This isn't necessarily true. Most modern MMORPGs are pretty latency sensitive once you get into end game content. While tab-targetting MMORPGs are more latency friendly for casual leveling up content, boss fights and raids become increasingly latency sensitive. In FFXIV, if you don't have really low latency, Raids are going to be almost impossible due to boss mechanics (limited time to react to boss mechanics that can one-shot kill you and thus lead to a failed Boss attempt).
In action MMORPGs (like most Korean and Chinese MMOs), they have 3rd person action combat and latency is almost always important. Especially since almost all of these have heavy PvP integration.
And while you can be more casual and sloppy with controls in single player RTS with lower difficulty settings, once you get into competitive or really hard AI, latency is the difference between getting slaughtered or not slaughtered in some of the more popular RTS games. For example, at a competitive level, Starcraft 2 requires as much or more twitch reflexes and twitch inputs as a FPS.
That said, almost any game at a casual level (like say easy difficulty) will be latency tolerant just because there's a lot of buffer for the player to make mistakes, which includes slow responses to on screen prompts, with few consequences.
However, some game types will always "feel" bad with higher latency than you're used to. For example, all FPS games "feel" bad on console for me as a result of higher latency and more importantly limited control response (turning for example is limited by what the game allows for max turning rate with a controller versus mostly unlimited limits on how quickly you can turn with a mouse) and limited control precision.
Anyway, all that is to say that there are few exceptions where higher latency doesn't have a sloppier feel. Something like a point and click adventure game is likely going to feel the same even with relatively high latency. Simple RTS games like the tug of war subgenre or other mobile types that are basically just queuing up actions likely won't feel much different. While a full RTS experience in competitive or higher difficulties will degrade with higher latency.