[360, PS3] Crysis 2

I'm more curious to why there isn't a PC version.

"Crytek sucks they cant optimise, my Dell laptopt from 2005 cant run it at very high smoothly."

"Crysis 2 cant run smooth I have a GTX580 and i7 940 with 12GB RAM and it doesn't run smooth at 1920x1080 with 4xSSAA and 32xCSAA at max settings."

"I cant max out Crysis 2, my 3 monitors allows for max resolution of 7640x3680 and 32xCSAA and it doesnt run smooth on my 2x5870. Nobody can max out Crysis 2."

"You cant run Crysis 2 at max settings unless it is at your max res with max AA, max settings and 60fps! Only then it will be max settings!"

Lalalala, the future today!

I thought most of the footage shown so far has been PC footage, just not at max settings.

Seems so.
Joking aside, I mean, there's still no Dead Space 2 demo on PC. Besides, I would think taking time for QA on a PC demo that doesn't blow up everyone's computers is far less of a headache than a console one, much less only just one demo. If the PC demo fails, there's a PR mess to clean-up too. Point is, it's much less risky. And if MS has incentives in place for EA/Crytek to put out only a 360 demo, then that's that.

Demos can be expensive and time consuming (which we should all know by now from various developer comments over the years).
Joking aside, I mean, there's still no Dead Space 2 demo on PC. Besides, I would think taking time for QA on a PC demo that doesn't blow up everyone's computers is far less of a headache than a console one, much less only just one demo. Demos can be expensive and time consuming (which we should all know by now from various developer comments over the years).

I wonder if it might be to protect the exe file from being exposed and copy protection being removed. That or QA for demo and the costs. Still it is a bad decision as there will be quite a lot downloading full game to test it out as demo.

They should do module based game download via Steam with demo part modules available for free and to get the rest one has to buy the game. Would be one single game but also being a demo and able to convert to full game.
Any word on the levels in the 360 demo? I mean I hope it's not just rooftops again, for some of us thats old hat :p

Also, I notice in the new trailer there appears to be some rooftops footage, yet (some aspects seem to) looks better than what was in the stress test. So as usual I'm left wondering if it is PC/console difference or they have been doing some improving since the stress test.

Oh well, at least this time dont have to wait long for answers. Bulletstorm demo on the 25th too!
MP demo trailer:

This actually looks really impressive and fun! I've watched gameplays from first BETA and this one is so better in terms of gameplay.
Graphics are awesome too, but it wasnt definitely from consoles, maybe settings were, but this just looks too clean and smooth.
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I wonder if it might be to protect the exe file from being exposed and copy protection being removed. That or QA for demo and the costs. Still it is a bad decision as there will be quite a lot downloading full game to test it out as demo.

I suppose it's also worth noting that it's a multiplayer demo, so it's likely based off of the multiplayer test beta that was going on for awhile. It's rather curious that there hasn't been mention of any closed-beta for PS3.
Trailer looks pretty cool and does appear to be console setting but maybe sped up using PC, the texture pop ins, aliasing and texture quality in general should be convincing enough. The lack of any PS3 mentioning is indeed VERY worrisome at this stage and I fear for the worst.
Looks to me like even Ubisoft is better at delivering multiplatforms for their Far cry 2, they were never coy or shy about showing the PS3 version and the platform parity is very close.
No PS3 version on various events - many people are expecting mess

But the problem is - Crytek created multiplatform engine and C2 is the showcase of it, if one version of the game is terrible than no one will buy the license for the engine. If Crytek (creators) can't make good PS3 version than no one can. I don't belive they want that kind of PR. So I think:

- they are not showing PS3 version becouse Crytek is closer to MS right now - they're making 360 exclusive etc.

- PS3 version is on par or slighty worse than 360 version.

But who knows, it can be one big framerate drop right now :D
Looking now at that 720p trailer,full screen on my PC it looks as if its native 720p with some form of their own AA solution and not super sampled from 1080p resolution,definitely some sort of edge AA.Similar to that ps3 picture from their 3D presentation(although it was compressed a bit to much).Only thing that comes to my mind is that it was played on PC with higher frame rate,it looks smoother than 30fps for me.
It's amazing how much better YT videos of HQ looks looking at them at non upscaled res, the 'bluriness' just works to enhance IQ. Anyway still nice for 720p video from Gamersyde. I'll take some shots for pixel counters. Anyway looks like their edge AA method.
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Looking now at that 720p trailer,full screen on my PC it looks as if its native 720p with some form of their own AA solution and not super sampled from 1080p resolution,definitely some sort of edge AA.Similar to that ps3 picture from their 3D presentation(although it was compressed a bit to much).Only thing that comes to my mind is that it was played on PC with higher frame rate,it looks smoother than 30fps for me.

Gamersyde encode is at 60 fps maybe thats why just discovered it this morning when i accidentally forgot to disable datadisplay.
So you could be right. Not sure if they do that with every one of their videos.
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The new trailer does make me happy :D ! Its just that no one knows how it will look on my ps 3 :unsure: !
I so want to go for the ps3 version, as I know I'll forget the game after SP on my PC.