Track do weekly numbers I think, they'll have those I assume, again for a cost.

When the MS guys tweet NPD #'s, it seems like it's new info to them.

MS, Sony and Nintendo have a direct line to all of their retail partners. It would be much easier for them to internally track and estimate their own sellthrough data than it would for NPD I would have imagined.

I would only assume they subcribe to NPD data as a means to check and corroborate their own internal estimates. As the numbers are estimates anyway, so it's much better to have two sources to compare against, than merely having to rely on your own internal methods for gauging product sellthrough performance at retail.
MS doesn't use NPD to track its own sales. It uses NPD to track competitors' sales. NPD gives it a better view of the overall US market.

MS only had to look at its own data when it made its decision. And I am betting its not the US region that causes the most consternation when it comes to XB1 sales, its probably Europe.
Even if the numbers turn out to be bad, could they crank out a new SKU within a month of seeing the latest numbers?

And if they did act on the numbers, is it a good idea to base the decision on one data point?
Even if the numbers turn out to be bad, could they crank out a new SKU within a month of seeing the latest numbers?

And if they did act on the numbers, is it a good idea to base the decision on one data point?
Well I think that MSFT has more than one data point, they know how many systems are sold to customers, how many are used on "live", how many kinect are plugged and I guess on a country basis.

The system has been out for this month, they might also follow other data, not there own, occurrence of xb1 vs ps4 on the web, do some pools, etc.

If they are reacting this fast there is two choices: either the trend is really really bad, or when the "balance" between kinect bom and its impact on the system overall price (through this sales), its usage by actual owners and interest from potential owners is not there: aka even if it is not a disaster it is detrimental to their business now and more importantly won't pay back later.
Even if the numbers turn out to be bad, could they crank out a new SKU within a month of seeing the latest numbers?

And if they did act on the numbers, is it a good idea to base the decision on one data point?

Probably not. I don't think this is a knee jerk decision. The gears probably started to turn once spencer was promoted.
Even if the numbers turn out to be bad, could they crank out a new SKU within a month of seeing the latest numbers?

And if they did act on the numbers, is it a good idea to base the decision on one data point?
did you miss my post here last month which said kinectless cheaper xbone coming in 3 2 1?
It's not just a single data point but many.
Yes I know some people are saying the xbone has been selling brilliantly because it's selling far better than the x360 at the same point of time. They ignore
1. All 3 consoles were supply constrained at the start last time
2. The xbone ain't

BTW I don't think anyone should be shocked if the ps4 owls the xbone by greater than 2:1 this time. That's even with the xbone being at $450 and a free titanfall game
I know amazon isn't definitive by any means, but it should at least give us an idea of consumer interest. It seems like the new SKU isn't doing as well as I thought it would. It seemed to peak at ~50 and is currently 117 and dropping. The pre-order ad is even on the front page of the gaming section. Things will probably pick back up closer to release. But I could see it not helping with overall sales much at all.

The Titanfall bundle was actually a pretty good value at 449, much better than the kinectless SKU. If the Titanfall bundle can't push sales past the PS4 in the US, will a kinectless SKU at 399 really do much? This is really only appealing to people that don't care about Titanfall/Kinect and just want the cheapest XB1 they can get. But then you have the PS4 at the same price.

I suppose if you look at the big picture, Halo/Gears paired with the 399 price tag is a lot more appealing than Halo/Gears and a 449/499 console. So it may not help in the short term, but it probably will later on. But by then, Sony will be in a good position to drop the price as well, or at least offer some sort of bundle. And they obviously have some proven big sellers in GT, Uncharted, TLoU and God of War etc., still coming.

All that said, I think MS has a tough uphill battle. If they would have sold the kinectless SKU at 349, I think it would have made things a lot more interesting.
I know amazon isn't definitive by any means, but it should at least give us an idea of consumer interest. It seems like the new SKU isn't doing as well as I thought it would. It seemed to peak at ~50 and is currently 117 and dropping. The pre-order ad is even on the front page of the gaming section. Things will probably pick back up closer to release. But I could see it not helping with overall sales much at all.

The Titanfall bundle was actually a pretty good value at 449, much better than the kinectless SKU. If the Titanfall bundle can't push sales past the PS4 in the US, will a kinectless SKU at 399 really do much? This is really only appealing to people that don't care about Titanfall/Kinect and just want the cheapest XB1 they can get. But then you have the PS4 at the same price.

I suppose if you look at the big picture, Halo/Gears paired with the 399 price tag is a lot more appealing than Halo/Gears and a 449/499 console. So it may not help in the short term, but it probably will later on. But by then, Sony will be in a good position to drop the price as well, or at least offer some sort of bundle. And they obviously have some proven big sellers in GT, Uncharted, TLoU and God of War etc., still coming.

All that said, I think MS has a tough uphill battle. If they would have sold the kinectless SKU at 349, I think it would have made things a lot more interesting.

Its a preorder for a console that launched 7 months ago. Its not like people are afraid of there being a shortage of supply at launch.

Im kind of surprised that its even offered as a preorder.
Pete Dodd/Famous Mortimer has some NPD hints on twitter. Says it looks like January but a little lower for both (PS4 and X1). Also that PS4 "almost" doubled X1.

January was 271k PS4, 141K X1.

"Little lower for both", that's not great for PS4 as it was even less supply constrained in April than March. And of course poor for X1 especially considering it was $449 for two weeks.



Thu 15 May 2014 10:30pm GMT / 6:30pm EDT / 3:30pm PDT

EA's blockbuster continues to do well, but PS4 still outsold Xbox One for the fourth month in a row

Following the March debut of Respawn's Titanfall, the Xbox One shooter topped the charts yet again in April, but software sales at US retail did decline 10 percent to $227.9 million for the month, according to the just released NPD report. Total industry sales climbed 17 percent to $580.3 million, in large part thanks to the continued momentum of next-gen hardware - hardware sales jumped 76 percent to $192.8 million while accessories also increased 21 percent to $159.7 million.

Although Titanfall no doubt helped Xbox One, similar to March it wasn't enough for Microsoft's console to outsell Sony's. NPD said that PS4 was the top-selling hardware for the fourth month in a row. The next-gen picture has been rosy all around. "Life to date, sales of PS4 and Xbox One hardware have more than doubled the combined sales of PS3 and 360 hardware through their first six months of sales,” said NPD analyst Liam Callahan.

"PS4 software combined with Xbox One software sales are up over 40 percent compared to sales of the PS3 and Xbox 360 through their first six months. Wii U software sales were up over last year by over 80 percent," he continued.

Apart from Titanfall, Activision's Call of Duty: Ghosts also sold well, as did 2K Sports' NBA 2K14 and three different Lego titles. Check out the top ten listing below.
ONE 115K, very low.

Edit: Comparison


April 2006 - 295K

April 2007 - 174K

April 2008 - 188K

April 2009 - 175K

April 2010 - 185K

April 2011 - 297K

April 2012 - 236K

April 2013 - 130K
Its a preorder for a console that launched 7 months ago. Its not like people are afraid of there being a shortage of supply at launch.

Im kind of surprised that its even offered as a preorder.
Yes, but it's a pseudo price drop. I'd expect it to at least crack the top 30. It probably will closer to release.

Pete Dodd/Famous Mortimer has some NPD hints on twitter. Says it looks like January but a little lower for both (PS4 and X1). Also that PS4 "almost" doubled X1.

January was 271k PS4, 141K X1.

"Little lower for both", that's not great for PS4 as it was even less supply constrained in April than March. And of course poor for X1 especially considering it was $449 for two weeks.
April being lower than January is pretty normal. It's obviously not great for the PS4, but it's par for the course.
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