Worst day in Norway since WW2

Norway also has one of the highest standard of living in the world, with a rather even (socialist) distribution of wealth. Welfare is also pretty good.

I think that is much more of an explanation than comfortable prisons.

Yes, this is an important factor without any question. And it has nothing to do necessarily with the country being rich or poor - Norway and The Netherlands are both rich countries, but the per-capita income is lower than in the US. However, wealth-distribution is much better and crucially poverty levels are much lower.

Furthermore it's not like these hotels for prisoners are cheap

And still, if I remember correctly, in the US prisons are some of the most expensive in the world. I'm at the very least pretty sure they have comparatively many people in them. The prison industry in the US is huge. Doesn't necessarily mean that the system is fundamentally broken, but I am getting the impression that there are too many people benefitting from prisons. I'm just waiting for some kind of scandal to break out similar to the cigarette manufacturor scandals. :D

Ps: Convicted killers actually get time of from jail on good behavior, without guards. And it has happen that these convicted killers actually murder someone while on their time off.

Here most common thing to go wrong is that someone who is in a curative state of imprisonment is allowed outside of prison with caretakers sometimes escapes and in rare cases does something bad. The big question here is whether or not you should give up on trying to rehabilitate 90 / 100 criminals just because 10 / 100 is going to do something bad again. Repeat offender stats do differ for various crimes. If I recall correctly for murder it is actually quite low, and for sex offenders it is quite high (which is one of the reasons why they are registered in most countries).
One thing I hope will become mainstream is requiring inmates to do labor in prison to pay their own "rent" and food/utilities also pay taxes and fees for prison services like hair cuts, clothes washing and medical care and also purchases.
In current economics where real unemployment is somewhere around 10-20%, what kind of jobs would the inmates have to do to pay for themselves?
Arwin said:
Yes, this is an important factor without any question. And it has nothing to do necessarily with the country being rich or poor - Norway and The Netherlands are both rich countries, but the per-capita income is lower than in the US. However, wealth-distribution is much better and crucially poverty levels are much lower..

Usd per capita is lower than in Norway. Nominal is approx 90k usd per capita in Norway.

And still, if I remember correctly, in the US prisons are some of the most expensive in the world. I'm at the very least pretty sure they have comparatively many people in them.

I promise you, Norwegian prison costs are atleast double.
Zaphod said:
Per prisoner, per day? Probably triple. Per capita? Less than a third.

Well, us putting everyone in jail ofc makes stuff quite expensive. I saw a documentary recently which claimed there was close to a million us citizens in prison for possession of weed. That is crazy
An update to this sad story:
Norwegian prosecutor Svein Holden: "The observed person was psychotic at the time the offences were committed"

Psychiatrists assessing self-confessed Norwegian mass killer Anders Behring Breivik have concluded that he is suffering from paranoid schizophrenia.

They believe he was in a psychotic state during the twin attacks on 22 July that led to the deaths of 77 people and injured 151.

He was also insane during the 13 interviews he held with two psychiatrists, a news conference heard.

Breivik admits carrying out the attacks but has pleaded not guilty to charges.
It is at the very least clearly not 'temporary', because he planned everything in great detail.
His manifesto, as well as the level of preparation he showed carrying out the acquisition of weapons and ammunition, researching, testing and manufacturing his bombs and so on would speak of the rational state of mind he was in.

A crazy person would not manage something like that IMO, he's faking it to try and gain advantage.
Why is insanity considered a binary state where one either is literally too crazy to be capable of doing some things vs not being crazy at all?
His manifesto, as well as the level of preparation he showed carrying out the acquisition of weapons and ammunition, researching, testing and manufacturing his bombs and so on would speak of the rational state of mind he was in.

That makes no sense. Are you arguing that the things you list there are the sorts of things that ordinary, normal, well-adjusted people spend their weekends doing?!

Just because he was capable of methodical planning doesn't mean he wasn't unhinged.
His manifesto, as well as the level of preparation he showed carrying out the acquisition of weapons and ammunition, researching, testing and manufacturing his bombs and so on would speak of the rational state of mind he was in.

A crazy person would not manage something like that IMO, he's faking it to try and gain advantage.

The article said:

The two psychiatrists who interviewed him on 13 occasions concluded that he lived in his "own delusional universe where all his thoughts and acts are guided by his delusions", prosecutors told reporters.

He was capable of planning and calm thought, it just so happens that his underlying thought processes and/or assumptions were warped enough that he is considered crazy.
Lol Norway. If any of you guys ever feel like committing mass murder, you know where to go.
That makes no sense. Are you arguing that the things you list there are the sorts of things that ordinary, normal, well-adjusted people spend their weekends doing?!

Just because he was capable of methodical planning doesn't mean he wasn't unhinged.


If anything, the lengthy meticulous planning demonstrates the extend of his delusions.

Sane or insane - for me his crime deserves only one punishment. There is a hope some crazy inmates will do the justice.