Johnny Awesome
You might want to change your sig a little then.
Dr. Ffreeze said:Tommy,
Cool, good input. That is kinda they way I see it. Oh, and I remember the old days of Dimension 3D! RaR! Joo rock! =)
Dr. Ffreeze
Paul said:One problem with your logic here.
1. I sold my PS2 to buy an Xbox.
2. I currently don't have any plans to buy a PS3, I'm interested in Cell and PS3 tech mostly.
3. I don't give a damn about sony's plans for PS3 on a other than gaming level, I care about MS's because I am(or was?) planning to get an Xbox2 because the original was so good basically.
So quite frankly all this stuff your bringing up about Sony doing doesn't mean anything to me.
This has nothing to do with anything. MS's PC OS's are in danger from COMPETING OPERATING SYSTEMS in the living room, whatever they may be. Linux, a proprietary whatever.
All this pure gaming stuff seamus and the crew touted with Xbox is being thrown out the window with Xbox2.
Do you object to this? A simple yes or no, don't try and sway the conversation as you have been doing.
Paul said:AzBat said:The only reason I could see why Paul and cybermerc have a problem is that Sony's competition is Microsoft and not some other perceptively non-evil company like Nintendo, Sega or a consumer electronic company like Panasonic.
MS wants control of the living room so no other companies can use competing OS's in devices such as a Playstation.
This is the problem, MS isn't in this to create good competition; they are in it to take total control of the living room so nothing can hurt their PC OS's.
You didn't read my posts at all did you.
And quite frankly, all this MS stuff is as irrelevant.
So what?
have no idea why you or anyone else would "plan to buy" an X-Box2, PS3, or Next Nintendo for playing games...when we have no idea how any one of them will function competitively in that department.
AzBat said:I did, but I just don't agree with them or see them as having any basis in reality.
Anyway, Joe, Dave and others have done a pretty good job of debating your points, so I won't rehash their responses. However, I will ask you a simple question. Let's say Microsoft never produced the Xbox and that left just Sony and Nintendo, then how do you think things would have turned out for the console business?
Tommy McClain
You assume too much. Going by this same logic; Your a major MS supporter because Billgates bought you a house.
Paul said:I don't own or plan to own a sony console so anyone bringing up what Sony is doing and comparing it to MS means nothing to me.
We are discussing MS.. it's not irrelevant.
You obviously don't care that they are obviously being hypocrites, I do end of story.
It's called brand recognition, why do you think all those people bought a ps2. It's because these people enjoyed psone and expect ps2 to be as good or better.
Xbox was good, I had no reason to believe Xbox2 would be better.
cybamerc said:AzBat said:then Sony themselves could be the ones taking over the living room
Unlikely. To truly take over the living room you need to control the distribution of content. Sony has a horrible track record when it comes to building up support for its proprietary media formats. You just won't see other content and hardware providers team up with Sony on Sony's terms.
cybamerc said:AzBat said:in the end the customer wins by having a choice and lower costs
Do we really? As I see it this competition comes at the cost of quality. Sure you may get the hardware below cost, perhaps with a few free games, but hardware quality and software quality (creatively as well as technically) has taken a dive. In the end, the console market isn't big enough for three players and do you really think that once the competition has been settled and one party emerges as the victor, that consumers will still get the same deals we're seeing today? Especially if that company is M$?
cybamerc said:AzBat said:Nobody else has the balls, money or technology.
M$ doesn't have the last part. They have to buy it from those who do.
cybamerc said:AzBat said:I'd rather have a choice then none at all, wouldn't you?
A choice? Noone is forcing you to buy a PlayStation. As for options, we've always had several of those. Genuine options and not just also-rans that are trying to mimick Sony.
Paul said:I'm making myself look bad? No, I stated my own god damn opinion of what I think about MS and what they are doing, but of course their are always the "ms is god" crew around to try and dispell any of this.
Look whose talking, the forum troll. Instead of telling me to stick to PS3 topics how about I tell you to stick to Teamxbox.
Yea I say ms is the antichrist around internet.. you obviously have no god damn clue.
Go back to ruining topics with ps2 gfxx are crap garbage.
How about instead of whining about how ps2 graphics suck on internet forums you GTFO and go do something about it.. I dunno maybe write Kutaragi a letter?
randycat99 said:...but Chap never takes his own advice!