Beyond: Two Souls

Man, the graphics are so improved over the demo, just played the same area.
Guys, if you have a ps3, get this, if you don't , get a ps3 and get this ! No amount of youtube or even high bitrate videos can tell you how good this game looks like , the texture resolution is through the roof ! I mean, just like The Order 1886, cloth really looks like cloth !

This could have easily been a PS4 launch game and no one would have believed this was possible on the ps3. Fantastic ! I never expected this after Heavy Rain ! This could easily have been a ps4 game.
I have no idea how people can downplay this game, its a crowning achievement of this gen ! Can't wait to finish it !

Because they refuse to deal with Cage's shitty writing. Unless you are completely incapable of critical thinking, the problems are impossible to ignore.
Doesn't mean you cannot like the game (I do), but it's full of face palm moments regardless.
I am still early i the game, I think, we 'll see if the premise falls apart. But what I am playing right now is fantastic and spellbinding.
@renegade: I are astounding and breath taking...but trust've seen nothing (or: you know nothing jon snow)
The subject of this story is very suited to my wife's taste, so perhaps this will be one of the very rare games we can play together. Hope so.
Yeah, now i know what you guys were saying :rolleyes: ! Damn you David Cage, why spoil such a good start. Hoping my mind will adjust accordingly and enjoy whatever he is going to throw at me. I hope even with such stuff, he pulls off a good story. I was expecting life's trials and tribulations, not these aberrations.

huh, anyways, hope he can still keep the human element to the fore. I have to say, I can't stop playing, simply because ofthe mind numbingly beautiful presentation and well done nuances by Ellen Page. No matter where the story goes, she has done a good job.

and , boy, now I am less dissappointed by next gen. Cos if this is achievable on the ps3, then surely next gen will someday provide what i had dreamed of before Sony and MS revealed their machines and games.

Also, I like this format of story telling/videogame. In the hands of a proper writer/director (Naughty Dog?) this format can really provide heart touching experiences.
Hmm... must be getting old and weak.

Edit: I'm playing it with sensitivity set to 5 now. Seems bearable. But I think the story will go to sh*t soon. I like the earlier parts so far.
Aiden's a bit "floaty", but you get used to it pretty quickly and the control's not really a problem after that. Never had any issues with motion sickness, though. With any game, really, now that I think about it.
I am fine with other games. Love the motion in ios7 even.

I tend to overshoot the turning with Aiden. After a while, all the spinning makes me a little sick in the stomach. :oops:
I'm little past the demo areas now.
I just shutdown the portal.
I'm really enjoying it so far. There doesn't seem to be a lot choice in how the story unfolds, but that also means I don't have to pretend like my choices matter. I prefer it this way.

And like many others have said, this is a really beautiful looking game.
THe African nation mission: The best chapter till now ! This is what I had expected the whole game to be, not a fight against those things.
This chapter also shows that what we do in action games is also pretty much this: just walk through a tight path pressing buttons where the game tells us to :p ! I did not feel that I was limited in what I was doing at all. It felt just like a regular stealth mission in any new school game.

and , yes of course, the best graphics ever. I was awestruck moving around there. MGS4 loaded with steroids !!!!
Finished the game....memorable experience....but about the end .....well,David Cage does not posses the maturity of mind required to handle such subtle subjects
like life n death and beyond...thats what I feel.....the conclusion has to be more sublime, more sublte if you are going to attempt questions like this. People out there have their own ideas, (athiesm being very popular with youth these days (but being pretty much as zealous as the others, IMO)) should point towards a answer and let the player's mind comprehend the way it wants a definite version and that too such a shallow one and then ridiculing it by adding sequel material....I am sorry, sir, but you just totally left a bad taste in the mouth after such a memorable ride of events... Either he doesn't have enough experience of life or hasn't read enough or he just coudln't get his message accross, but in the end he diluted it too much with too many things thrown at us. Discovering Aiden was your twin brother was cool but then the End just wouldn't End and kept going on for soooooo long :rolleyes: !

ALso, with Dawkins story he basically tlls us to go commit suicide if we want tobe with our departed friends againand be happy :oops: ! Wow, u need to send the right messages out there, Mr David.

I loved the genre of gaming, but it needs a better story and director to really make it unforgettable.

Still, a very good experience which I would want more of from more developers !:cool: