Xbox June Showcase 2024 (June 9th 10am PT / 1pm ET / 6pm BST)

Contraband might make a showing. Avalanche first pitched it to MS six years ago. Eight player COOP probably isn't my thing, but the next gen version of their APEX engine will be interesting.
I'm 100% confident of a gameplay reveal of the Perfect Dark Reboot... To not happen at all.
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An insider leak claims Doom: Dark Ages will be shown and is a proper, multi-platform release targeting Series consoles, PS5 and PC. I hope they have managed something truly transformative over Eternal.
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Games take six years. 2027 at the earliest!
That doesn’t mean they can still show a trailer? Wasn’t Hellblade shown 5 years ago?
They could show a halo trailer right now, realise in 2028 and still have a shorter release cycle compared to Hellblade. Anyway I expect the reveal to go a little like this:

“I am Phil Spencer, and I know our gamers have been hurting. I have been hurting. We will heal together, not only with gamepass, which is still the best value and gaming hands down with excellent groundbreaking content from our award winning teams, but with a new Halo game which will launch day 1, on gamepass. I am very proud and here is a trailer which our team composed Just for this special occasion which I want to share with you”
If Spencer came out and said that I would literally puke. 🤣

Xbox have rightly had stick for CGI trailers. If they show Halo it needs to honour Halo 2 and 3's excellent, if bullshit, in-engine reveals.
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The 360 era Halo trailers and reveals all were always excellent, if they can emulate those than it could be big success
People are still searching for past glory even 20 years out. But I think MS just allowing the teams they make to create games and ship them on top without shutting the studio down is enough at this point. I hear things about blue dragon and lost odyssey and wonder if it makes sense
"I am Phil Spencer, and I know our gamers have been hurting. I have been hurting. We will heal together, not only with gamepass, which is still the best value and gaming hands down with excellent groundbreaking content from our award winning teams, but with a new Halo game which will launch day 1, on gamepass. I am very proud and here is a trailer which our team composed Just for this special occasion which I want to share with you”

I hope Phil comes out with this cringebomb, it would be legendary :ROFLMAO:

They should start acting like a corporation, not as the gamer friends that are there to console (eh) the hardcore fans.
The 360 era Halo trailers and reveals all were always excellent, if they can emulate those than it could be big success

The Slipspace and initial Infinite trailers were both excellent. Shame the actual game fell short graphically and story wise (I did quite enjoyed playing the campaign).
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An insider leak claims Doom: Dark Ages will be shown and is a proper, multi-platform release targeting Series consoles, PS5 and PC. I hope they have managed something truly transformative over Eternal.
I still dont understand where you go after Eternal. It's why I was hoping they'd take a break before kind of soft rebooting the series again, maybe tackle Quake or do something entirely new in the meantime.

Eternal was so bombastic and overwhelming in what it required from the player. Some people loved this, but it was just too much for lots of others. Amazing game, but you cant keep pushing in that direction or else you're going to be left with only hardcore types who can get by and have fun with it. But I dont think simply dialing things back will work great either, cuz if you took the time to play through Eternal and get used to those systems, going back to Doom 2016 feels quaint by comparison.

If they're already doing a new Doom, I'd guess it will be very similar to Eternal in terms of design. Feels too early for them to have done anything 'transformative'. Would love to be surprised, though.

As for it being multiplatform, that's great for consumers and PS users, but it's really putting a nail in the coffin for why anybody should buy an Xbox. If such a headline game is just straight up multiplatform from Day 1, not even timed exclusive, then they really are just turning into a 3rd party publisher. I think we'll get one more generation of Xbox consoles before they shut down the hardware/console platform side of things.
I still dont understand where you go after Eternal. It's why I was hoping they'd take a break before kind of soft rebooting the series again, maybe tackle Quake or do something entirely new in the meantime.

Eternal was so bombastic and overwhelming in what it required from the player. Some people loved this, but it was just too much for lots of others. Amazing game, but you cant keep pushing in that direction or else you're going to be left with only hardcore types who can get by and have fun with it. But I dont think simply dialing things back will work great either, cuz if you took the time to play through Eternal and get used to those systems, going back to Doom 2016 feels quaint by comparison.

If they're already doing a new Doom, I'd guess it will be very similar to Eternal in terms of design. Feels too early for them to have done anything 'transformative'. Would love to be surprised, though.

As for it being multiplatform, that's great for consumers and PS users, but it's really putting a nail in the coffin for why anybody should buy an Xbox. If such a headline game is just straight up multiplatform from Day 1, not even timed exclusive, then they really are just turning into a 3rd party publisher. I think we'll get one more generation of Xbox consoles before they shut down the hardware/console platform side of things.
Apparently this is a prequel to all the doom games. I’m happy with just iteration as far as game design goes as I love the gameplay loop, but I want to see a notable audio/visual jump.
Apparently this is a prequel to all the doom games. I’m happy with just iteration as far as game design goes as I love the gameplay loop, but I want to see a notable audio/visual jump.

That had me pondering what a visual leap for them would be. Full real-time GI with light and shadows flying about everywhere would suit Doom well, if they can make that performant.
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Apparently this is a prequel to all the doom games. I’m happy with just iteration as far as game design goes as I love the gameplay loop, but I want to see a notable audio/visual jump.
Minor iteration for gameplay, yea. I wouldn't mind that either, but it's definitely less exciting than from Doom 2016 to Eternal, which significantly escalated what was already a very aggressive gameplay loop.

That had me pondering what a vidual leap for them would be. Full real-time GI with light and shadows flying about everywhere would suit Doom well, if they can make that performant.
Doom 2016/Eternal had fairly plasticky looking assets and kinda flat, baked lighting. It worked well with its cohesive art style and being locked 60fps and all, but there's definitely plenty of room for improvement.

Environments were also fairly spartan in most instances, though I think this also helped gameplay readability, so not just a technical limitation.
Apparently this is a prequel to all the doom games. I’m happy with just iteration as far as game design goes as I love the gameplay loop, but I want to see a notable audio/visual jump.
doubt we will see much of a jump. Doom was rebooted in 2016 so pc hardware isn't that much more advanced adn its not like rdna2 can really push ray tracing hard