Is this going to be a problem for Quick Resume going forward then because more and more single player experiences seem to have some kind of online connectivity. AC Valhalla does although it doesn't appear to be persistent. I wonder what Watch Dogs is doing differently? I recall the first two games included a mode to allow others to drop into your single player experience, and for you to drop into theirs but as I recall it was entirely optional.
WD1 was optional. Don't recall how it was with WD2. Didn't play the new WD yet. Wouldn't be surprised this online session thing is just a part of certain UBI sandbox games now as a general anti-piracy means with the needed extra functionality for persistent environments, shared players, multiplayer modes and so on. Doesn't mean every game uses all the functions but all run based on the same system.
You can understand Destiny 2 not working with it, but why not NBA 2K21? I am not liking this online direction for single player games, particularly if it's breaking core console features intended to improve the user's experience.
NBA 2k21 has multiplayer according to google.