Megaman is a side scroller(SMB rip), has items you can acquire that aren't 'visible' in the typical sense(SMB rip), is uses platforms w/life or death elements involved(SMB rip). SMB created almost all of the mechanics of side scrolling games, I can't think of any side scrollers that don't utilize most of SMB's mechanics(control basis, challenge factor etc).

You've got to be kidding. Rockman has level segment that goes up and down as well as to the side. Items that aren't visible ? Rockman 1 up, is a Rockman head, place in some level, that you can see upon entering some segment of the level. It is certainly isn't hidden in SMB style 1 up mushroom. Rockman has healthbar as well as powerbar for different weapons, Enemies drop items to increase these as well. It has different bosses at the end to boot.
SMB control basis ? I hope you are not talking press left, to move your avatar left, press right move your avatar right. SMB has a run button, Rockman doesn't. Mario jump is different to Rockman jump. Rockman gain new powerups after defeating the bosses, Mario gain powerups, by finding hidden things in boxes.
Free roaming is what I mean. Prior to Mario all 3rd person '3D' games were built in a corridor style in terms of gameplay mechanics. Mario allowed people to run off in any direction they wanted to. Mario was the first 3rd person game to do this(and it is the reason why it blew people away).
Free roaming Vs Corridor ?, that's it ?
Mario responses with different terrain(type, angle, velocity) that his is on added with quirky Mario control is what seperate typical Mario from other games. And to exaggerate all these and make things easier for you, is super deformed Mario.
Like Miyamoto said before in an interview, Mario is a game for people who like to play around with joypad. All typical Mario games is about mastering joypad through hand to eye co-ordination.
Other platformer or other games, try to remove alot of these things in order to make games easier to play.
Mario elements aren't that great, if you do not have that underlying mechanics. And Rockman has different underlying mechanics to SMB. These underlying mechanics is what many games today lacked.
Maybe people don't appreciate them anymore