I'm going to go out on a limb and say that if Rockband can keep you from buying a next generation console, even one that you could get company discounts for, you are in fact not that interested in gaming.
On a slightly larger scale, there are people who would say that if you are really interested in gaming, you would own at least two platforms, maybe three, money permitting. But that seems more contentious, than the idea than that the family decides whether or not there is room for a next gen console in a household based on whether or not Rockband and the 1000$ of DLC will run on it
Personally, I would also be miffed if my Rockband and Singstar songs aren't available on the next-gen platforms, but that won't stop me from getting a next-gen system as soon as it is available (unless price/value ratio is out of the window of course).
Right now I just don't know enough about the neXtBox to know whether I'll want one or not. And the best thing about the Wii U so far is that the MaxPlay adapter allows you to run it in your car
But the next Playstation 4 is quite likely to make it into our household. Hopefully doing a SingStore app up-port to PS4 isn't going to be too hard, and something like a port of the PC version of Rockband 3 may be easy too, but I'm willing to bet that the real issue is that the licencing deal with the music industry limits allowing users to take their content to a new platform, or something stupid like that.