Little secret: I HATE OFF-ROADING!!!

Haven't updated for a while since it's all been a bunch of nothing. Jay had some family issues to deal with so he is behind. Got the new engine in and the jeep running, one of the cylinders was misfiring and needed a new sensor. Got the new sensor installed a few weeks later and then the whole engine was misfiring. Then he figured out that water and/or mud got in to the gas tank so he was going to drop that and clean it out and change the oil/lube in the differentials so their bearings don't burn out. That was all from a few weeks ago. Learned about the gas tank last Monday and he swore it would be done by last Thursday. Haven't heard anything yet.

On the bright side it's 65f outside so if we ever do get it back I'll be able to take off the top, doors, pull the carpet and mebbe the seats, and power wash the bejeebus out of it. :)
Texted Jay about a week ago and heard nothing. My wife had an appointment out by where he lives and she texted me to tell me she was going to drive past just to see if her Jeep was there. I texted Jay to let him know and that our anxiety over it was getting a bit high. He called me back 2 minutes later.

So I didn't answer. It felt extremely freeing and liberating, I could wait to talk to him when I felt like it.

I had to shower and go somewhere and as soon as i was naked and getting ready to step in the shower he called again and for some reason I answered. He told me he'd just been talking to his wife about getting it done and he had some people coming over to hang out and help out, so it would definitely be finished this week.

For no reason whatsoever I am choosing to believe him. He's having a NWI Jeepers gathering at the Badlands where we sank the Jeep on April 27th and invited us along. Told him I'd love to, I just need a Jeep. He assured me it really would be done. I told him my wife's birthday was a couple of Fridays from now and if he could have the Jeep ready before that it'd be super fantastic as she has a week of vacation then too and he assured me it'd be ready.

So I'm looking at proper trail flag mounts, poles, and flags. Pretty sure I'll get something like this since it's cheap, works, and has a quick detach feature. Figure mount it to the rear bumper with a 6" whip pole and a flag up top. The flag is the bit I'm debating. I REALLY want to put a "don't step on snek" sign on it since most people will think it's the Gadsen flag and it cracks me up. Either that or a Purdue one, it needs to match her Jeep's color scheme or compliment it is my big hang up.

I had a memory flash slam me the other day when my wife asked me something about if I'll be able to take the interior out with my hands as they are and I suddenly just had a perfect recall of the two days of hell it was for me last time I had to take all the carpets/mats out and power wash the interior and the mats and carpet, then use the rug cleaner on the carpets, then dry it out and put it all back together. Just like "WHAM!" and I suddenly remembered it all in perfect detail, I haven't had a memory hit me like that in a long time.Then my neighbor talked to me as they had picked up a Wrangler because they'd liked ours but now it had the death wobble. I actually knew what she was talking about since we had the same thing and I just dropped down and crawled under her Wrangler and started taking some pictures. Showed her where the steering dampner was and that an upgraded on was about $50us and it was literally two bolts to replace it. Her husband works on their vehicles so I figured he'd like to know and I ended up hunting down a few articles and videos for them about what to check and how to fix it.

It was another memory bomb, just "BOOM! Here's how you fixed that!" in my head and it got me thinking about all the thing I've done to that Wrangler. Replacing the rear window and tailgate after my wife backed in to a pole, putting spacers on after she decided to get bigger rubber on her rims without considering how it'd bump in to some steering components, putting the stupid red net on the rollcage that I now love so much, putting on a winch, putting on a bullbar, installing lights to the bullbar and running the switch through the firewall and cutting a hole in the dash and being shocked at how nice and professionally done it all looked afterwords, replacing the stock headlights with LED ones, all the times I've had to re-attach or just put back on the fenders that we'd tear off on the trail, and a couple of other things. I can't help but like it, there's a lot of me in it.

So I've decided it really will be ready this week and I need help picking out a trail flag for her. Any suggestions or comments are welcome. Sorry for the long post but it's been a weird week or two for me personally and I've went from trying to figure out how to get my family ready to live without me to having dodged another bullet and getting another shot at living forever has just put me in a bit more positive mood. Gonna head out to the gym and try and get even healthier so I can keep doing more stuff.

She'll be back soon, I know she will. :love:
Sorry why do you need a flag ?
and is that your idea of fun??????
Edit: forgot what the thread title was. That still leaves the question why are you off-roading
Sorry why do you need a flag ?
It's required safety gear on all vehicles at the Badlands and most off-road parks. It makes it easier to see vehicles from far away or over rocks/dunes/bushes. If you don't have one they sell you the little cheapy window one that I hate and I always though a real whip flag would not only look better but be safer as it goes higher and is more visible.

Why I'm off-roading is because my wife enjoys the hell out of it and I enjoy her being happy. Also because I bring my toolkit and an over abundance of knowledge now on how to get Jeeps unstuck, how to avoid getting stuck in the first place, and how to jury rig some repairs enough to get us home.

Off-roading isn't my idea of fun, but having the top off the Jeep and the half doors on is an absolute joy to drive around in the summer in. Even funner when we take the puppies with, but I stay pretty occupied making sure they stay in the vehicle.

Oh, I do love one thing about off-roading: getting home. I always just have a surge of joy when it's finally over.
Well he's told me it'd be done at least 5-6 times since last posting, today is the day enough is enough. Just texted him:

Hey Jay, we drove past yesterday and saw our Jeep hasn't moved since last time we drove past. I sympathize with your current situation with your health but my wife wants her Jeep back soon and that's not gonna be happening at this rate.

If you can't fix it now I understand but I have to get it fixed. If you could please write up a bill for what you did and write what still needs doing we can settle up with you and trail it over to somewhere to get it finished up.

Sorry if this isn't fun to read or puts additional pressure on you, I'm not trying to pressure or hurt you, just trying to get the Jeep back that's been at your place since Jan 3, 2023.

Please let me know as soon as possible what you would like to do
He called back. He asked us to give him until Friday and if it isn't done he'll have it towed anywhere we want. I said sure. I mean, why not at this point? <sigh>

It's the clutch slave cylinder this time and he wants to measure the throw out on the clutch to make sure the yoke is working right. I at least understand what he's talking about but I don't see why that part failed as me and my buddy replaced it less than a year before we sank it. Don't care, if he can fix it great and if he can't at least we have a hard date to send it to someone who can.
He's ghosted me since my last post. Here's today's fun:

5/17 2:00 texted "Hey Jay, I was about to call Grieger to have the Wrangler towed over there since they're the least untrusty Jeep dealer around but then I remembered you were thinking of trying for a job with them and I didn't want to unload a horror repair story about you to them

Please let me know what's going on, I feel like I'm getting driven in to a corner here and I dislike it so much that I refuse to be forced to stay in it for much longer.

I wish it would have worked out but if it isn't lets end it cleanly please. I'd hate this to get any harder for either of us. ☹️"

2:17 Jay called and apologized and said he was heading to Grieger to pick up a new clutch master cylinder and will have it buttoned up later he hopes. He'll call either tonight or tomorrow. Claims he cancelled a trip to Terra Haute this weekend to work on it.
Spoke to him today, all that's left is a defective clutch plate. He said he could get us a stock one for $150 and have it ready tomorrow or he could get a warranty replacement for our Centerforce for free but it won't be ready until Friday.

Considering the Centerforce is much stronger than stock plus free we went with that. Kind of the reason we upgraded to the Centerforce in the first place.
Jay: "I tried calling it is not going through just working through bugs exhaust leak at the moment taking care of that and then I will let you know what's going on"

Attached a 30 second video so I could hear the exhaust leak.

Me: "Just listened to the video on my PC and that noise is an exhaust leak? I thought that was a loose rocker arm noise.
Not disagreeing with you just trying to learn. My wife is off and home today, any good news?"

When texting my friend Groo about the whole thing and I accidentally texted Jay a copy of the video he'd sent me the day before. I got a call from Jay shortly after. He listened to the video and couldn't hear the exhaust leak either but did hear the rocker arm rattle. He got the exhaust leak fixed and is working on the rocker arms now. That's the short version of the last 2-1/2 hours of my life. :|
My latest entries of my notes:


Wednesday, May 29 · 5:28 PM
Any chance of the Jeep being ready by Friday?

Wednesday, May 29 · 6:43 PM
I'm hoping tomorrow will let you know

Friday, May 31 · 8:29 AM
Any chance of getting the Jeep today?

Saturday, Jun 1 · 11:31 AM
Any progress?

Tuesday, Jun 4 · 12:53 PM
What's up, any progress?

1000000144.mp4 (video of Jeep engine running focusing on front near alternator, there's a noticeable ticking sound)

I tried calling it is not going through just working through bugs exhaust leak at the moment taking care of that and then I will let you know what's going on

Sorry, I'm at the doctor office

No worries I was pretty much just going to tell you what I just text you. Hope everything goes well.

Thank you

Wednesday, Jun 5 · 10:22 AM
Just listened to the video on my PC and that noise is an exhaust leak? I thought that was a loose rocker arm noise.
Not disagreeing with you just trying to learn. My wife is off and home today, any good news?

Thursday, Jun 6 · 12:11 PM
My wife is off again so I have to ask if there's any news.
Sorry if I'm pestering you too much and hope your day is going well.

Saturday · 11:40 AM
Did you find out what the ticking was?

Sunday - afternoonish

phone conversation where he explains he hadn't listened to the clip but when he did he didn't hear the exhaust problem
he'd just fixed but heard the rocker tick too so he looked and found the cam phasers were bad. new ones were ordered
and should be there the next day and he'd put 'em in and have her ready

Tuesday - 11:09 - phone call from Jay. There was a delay because he was shipped two exhaust
phasers and he needed an intake and an exhaust. Got the mix up fixed but it cost a day or two. Is
working on it and hopes to have it done today or tomorrow latest.

Wednesday · 3:34 PM
Any chance she'll be ready today?


6/14 Called Jay, he replaced the cam phaseers since they were the tick. They were replaced a couple of days ago but there's a lot of engine to put back together. Jay said he had to go to the hospital for heat stroke when he was working on it yesterday. It''s 11:44 and he called to tell me all this and that he's working on it and hopes to have it done today soonish.
Good times, it's a Jeep thing!
Called Jay at 10:30 and he said he was going to call me in 30 minutes with hopefully some good news. That was over an hour ago and I am annoyed. :(
He called back. He put inline filters on the oil and coolant systems and he's been running her for an hour then blowing them out and letting it sit an hour, rinse and repeat. The coolant filter is finally looking clear and the temps are all holding well but the oil is still getting muck in the filter and drops after a while so he wants to keep it up until the oil runs clean too. Yes this is a new engine but he pulled all the parts off our old engine and even though he tried to clean the bits as best he could there is still mud caked inside some of the bits.

Getting closer or just building my hopes up for a disappointment?
Oil and cooler fluids about clean, emergency brake fixed, then he decided to try the lockers and they didn't work. Opened it up to discover a lot of crud in it and it was blocking the electromagnet from engaging. He cleaned it and sent picts:




The locker electromagnet is the disk that the tip of the clip thingy on the right is pointing at. He's taking apart the rear differential and doing the same thing as well as rerouting their venting to a higher location (I don't quite understand that bit but he says it's a good and he does it with all JK differentials that he works on. The axles are Dana 40s so cleaning 'em out is HELLA cheaper than replacing them.

Asked him if he could give me a realistic estimate of when it will be ready and he asked me if I could wait until tomorrow night after he gets a chance to open up the rear diff and see how it looks. Seemed reasonable and realistic so I agreed. Everything is still all friendly but I'm starting to fear he might try and jack up the bill a bit. I'm not against it since he's done a lot more than expected but I prefer to be informed in advance if the price is changing due to situations.

Just an update since I have one, this time with new picts!

We sank the Jeep on Sept 11th 2021 if anyone else is keeping track.
So the rear differentials locker was totally gunked too and the bearings needed replacing. Apparently the shims fell off and we're just loose in the housing along with sand and mud, Jay is running the top vent intakes on the diffs higher to prevent that from happening again. The rear locker is clean and working but he's waiting on some new shims to keep something in there centered. I'm not real sure how the shims work or what they are, another fun thing to look up later.

His wife is in the hospital with a case of lupis right now so he's got his hands full but he thinks it may be back together after this weekend. We live and hope.