Anyone having Rainbow Six Siege can double check the roof ?
I like to have more than one source ^^
Alternatively if I someone can get me the level the roof is on I can ask around
It's true that dev platforms are much higher performance than consoles and they use very high-end hardware, such as Xeon + Latest GPU + insane amount of RAM (64Gio), so when you end up running that on the final target (even more so on current consoles with their anemic CPU & Memory) it won't match their framerate (surprised ?), so things have to be optimised and scaled down.
Add to that some companies having artists deciding stuff instead of engineers, and you end up with a lot of things that are way worse than suboptimal...
Now marketing has to make you aware of the game and impress you, and all they have is the work in progress game that run on behemoth systems and looks great...
Not an excuse, but a natural outcome of the way things are done, obviously producers will say (pretend ?) they can get that image quality once everything is optimised out, but that's not exactly how proper engineering works, when the systems have been ill designed and a lot of time & effort has been put into them or their use, it's a way too late to replace them.
I'm curious to hear what solutions people have, you have a work in progress product and you need to build up the hype, technology is still evolving rapidly so you can't hold back a product for long before it starts looking outdated...