Beyond: Two Souls

In fact even keyframe animation - stuff created from scratch by an animator - is usually better for cartoon style characters, any kind of realistic human motion has to be motion captured or rotoscoped using video reference.

Not really a point in this discussion, but I just wanted to point out that all facial expressions of Last Of Us were hand keyframed and they looked more convincing than any mo-capped faces till now(Except Heavenly sword, I must say, those were just phenomenal !). I found that extremely interesting cos I always thought there were great actors behind those amazing performances of ND game's characters. Turns out its their lead animator ! An amazing artist , she is :D !
Yeah, ND has been getting better and better at this. The first and second Uncharted still have an awful lot of cartoonish eyebrow movement going on to convey emotions, but ever since U3 they've pretty much nailed the subtleties.
They also keyframe the hand movements.

But let's not forget that QD does everything in real-time, whereas ND does not. (Ellie's face makes extensive use of blend shapes during cut-scenes which are not supported at run time)
Closeup in B2S looks amazing. They do it quite often in the game. The skin actually "feels" soft.

Uncharted and TLoU need to be more gamey because we have direct control of their action (instead of via QTEs). They will always be a tad unrealistic.
Not really a point in this discussion, but I just wanted to point out that all facial expressions of Last Of Us were hand keyframed and they looked more convincing than any mo-capped faces till now(Except Heavenly sword, I must say, those were just phenomenal !). I found that extremely interesting cos I always thought there were great actors behind those amazing performances of ND game's characters. Turns out its their lead animator ! An amazing artist , she is :D !

Artists have use face cams for reference so you could say they are sorta rotoscoped.
Finished the game in one day. Very good. Gameplay is improved from HR gameplay. Whereas the story is a bit lacking in comparison...although it is difficult to compare those two. Overall, the game is quite entertaining and good.

What was really a pleasure: the graphics. And all in all, now that this gen has finished for me...I really have to give the best graphics (pure visuals) award to Beyond 2 Souls. Some scenes looked amazing and gave a 'real' vibe...astounding. For instance the face of the asian military officiar was so well made...shocking.

Handing out my best graphics award...does not mean that the game is perfect and flawless.

So...welcome next gen :)
But I admit...I can't wait what Quantic Dreams will present us...after seeing B2S in action and comparing it to HR, I see why David Cage stated that the Scocerer demo is the least what one can expect from them next gen...they really know how to push hardware!

PS: even the main menu of the game with a super close up of Jodie's face looks astoundingly good!
I find myself staring at the characters in this game very often and for prolonged period. ^_^
It's a strange experience.

I'm still struggling with this game (motion sickness) at the moment.

So far, it belongs with KZ2, Demon's Souls, and Heavy Rain as titles that deliver my most unusual gaming moments.
Do we know the rendering resolution of this game? Looks like equivalent to 720p, minus the space taken up by the black bars.
What this game demonstrates visually is that the artists working in games today can be as proficient as the ones working in movie VFX and the tech is less and less of a bottleneck. Also, the approahces are pretty much the same
Not all types of interactive entertainment can afford to restrict the camera, scenes, animation, model dress up etc to this degree.

PS. I think Kinect 2.0 is going to drive down the cost/quality ratio of facial motion capture, unless patents screw everything up.
Could not wait any longer for the damn PSN version, ordered the game ! will get by weekend ! Now I am in a sorry situation as I have too many games to play with BF4, Ghosts, BO2 and Beyond coing my way all together :oops: ! Still haven't finished GTA either !
I doubt it will make any difference in normal gameplay. They were using a heavily modded console (maybe even a devkit?) and a "hacked" version of the game. Never happen on a normal console with a store-bought disc.
I'm skeptical of the claims it was actually a debug unit used to generate the images. Enabling debug mode is something people can do with CFW on PS3. In either case they were not legally obtained. Either they used hacked consoles and pirated software, or they violated whatever agreement they had with Sony that allowed them access to debug units.

Of course, if you'll remember, Hot Coffee wasn't accessible in a non-hacked version of San Andreas, either, and that prompted ESRB action and recalls.
They probably should have left the model like a barbie doll, without any nipples or genitals. I haven't seen the leak, and don't plan on looking, so I don't know how detailed it really is, but whoever had the bright idea to fill in the details for amusement around the office probably should have thought better.
Just got a call, my copy is arriving today in sometime ! Woohoo !!!! :p Nothing like when the courier delivers ur game earlier than expected :cool: !
Holy Moly, I wasn't expecting this at all: She just looks real ! SOme scenes are completely photorealistc, especially Jodie ! Wow ! YOu can even see the pores in the skins of the characters! This comepltely shatters what I expected PS3 to be capable of. Th edemo did not prepare me for this.

And I am totally into the story as of now. Feels like a TV series, Heroes or something like that.
Holy Moly, I wasn't expecting this at all: She just looks real ! SOme scenes are completely photorealistc, especially Jodie ! Wow ! YOu can even see the pores in the skins of the characters! This comepltely shatters what I expected PS3 to be capable of. Th edemo did not prepare me for this.

And I am totally into the story as of now. Feels like a TV series, Heroes or something like that.

It gets better and better (and a little weird)
Man, the graphics are so improved over the demo, just played the same area.
Guys, if you have a ps3, get this, if you don't , get a ps3 and get this ! No amount of youtube or even high bitrate videos can tell you how good this game looks like , the texture resolution is through the roof ! I mean, just like The Order 1886, cloth really looks like cloth !

This could have easily been a PS4 launch game and no one would have believed this was possible on the ps3. Fantastic ! I never expected this after Heavy Rain ! This could easily have been a ps4 game.
I have no idea how people can downplay this game, its a crowning achievement of this gen ! Can't wait to finish it !