3D Dot Heroes (From Software)

But that's the beauty of Engineering. It is a virtue to do the same thing with the least amount of resources needed. Your suggested approach is more limiting. By optimizing the use of blocks, they can have gigantic monsters without fudging all the mini-blocks. Look at the giant Octopus. :)

Personally, I am curious how they are going to do water/wave motion.

Yes but if everything had been built of blocks, then everything instantly becomes destructable. And that would have been fun. :)

And that's just a side benefit of being more charming by actually being lots of individual blocks. :)

Yes but if everything had been built of blocks, then everything instantly becomes destructable. And that would have been fun. :)

And that's just a side benefit of being more charming by actually being lots of individual blocks. :)

Everything made up of blocks would not make them become destructible automatically. Just guaranteed to be slow. ^_^

There should be established methods to swap out "slabs" to make them destructible on demand -- if they want to. On top of that, add faster operation overall, and giant monsters.
Oh that's very cool. :) I wonder if they bring it to the US if they'll also port it to XBLA. Would love to get this but a potential PS3 for me still looks to be at least a year away. Especially now that I've convinced myself that any excess money I have for the end of this year is going into new PC upgrades (DX11 card, i5 CPU and MB). Although with my current budget, I'll probably only be able to swing the video card. /sigh.

Adriasang.com translated and summarized the article here:

You might have noticed a red-haried character in the media update on the 27th. That character is actually a second main character. The first main character was a "Hero." This second one is a "Prince."

That update also offered a look at additional weapons. Outside of his sword, the main character has access to at least three weapons: a boomerang, a bomb, and a bow and arrow. These can be used not just for combat, but also for puzzle solving. They do what you'd expect. The bomb can be used both to attack enemies and to destroy walls. The boomerang freezes enemies momentarily and can target multiple enemies in one go.

Your sword seems to be your main choice during combat, though. The size of your sword is tied in with the amount of life you have left. You start off with a small sword. Killing enemies releases apples which you can eat to build your life up. As your life grows, your sword does too, and when you reach max life, the sword becomes "fat, long, and hard."


Some random forum poster claimed to have played the demo:

Some more interesting characters:


By golly, I love the game already !
This looks (and sounds!) soooo much like classic Zelda. And it'll support a proper controller, too!
...whats up with the extreme blur?
You mean the depth of field effect? It's an (overly pronounced) photographic effect. Looks nice, but games use it too heavily. Although in this case, they may deliberately want to portray the world as small. It looks far more out of place in FIFA 10.
More gameplay details. It's deeper than I thought.


Game has a world map, 4 playable characters and assorted Zelda-ish weapons. They talk about the magic system in the link:

As you progress in the game, you'll earn the ability to cast "Shader Magic." The examples shared by From today have rendering-themed names like Parallax Map, Reflection, Normal Map and Frozen Shader. You'll have to use these both to combat enemies and as a means of solving puzzles.

Frozen Shader magic - Turn an area around your character to ice

Parallax Map magic - You can see things that you'd normally not be able to

Normal Map -- A wave strikes the ground and destroys enemies

Reflection -- You become like a mirror and reflect enemy attacks
3D Dot Heroes Q&A with From Software:

How hard is the game
They're aiming for the normal mode to be passable by most people. There's also an extremely hard mode (I think the name for this translates to "Difficulty Level From").


Is there a creation element?
You can freely edit your main character. You can make modifications to preset designs, or create from scratch. However, you can't edit the game's other characters.

Can you exchange data with others?
This is possible by exchanging the edit data in your save data management folder.

Can you edit maps and stages?
You cannot edit anything except for the main character.


Are there online elements?
The game is not online compatible.

Can you play co-op?
It's a single player game.
