[360, PS3] Crysis 2

CryTek has an exclusive relationship with MS for their next game, so it may just be business as usual.

But aren't they hurting their very first game on consoles by this? Also their image of super multiplat engine? They announce everywhere that their engine can run identical on ps3 and 360 without extra effort, yet all they show is the 360 version! Even when they were demoing their tools once, the ps3 feed was blank and they said that there is a technical problem with the feed but the engine is running fine on the ps3 !

Is it that their engine can't do what Id's Tech 5 can ? Seamless conversion to all platforms !
But aren't they hurting their very first game on consoles by this? Also their image of super multiplat engine? They announce everywhere that their engine can run identical on ps3 and 360 without extra effort, yet all they show is the 360 version! Even when they were demoing their tools once, the ps3 feed was blank and they said that there is a technical problem with the feed but the engine is running fine on the ps3 !

Is it that their engine can't do what Id's Tech 5 can ? Seamless conversion to all platforms !
The feed wasn't black, just desynchronized with the main editor.


Here you can see them both run fine:

Well it doesn't mean a lower rig cant run it maxed. It says nothing really.

If it is game 'maxed out' then that is quite impressive as that would mean around 2560x1600 res, upwards 32xCSAA and max detail settings running smooth on a GTX580.
But aren't they hurting their very first game on consoles by this? Also their image of super multiplat engine? They announce everywhere that their engine can run identical on ps3 and 360 without extra effort, yet all they show is the 360 version! Even when they were demoing their tools once, the ps3 feed was blank and they said that there is a technical problem with the feed but the engine is running fine on the ps3 !

Is it that their engine can't do what Id's Tech 5 can ? Seamless conversion to all platforms !

Maybe it turns out the 360 can run it better since their comments where made. Showing inferior PS3 version would just give them worse attention than if they dont give a PS3 demo. You see PS3 can never be inferior or so I was told but this game is highly dynamic and such games tend to run better on 360 HW. Just speculation but it seems plausable.

Also strip out the texture streaming engine from ID Tech 5 and you'll have a game that looks no better or even worse than Max Payne 2, PC version.

EA announces a X360 exclusive MP demo for 25 Jan !!!!

No Ps3 here either, add to that no PS3 footage uptill now :( ! I smell something fishy here !

Clearly they were paid a deal.And as far as I know, the only 360 footage is from the beta which was pretty terrible.
That trailer had some impressive geometry detail for an Xbox360 (tesselation?). The only thing that looked a little rough were some of the animations and transitions. Right now I'm beginning to doubt it will come out the same time on the PC. Such a huge lack of PC specific info :(
That trailer had some impressive geometry detail for an Xbox360 (tesselation?). The only thing that looked a little rough were some of the animations and transitions. Right now I'm beginning to doubt it will come out the same time on the PC. Such a huge lack of PC specific info :(

It will be a bullet to the foot if they do that. The resentment from the PC community will be huge and without the PC community bigging the game up, console players won't be particularly interested.

The only reason there is console interest in Crysis 2 is because Crysis was bigged up so much on the PC.

If anything it's a great model for creating a major new franchise. Max out the technology on the PC to get the community in a frenzy and console games envious, then announce the even better follow up will be on consoles as well. All of a sudden you have a brand new console franchise that's highly anticiapated by console gamers.
Is there any way to measure the actual anticipation for Crysis 2?
Also, are we really sure that it'll be an even better looking game? The hw resources are far less on the current consoles compared to C1's hw requirements, no programmer is clever enough to completely overcome this limitation.
The hw resources are far less on the current consoles compared to C1's hw requirements, no programmer is clever enough to completely overcome this limitation.

I am sure graphic settings will scale up on PC.. and down on consoles.
By the way the new multiplayer trailer looks nice :)
But did they really... "borrow" both the armor lock ability and its animation from Reach??
Its console settings rendered with PC according to Cevat latest interview. :smile:

Lul, they have shown PC version at some setting if it was a PC rendering it. Obviously not max but WTF, haven't they shown PC multiplayer/SP at some setting or was that also "console settings" at games conventions? 1080p with 4xMSAA aint "console settings" nor going by first hand impressions of people attending the conventions seeing both versions 'face to face'.
I am sure graphic settings will scale up on PC.. and down on consoles.
AFAICT, the max resolution of the Reflective SM might be fixed for sensible reasons (256^2), which is known to be scaled down for consoles (128^2), and then there's the LPV @ 32^3 (FP16 PC, QUVW8 on console).
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CryTek has an exclusive relationship with MS for their next game, so it may just be business as usual.

Sorry but I don't buy this. Who's to say that the PS3 version isn't just a few weeks behind so they couldn't afford setting aside people to create a demo?

I'm more curious to why there isn't a PC version.

That trailer had some impressive geometry detail for an Xbox360 (tesselation?). The only thing that looked a little rough were some of the animations and transitions. Right now I'm beginning to doubt it will come out the same time on the PC. Such a huge lack of PC specific info :(

I thought most of the footage shown so far has been PC footage, just not at max settings.

Also do we know that the video was of the 360 version? It would make sense to showcase the exact demo you're promoting but I'm not sure here.